Ivanenko, Y. P., Dominici, N., Cappellini, G., Dan, B., Cheron, G. and Lacquaniti, F. (2004). Development of pendulum mechanism and kinematic coordination from the first unsupported steps in toddlers. J. Exp. Biol.207, 3797-3810.
In the on-line version of this paper, an error appears in equation 6(p. 3800). The correct version of the equation is as follows: 6In addition, in the on-line version, the first sentence of the second paragraph of the subsection `Relation with speed' in the Results(p. 3805) should read:
\[\ R_{{\alpha}{\beta}}({\Delta})=\frac{{{\int}}{\alpha}(t){\cdot}{\beta}(t+{\Delta})\mathrm{d}t}{\sqrt{{{\int}}{\alpha}^{2}(t)\mathrm{d}t{\cdot}{{\int}}{\beta}^{2}(t)\mathrm{d}t}},\]
Fig. 5A shows the R vs Fr function for our toddlers at the first unsupported steps, 1–5 months later, for children older than 2 years of age, and for adults.
The print version of the article is correct.
We apologise to authors and readers for any inconvenience these errors may have caused.
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