Two factors have been recognized as regulating moulting and metamorphosis in Rhodnius prolixus: a “moulting hormone” and a so-called “inhibitory hormone” (Wigglesworth, 1934, 1936).


Preliminary note published (Wigglesworth, 19396).


The significance of these chromatin droplets and the evidence that they are derived from defunct cells will form the subject of a separate paper.


Piepho (19386), has shown that a fragment of imaginal cuticle of the moth Galleria implanted into young pupae lays down a similar formless cuticle without scales.


A preliminary note on these results has already been published (Wigglesworth, 1939a).


The adult represented in Text-fig. 10 had more spines than usual on the segment illustrated and more new spines appeared at moulting than in any other experiment in this series.


Suppression of the imaginal system may, of course, be brought about by other means ; such as the absorption by the nymphal system of some essential factor. This would bring the hypothesis into line with that put forward to explain the suppression of new plaques around existing plaques (Wigglesworth, 1940).

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