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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2007) 120 (24): 4261–4268.
Published: 15 December 2007
...Takeshi Kobayashi; Vincent J. Hearing Mutations of the critical and rate-limiting melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase (Tyr) result in hypopigmentation of the hair, skin and eyes. Two other related enzymes, Tyrp1 and Dct, catalyze distinct post-Tyr reactions in melanin biosynthesis. Tyr, Tyrp1 and Dct...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2004) 117 (16): 3659–3668.
Published: 15 July 2004
...Hee-Young Park; Heng Wu; Christina E. Killoran; Barbara A. Gilchrest Protein kinase C (PKC), a family of at least eleven isoforms, mediates numerous cell functions. In human melanocytes, α, β, δ, ϵ and ζ isoforms of PKC are expressed, but uniquely PKC-β activates tyrosinase, the key and the rate...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2000) 113 (22): 4077–4086.
Published: 15 November 2000
... homozygotes revealed that the lysosomal membrane proteins Lamp I and Lamp II and the melanosomal membrane protein tyrosinase were mislocalized. In particular, the Lamp proteins were clustered on the cell surface. These findings strengthen the evidence for an alternate pathway via the plasma membrane for cargo...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1995) 108 (6): 2301–2309.
Published: 1 June 1995
... are extrinsic to the melanocyte, and include α-melanocyte stimulating hormone and the agouti protein. Tyrosinase, encoded at the albino locus, is the enzyme essential for the synthesis of both types of melanin, but other tyrosinase-related proteins (e.g. TRP1 encoded at the brown locus and TRP2 encoded...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1994) 107 (4): 1095–1103.
Published: 1 April 1994
...-induced melanogenesis in S91 mouse melanoma cells and in normal human melanocytes (NHM). In both cells types, the two RA isoforms significantly decreased the UVB-stimulated melanogenesis in term of tyrosinase activity and melanin neosynthesis. To correlate changes in melanogenesis with the expression...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1993) 106 (4): 1015–1022.
Published: 1 December 1993
... melanocytes in culture with daily UVB radiations. Cumulative increases in UVB doses resulted in proportional increases in tyrosinase activity over the first few days whereas an intermittent pattern of tyrosinase activation was observed after the fifth day of irradiation. This intermittent pattern consisted...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1993) 104 (2): 467–475.
Published: 1 February 1993
... ( albino ) locus is the key melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase, but study of its function and regulation have been hampered by the presence of closely related proteins within melanin-synthesising cells. To overcome these problems, we have established lines of mouse fibroblasts expressing the c locus mouse...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1987) 87 (4): 507–512.
Published: 1 May 1987
... cells. Our results also suggest that the L-dopa treatment results in a decrease in tyrosinase activity per melanosome. * Author for correspondence 30 09 1986 27 01 1987 © 1987 by Company of Biologists 1987 melanocyte pheomelanin L-dopa mouse tyrosinase...