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Keywords: flagella
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (13): jcs262152.
Published: 3 July 2024
... contain proteins required for ciliary assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neurons . J. Cell Biol. 141 , 993 - 1008 . 10.1083/jcb.141.4.993 Craige , B. , Brown , J. M. and Witman , G. B. ( 2013 ). Isolation of Chlamydomonas flagella . Curr. Protoc. Cell Biol. 59...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (10): jcs261692.
Published: 3 June 2024
... Ciliogenesis Trypanosoma Cilia Flagella Nigel Groome PhD studentship Wellcome Trust 211075/Z/18/Z Oxford Brookes University Cilia and flagella are highly conserved microtubule-based...
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Journal Articles
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Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2023) 136 (16): jcs261070.
Published: 17 August 2023
...Tomohiro Kubo; Yuma Tani; Haru-Aki Yanagisawa; Masahide Kikkawa; Toshiyuki Oda ABSTRACT α- and β-tubulin have an unstructured glutamate-rich region at their C-terminal tails (CTTs). The function of this region in cilia and flagella is still unclear, except that glutamates in CTTs act as the sites...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Chandra Ramakrishnan, Cécile Fort, Sara Rute Marques, David J. P. Ferguson, Marion Gransagne, Jake Baum, Soraya Chaouch, Elisabeth Mouray, Linda Kohl, Richard J. Wheeler, Robert E. Sinden
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2023) 136 (11): jcs260655.
Published: 8 June 2023
...Chandra Ramakrishnan; Cécile Fort; Sara Rute Marques; David J. P. Ferguson; Marion Gransagne; Jake Baum; Soraya Chaouch; Elisabeth Mouray; Linda Kohl; Richard J. Wheeler; Robert E. Sinden ABSTRACT Flagella are important for eukaryote cell motility, including in sperm, and are vital for life cycle...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2023) 136 (3): jcs260565.
Published: 8 February 2023
... nature. The discovery that polycystins interact with mastigonemes, the ‘hair-like’ protrusions of flagella, is a novel finding in identifying the interactors of polycystins in cilia. While the functions of polycystins proposed by both models may coexist in cilia, it is hoped that a precise understanding...
Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2022) 135 (24): jcs260408.
Published: 19 December 2022
...Karl Lechtreck ABSTRACT The assembly and maintenance of most cilia and eukaryotic flagella depends on intraflagellar transport (IFT), the bidirectional movement of multi-megadalton IFT trains along the axonemal microtubules. These IFT trains function as carriers, moving ciliary proteins between...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (21): jcs254227.
Published: 10 November 2021
... here ( Table 1 ), suggesting that they might form the C1b pillar, or part of the C1f or C2b projections. Previous classical EM studies have observed that the entire C1b projection is missing from Chlamydomonas cpc1 mutant flagella ( Mitchell and Sale, 1999 ; Zhang and Mitchell, 2004 ). Therefore...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Xin Zhang, Jiang Sun, Yonggang Lu, Jintao Zhang, Keisuke Shimada, Taichi Noda, Shuqin Zhao, Takayuki Koyano, Makoto Matsuyama, Shushu Zhou, Jiayan Wu, Masahito Ikawa, Mingxi Liu
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (20): jcs259381.
Published: 21 October 2021
...Xin Zhang; Jiang Sun; Yonggang Lu; Jintao Zhang; Keisuke Shimada; Taichi Noda; Shuqin Zhao; Takayuki Koyano; Makoto Matsuyama; Shushu Zhou; Jiayan Wu; Masahito Ikawa; Mingxi Liu ABSTRACT Cilia and flagella are ancient structures that achieve controlled motor functions through the coordinated...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Jenna L. Wingfield, Betlehem Mekonnen, Ilaria Mengoni, Peiwei Liu, Mareike Jordan, Dennis Diener, Gaia Pigino, Karl Lechtreck
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (18): jcs259010.
Published: 23 September 2021
... remodeling could balance protein entry and exit, preventing the build-up of IFT material in flagella. * Author for correspondence ( [email protected] ) Handling Editor: David Stephens Competing interests The authors declare no competing or financial interests. 8 6 2021 12 8...
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Journal Articles
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Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (15): jcs258626.
Published: 3 August 2021
...Stephen M. King ABSTRACT Axonemal dyneins power the beating of motile cilia and flagella. These massive multimeric motor complexes are assembled in the cytoplasm, and subsequently trafficked to cilia and incorporated into the axonemal superstructure. Numerous cytoplasmic factors are required...
Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (12): jcs258540.
Published: 28 June 2021
... of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS). Summary: The central apparatus is essential for motility of ‘9+2’ cilia. The conserved proteins FAP70, FAP65 and FAP147 are components of the previously uncharacterized central apparatus projection C2a. Flagella Axonemal central apparatus FAP65 FAP147...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (18): jcs248989.
Published: 23 September 2020
...Eloïse Bertiaux; Adeline Mallet; Brice Rotureau; Philippe Bastin ABSTRACT Multicellular organisms assemble cilia and flagella of precise lengths differing from one cell to another, yet little is known about the mechanisms governing these differences. Similarly, protists assemble flagella...
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Journal Articles
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Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (17): jcs249805.
Published: 11 September 2020
... Chlamydomonas cilia by diffusion rather than by intraflagellar transport. Flagella Cilia Microtubule Axoneme Calponin homology domain IFT81 IFT74 Diffusion National Institutes of Health 10.13039/100000002 R01GM110413 R35GM122574 R37GM030626 Uehara Memorial Foundation...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Emiliya Poghosyan, Ioan Iacovache, Lenka Faltova, Alexander Leitner, Pinfen Yang, Dennis R. Diener, Ruedi Aebersold, Benoit Zuber, Takashi Ishikawa
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (16): jcs245233.
Published: 21 August 2020
... structure of the Chlamydomonas flagella radial spoke was obtained using single particle cryo-EM. Combined with cross-linking mass spectrometry and biophysics data, this allowed localization of components in the radial spoke head and neck regions. Cilia Cryo-electron microscopy Dynein Flagella...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (2): jcs239855.
Published: 23 January 2020
...Tom Beneke; Katherine Banecki; Sophia Fochler; Eva Gluenz ABSTRACT Motile eukaryotic flagella beat through coordinated activity of dynein motor proteins; however, the mechanisms of dynein coordination and regulation are incompletely understood. The inner dynein arm (IDA) f complex (also known...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (16): jcs233429.
Published: 19 August 2019
...Robert A. Bloodgood; Joseph Tetreault; Roger D. Sloboda ABSTRACT In addition to bend propagation for swimming, Chlamydomonas cells use their flagella to glide along a surface. When polystyrene microspheres are added to cells, they attach to and move along the flagellar surface, thus serving...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (16): jcs231795.
Published: 15 August 2019
... fluorescence microscopy as a powerful tool for the analysis of beating flagella. * Author for correspondence ( [email protected] ) Competing interests The authors declare no competing or financial interests. 10 3 2019 22 7 2019 © 2019. Published by The Company...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (5): jcs228296.
Published: 22 February 2019
...Diego Huet; Thierry Blisnick; Sylvie Perrot; Philippe Bastin ABSTRACT Intraflagellar transport (IFT), the movement of protein complexes responsible for the assembly of cilia and flagella, is remarkably conserved from protists to humans. However, two IFT components (IFT25 and IFT27) are missing from...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Tyler Picariello, Jason M. Brown, Yuqing Hou, Gregory Swank, Deborah A. Cochran, Oliver D. King, Karl Lechtreck, Gregory J. Pazour, George B. Witman
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (3): jcs220749.
Published: 11 February 2019
.... The mutation had no effect on IFT-B but destabilized IFT-A, preventing flagella assembly. Therefore, IFT-A assembly requires IFT140. Truncated IFT140, which lacks the N-terminal WD repeats of the protein, partially rescued IFT and supported formation of half-length flagella that contained normal levels of IFT...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Cilia and flagella
Ferheen Abbasi, Haruhiko Miyata, Keisuke Shimada, Akane Morohoshi, Kaori Nozawa, Takafumi Matsumura, Zoulan Xu, Putri Pratiwi, Masahito Ikawa
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2018) 131 (19): jcs221648.
Published: 11 October 2018
... testis indicates that the axoneme can elongate but is disrupted before accessory structures are formed. Manchette removal is also impaired in the KO testis. Further, RSPH9, another radial spoke protein, disappeared in the Rsph6a KO flagella. These data indicate that RSPH6A is essential for sperm...
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