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Keywords: bone
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Journal Articles
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Cell biology of the immune system
Paco López-Cuevas, Tiah C. L. Oates, Qiao Tong, Lucy M. McGowan, Stephen J. Cross, Can Xu, Yu Zhao, Zhuping Yin, Ashley M. Toye, Asme Boussahel, Chrissy L. Hammond, Stephen Mann, Paul Martin
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (16): jcs262202.
Published: 29 August 2024
...-inflammatory phenotype and altering their regulation of angiogenesis, collagen deposition and re-epithelialization during skin wound healing, as well as dampening osteoblast and osteoclast recruitment and bone mineralization during fracture repair. For infected skin wounds, R848-reprogrammed macrophages...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
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Cell migration
Maayan Barnea-Zohar, Sabina E. Winograd-Katz, Moran Shalev, Esther Arman, Nina Reuven, Lee Roth, Ofra Golani, Merle Stein, Fadi Thalji, Moien Kanaan, Jan Tuckermann, Benjamin Geiger, Ari Elson
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (9): jcs254979.
Published: 11 May 2021
... fusion between mature OCLs. The R51Q mutation abolishes this regulatory activity, leading to excessive fusion, loss of bone resorption capacity and, consequently, to an osteopetrotic phenotype in vivo . This article has an associated First Person interview with the joint first authors of the paper...
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Journal Articles
Ana S. Brandão, Anabela Bensimon-Brito, Raquel Lourenço, Jorge Borbinha, Ana Rosa Soares, Rita Mateus, António Jacinto
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (22): jcs231993.
Published: 14 November 2019
...Ana S. Brandão; Anabela Bensimon-Brito; Raquel Lourenço; Jorge Borbinha; Ana Rosa Soares; Rita Mateus; António Jacinto ABSTRACT Osteoblast differentiation is a key process for bone homeostasis and repair. Multiple signalling pathways have been associated with osteoblast differentiation, yet much...
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Journal Articles
Gillian P. Johnson, Elena Stavenschi, Kian F. Eichholz, Michele A. Corrigan, Sean Fair, David A. Hoey
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2018) 131 (21): jcs222737.
Published: 8 November 2018
...Gillian P. Johnson; Elena Stavenschi; Kian F. Eichholz; Michele A. Corrigan; Sean Fair; David A. Hoey ABSTRACT Mechanical loading is a potent stimulus of bone adaptation, requiring the replenishment of the osteoblast from a progenitor population. One such progenitor is the mesenchymal stem cell...
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Journal Articles
Valerie S. Salazar, Nicholas Zarkadis, Lisa Huang, Jin Norris, Susan K. Grimston, Gabriel Mbalaviele, Roberto Civitelli
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2013) 126 (21): 4974–4984.
Published: 1 November 2013
...Valerie S. Salazar; Nicholas Zarkadis; Lisa Huang; Jin Norris; Susan K. Grimston; Gabriel Mbalaviele; Roberto Civitelli Summary To examine interactions between bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and canonical Wnt signaling during skeletal growth, we ablated Smad4 , a key component of the TGF-β–BMP...
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Journal Articles
Julia Luther, Frank Driessler, Matthias Megges, Andreas Hess, Bettina Herbort, Vice Mandic, Mario M. Zaiss, Anne Reichardt, Christine Zech, Jan P. Tuckermann, Cornelis F. Calkhoven, Erwin F. Wagner, Georg Schett, Jean-Pierre David
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2011) 124 (9): 1465–1476.
Published: 1 May 2011
... of the underlying mechanisms of decreased bone mass and increased fat during aging. We now uncover a new role for the transcription factor Fra-1 in suppressing adipogenesis. Indeed, Fra1 ( Fosl1 ) transgenic ( Fra1 tg) mice, which developed progressive osteosclerosis as a result of accelerated osteoblast...
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Journal Articles
Kenn Holmbeck, Paolo Bianco, Isabelle Pidoux, S. Inoue, R. C. Billinghurst, W. Wu, Kali Chrysovergis, Susan Yamada, Henning Birkedal-Hansen, A. Robin Poole
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (1): 147–156.
Published: 1 January 2005
...Kenn Holmbeck; Paolo Bianco; Isabelle Pidoux; S. Inoue; R. C. Billinghurst; W. Wu; Kali Chrysovergis; Susan Yamada; Henning Birkedal-Hansen; A. Robin Poole The osteocyte is the terminally differentiated state of the osteogenic mesenchymal progenitor immobilized in the bone matrix. Despite...
Journal Articles
In collection:
Lipid biology
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2004) 117 (3): 441–449.
Published: 22 January 2004
...Jennifer M. Gillette; Sheila M. Nielsen-Preiss While the basic cellular contributions to bone differentiation and mineralization are widely accepted, the regulation of these processes at the intracellular level remains inadequately understood. Our laboratory recently identified annexin 2...
Journal Articles
Jochen Hess, Bettina Hartenstein, Sibylle Teurich, Dirk Schmidt, Marina Schorpp-Kistner, Peter Angel
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2003) 116 (22): 4587–4596.
Published: 15 November 2003
... and shared significantly reduced longitudinal bone growth. Mutant long bones were characterised by reduced numbers of growth plate chondrocytes and a severe osteoporosis. Decreased JunB levels in epiphysal growth plate chondrocytes and bone lining osteoblasts correlated with deregulated expression of Cyclin...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Stan Gronthos, Andrew C. W. Zannettino, Shelley J. Hay, Songtao Shi, Stephen E. Graves, Angela Kortesidis, Paul J. Simmons
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2003) 116 (9): 1827–1835.
Published: 1 May 2003
...Stan Gronthos; Andrew C. W. Zannettino; Shelley J. Hay; Songtao Shi; Stephen E. Graves; Angela Kortesidis; Paul J. Simmons Previous studies have provided evidence for the existence of adult human bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSSCs) or mesenchymal stem cells. Using a combination of cell...
Journal Articles
Tero A. H. Järvinen, Lászlo Józsa, Pekka Kannus, Teppo L. N. Järvinen, Timo Hurme, Martti Kvist, Markku Pelto-Huikko, Hannu Kalimo, Markku Järvinen
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2003) 116 (5): 857–866.
Published: 1 March 2003
... Tenascin-C Mechanical strain Fibronectin Skeletal muscle Tendon Cartilage Bone Tensile Elastic Extracellular matrix Adhesion Integrin The composition of extracellular matrix (ECM) of the musculoskeletal tissues appears to be controlled by the mechanical stresses placed on the cells...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2000) 113 (3): 377–381.
Published: 1 February 2000
...H. Kalervo Väänänen; Haibo Zhao; Mika Mulari; Jussi M. Halleen ABSTRACT Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells responsible for bone resorption. They have developed an efficient machinery for dissolving crystalline hydroxyapatite and degrading organic bone matrix rich in collagen fibers. When...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1996) 109 (6): 1597–1604.
Published: 1 June 1996
...Eleanor J. Mackie; Susan Ramsey ABSTRACT The extracellular matrix protein tenascin is secreted by osteoblasts but absent from mineralized bone matrix. The current study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that tenascin regulates osteoblast behaviour. Three osteoblast-like cell lines UMR-106, ROS...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1996) 109 (2): 301–307.
Published: 1 February 1996
...Jari Salo; Kalervo Metsikkö; Harri Palokangas; Petri Lehenkari; H. Kalervo Väänänen ABSTRACT Bone-resorbing multinucleate osteoclasts exhibit a ruffled border membrane apposing the bone and a basal membrane contacting the circulation. A junctional complex called the sealing zone separates these two...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1994) 107 (2): 499–516.
Published: 1 February 1994
...Matthew A. Critchlow; Yvette S. Bland; Doreen E. Ashhurst ABSTRACT Additional bone and cartilage are formed if transforming growth factor-β is injected into the periosteum of calvariae or long bones. To investigate this further, transforming growth factor-β2 was injected into the periosteum...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1993) 105 (1): 61–68.
Published: 1 May 1993
...Geetha Shankar; Ian Davison; Miep H. Helfrich; William T. Mason; Michael A. Horton ABSTRACT Cell-matrix interactions have been shown to play an important role in regulating cell function and behav-iour. In bone, where calcified matrix formation and resorption events are required to be in dynamic...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1993) 104 (4): 1013–1020.
Published: 1 April 1993
...Karen Merry; Robert Dodds; Amanda Littlewood; Maxine Gowen ABSTRACT Over recent years several non-collagenous matrix proteins of bone have been isolated and characterized. One of these proteins, osteopontin, has been shown to be synthesized by osteoblasts and deposited in the bone matrix where...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1990) 1990 (Supplement_13): 149–156.
Published: 1 January 1990
...J. M. Wozney; V. Rosen; M. Byrne; A. J. Celeste; I. Moutsatsos; E. A. Wang ABSTRACT We have approached the study of growth factors affecting cartilage and bone development by investigating those factors present in bone which are able to initiate new cartilage and bone formation in vivo . This has...