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Keywords: Morphogen
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (18): jcs209742.
Published: 28 September 2020
...Tamás Matusek; Julien Marcetteau; Pascal P. Thérond ABSTRACT Secreted morphogens play a major role in the intercellular communication necessary for animal development. It was initially thought that, in order to organize tissue morphogenesis and control cell fate and proliferation, morphogens...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2015) 128 (7): 1408–1421.
Published: 1 April 2015
...-canonical pathways. In this study, we use well-established assays in Xenopus to investigate the ability of Sulf1 to modify canonical and non-canonical Wnt signalling. In addition, we model the ability of Sulf1 to influence morphogen gradients using fluorescently tagged Wnt ligands in ectodermal explants. We...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2008) 121 (10): 1587–1592.
Published: 15 May 2008
... 2008 Wingless Drosophila Secretion Acylation Morphogen Lipid modification has recently emerged as an important feature of several signalling molecules. Lipid-modified secreted proteins include the members of the Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt families, and, as shown recently, the Drosophila...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1992) 1992 (Supplement_16): 33–38.
Published: 1 January 1992
...Y. Tony Ip; Michael Levine; Stephen J. Small ABSTRACT The anterior-posterior (A-P) and dorsal-ventral (D-V) axes of the early Drosophila embryo are established by two key maternal morphogens: bicoid (bed) and dorsal (dl) , respectively. The bed protein is expressed in a broad concentration gradient...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1990) 1990 (Supplement_13): 191–198.
Published: 1 January 1990
... concentration. In view of the fact that retinoic acid is a naturally occurring metabolite of vitamin A, this raises the possibility that it is deployed in vivo as an endogenous morphogen. Furthermore, the recent evidence that its effects are mediated by nuclear receptors of the steroid/thyroid hormone...