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Keywords: Mitochondrial DNA
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (14): jcs244632.
Published: 29 July 2020
... with Tim18, whereas TM3 is exclusively required for the interaction with Sdh3. Moreover, impairment of TIM22 complex assembly influences its translocase activity, the mitochondrial network, and the viability of cells lacking mitochondrial DNA. Overall, our findings provide compelling evidence highlighting...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2010) 123 (9): 1389–1393.
Published: 1 May 2010
... biogenesis Mitochondria Mitochondrial DNA For decades, electron microscopists have observed that organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria are physically connected ( Robertson, 1960 ; Mannella et al., 1998 ), and electron-dense structures that bridge the two organelles...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2008) 121 (11): 1861–1868.
Published: 1 June 2008
...Martin Kucej; Blanka Kucejova; Ramiah Subramanian; Xin Jie Chen; Ronald A. Butow Mitochondrial DNA is organized as a nucleoprotein complex called the nucleoid. Its major protein components have been identified in different organisms, but it is yet unknown whether nucleoids undergo any form...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2007) 120 (22): 4025–4034.
Published: 15 November 2007
... Mitochondrial DNA Replication POLG TFAM Embryonic stem cells Mitochondria are organelles responsible for the production of the vast majority of ATP within eukaryotic cells. They contain their own genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which encodes 13 of the 70+ subunits of the electron-transfer chain...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2007) 120 (2): 299–308.
Published: 15 January 2007
... by CO activates mitochondrial biogenesis in the heart. In mice, transient elevations of cellular CO by five- to 20-fold increased the copy number of cardiac mitochondrial DNA, the content of respiratory complex I-V and interfibrillar mitochondrial density within 24 hours. Mitochondrial biogenesis...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (22): 5357–5367.
Published: 15 November 2005
... (mitochondrial DNA absence sensitive factor) whose expression was enhanced by the absence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In patients with mitochondrial diseases, MIDAS expression was increased only in dysfunctional muscle fibers. A majority of MIDAS localized to mitochondria with a small fraction in the Golgi...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2004) 117 (15): 3141–3152.
Published: 1 July 2004
... we created ρ Δ cells with a reduced amount (about 1/4) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells, by exposing Ax-2 cells to ca. 30 μg/ml of ethidium bromide (EtBr) in axenic growth medium. Importantly, the ρ Δ cells exhibited a series of fascinating behaviors: when...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2000) 113 (20): 3603–3612.
Published: 15 October 2000
... be shown to progressively loose mitochondrial DNA. Loss of mitochondrial DNA in yDAP-3 was partially prevented by transfection of the yDAP-3 deficient mutant with mDAP-3, indicating functional complementation by murine DAP-3 in the yeast system. These data identify mDAP-3 as one of the first proapoptotic...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1990) 97 (3): 509–516.
Published: 1 November 1990
... of mitochondrial genomes per cell. The mechanisms responsible for coordinating nuclear and mitochondrial DNA synthesis, and for balancing increases in cell and mitochondrial size are not well understood. In studies of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe we quantified cellular and mitochondrial DNA content...