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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1996) 109 (2): 335–342.
Published: 1 February 1996
...Sidney L. Shaw; Ralph S. Quatrano ABSTRACT We have used a fluorescently-labeled dihydropyridine (FL-DHP) to vitally stain living Fucus zygotes during the establishment of cell polarity. Localization of FL-DHP is primarily at the plasma membrane and FL-DHP binding is competitively blocked...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1992) 101 (2): 437–448.
Published: 1 February 1992
...C. J. Stafford; J. R. Green; J. A. Callow ABSTRACT Fertilisation in the brown alga Fucus involves the interaction of motile, biflagellate sperm with spherical eggs. The eggs differ from those of animals in not having the equivalent of a vitelline layer, jelly coat or zona pellucida outside...