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Keywords: FGF
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Journal Articles
Moreno Zamai, Antonio Trullo, Marco Giordano, Valeria Corti, Elvira Arza Cuesta, Chiara Francavilla, Ugo Cavallaro, Valeria R. Caiolfa
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (1): jcs220624.
Published: 3 January 2019
...Moreno Zamai; Antonio Trullo; Marco Giordano; Valeria Corti; Elvira Arza Cuesta; Chiara Francavilla; Ugo Cavallaro; Valeria R. Caiolfa ABSTRACT Both fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) trigger FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) signaling; however, they induce remarkably...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2018) 131 (10): jcs210781.
Published: 29 May 2018
... in the gastric mucosa between the forestomach and hindstomach. In the posterior stomach, HS depletion disrupts glandular stomach patterning and cytodifferentiation via attenuation of Fgf signaling activity. Inhibition of Fgf signaling in vitro recapitulates the patterning defect. Ligand and carbohydrate...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2016) 129 (3): 569–579.
Published: 1 February 2016
... diseases. Endothelial cell Endothelial dysfunction Endothelial–mesenchymal transition EndMT Fibroblast growth factor FGF MicroRNA miRNA Transforming growth factor beta TGFβ Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development 10.13039/501100001826 916.11.022 40-00506-98...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2016) 129 (2): 354–366.
Published: 15 January 2016
... for the conserved fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway in the maintenance of epithelial cell adhesion through FGF modulation of zygotic E-cadherin. During Drosophila gastrulation, primordial germ cells (PGCs) are transported with the posterior midgut while it undergoes dynamic cell shape changes...
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Journal Articles
Hongge Li, Chenqi Tao, Zhigang Cai, Kristina Hertzler-Schaefer, Tamica N. Collins, Fen Wang, Gen-Sheng Feng, Noriko Gotoh, Xin Zhang
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (3): 571–582.
Published: 1 February 2014
...Hongge Li; Chenqi Tao; Zhigang Cai; Kristina Hertzler-Schaefer; Tamica N. Collins; Fen Wang; Gen-Sheng Feng; Noriko Gotoh; Xin Zhang ABSTRACT Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling requires a plethora of adaptor proteins to elicit downstream responses, but the functional significances...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (2): 465–474.
Published: 15 January 2014
... migration of clusters of cells that respond to Branchless (Bnl), a fibroblast growth factor (FGF) homologue expressed in surrounding tissues. We track individual cells in the migratory cluster and characterise their features and unveil two prototypical types of cytoskeletal organisation that account for tip...
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Journal Articles
Michael Meyer, Anna-Katharina Müller, Jingxuan Yang, Daniel Moik, Gilles Ponzio, David M. Ornitz, Richard Grose, Sabine Werner
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2012) 125 (23): 5690–5701.
Published: 1 December 2012
... this defect, we identified a significant reduction in the expression of major focal adhesion components in the absence of FGFR signaling, resulting in a general migratory deficiency. These results identify FGFs as key regulators of keratinocyte migration in wounded skin. To determine the role of FGFR1...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2011) 124 (14): 2335–2340.
Published: 15 July 2011
... tracheal system. We identify Sequoia (Seq) as a negative transcriptional regulator of Branchless (Bnl), a Drosophila FGF homologue, and observe that modulation of Bnl levels determines how many cells will lead this migrating cluster, regardless of Notch lateral inhibition. Our results show that becoming...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2011) 124 (11): 1867–1877.
Published: 1 June 2011
... and UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, 72 Huntley Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK ‡ Author for correspondence ( [email protected] ) 27 1 2011 © 2011. 2011 BMP FGF Dormancy Neural stem cell Cultured neural stem cells with the capacity for unlimited...
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Journal Articles
Lorena B. Benseñor, Ho-Man Kan, Ningning Wang, Horst Wallrabe, Lance A. Davidson, Ying Cai, Dorothy A. Schafer, George S. Bloom
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2007) 120 (4): 658–669.
Published: 15 February 2007
... ) 8 12 2006 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007 2007 Cell motility IQGAP Actin FGF N-WASP Arp2/3 complex IQGAP1 ( Weissbach et al., 1998 ) is an ∼380 kDa homodimeric protein ( Bashour et al., 1997 ) that is widely expressed among vertebrate cell types from early...
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Journal Articles
Susanne Braun, Monika Krampert, Enikö Bodó, Angelika Kümin, Christiane Born-Berclaz, Ralf Paus, Sabine Werner
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2006) 119 (23): 4841–4849.
Published: 1 December 2006
... because KGF protected keratinocytes in organ-cultured human scalp hair follicles from the toxicity of the xenobiotic menadione. Moreover, injection of KGF into murine back skin markedly reduced cell death in the epidermis after UVB irradiation. This activity is dependent on FGF receptor signaling because...
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Journal Articles
Vigdis Sørensen, Antoni Wiedlocha, Ellen Margrethe Haugsten, Denis Khnykin, Jørgen Wesche, Sjur Olsnes
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2006) 119 (20): 4332–4341.
Published: 15 October 2006
...Vigdis Sørensen; Antoni Wiedlocha; Ellen Margrethe Haugsten; Denis Khnykin; Jørgen Wesche; Sjur Olsnes Members of the fibroblast growth factor family bind to one or more of the four closely related membrane-spanning FGF receptors. In addition to signaling through the receptors, exogenous FGF-1...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (24): 5861–5871.
Published: 15 December 2005
... isoforms by itself inhibits the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2)-induced activation of the ERK pathway significantly, hetero-oligomers show a more pronounced inhibitory activity. The hetero-oligomer formed between Sprouty1 and Sprouty4 exhibits the most potent inhibitory effect on ERK activation through...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (19): 4495–4509.
Published: 1 October 2005
..., and we find that inhibition of the FGF signalling pathway by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor SU5402 causes hESC differentiation. However, this effect of FGF on hESC pluripotency depends on Activin/Nodal signalling, because it is blocked by SB431542. Finally, long-term maintenance of in-vitro pluripotency...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (17): 3869–3881.
Published: 1 September 2005
... complexes may modulate the signalling, and we have here studied the intracellular trafficking of ligand bound to receptors for fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). For this purpose, we transfected HeLa cells with any one of the four tyrosine kinase FGF receptors (FGFR1-4). In cells expressing any one...
Journal Articles
Mitsunobu R. Kano, Yasuyuki Morishita, Caname Iwata, Shigeru Iwasaka, Tetsuro Watabe, Yasuyoshi Ouchi, Kohei Miyazono, Keiji Miyazawa
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (16): 3759–3768.
Published: 15 August 2005
...Mitsunobu R. Kano; Yasuyuki Morishita; Caname Iwata; Shigeru Iwasaka; Tetsuro Watabe; Yasuyoshi Ouchi; Kohei Miyazono; Keiji Miyazawa Combined stimulation with VEGF-A, FGF-2, or PDGF-BB has emerged as a potent strategy for therapeutic angiogenesis, although the mechanisms underlying the synergism...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2003) 116 (22): 4651–4662.
Published: 15 November 2003
...Stéphanie Lebreton; Laurent Boissel; Jacques Moreau Ras proteins mediate biological responses through various effectors and play a key role in relaying the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) mesoderm induction signal during embryogenesis of the frog, Xenopus laevis . One Ras effector pathway involves...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2001) 114 (7): 1387–1395.
Published: 1 April 2001
...Hisaki Hayashi; Akira Ishisaki; Masashi Suzuki; Toru Imamura ABSTRACT When exposed to various neurotrophic factors, including fibroblast growth factors (FGF)-1 and -2, rat pheochromocytoma-derived PC12 cells differentiate into sympathetic neuron-like cells possessing elongated neurites. We found...
Journal Articles
Domenico Ribatti, Daria Leali, Angelo Vacca, Roberta Giuliani, Anna Gualandris, Luisa Roncali, Maria Luisa Nolli, Marco Presta
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1999) 112 (23): 4213–4221.
Published: 1 December 1999
..., USA 22 09 1999 17 11 1999 © 1999 by Company of Biologists 1999 Angiogenesis Chick embryo Extracellular matrix FGF Fibrinolysis Urokinase Angiogenesis is the growth of new capillary blood vessels from preexisting ones in response to angiogenic stimuli. During...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1999) 112 (15): 2597–2606.
Published: 1 August 1999
... by an angiogenic stimulus in endothelial cells. Angiogenesis Endothelium ERK FGF Signaling Urokinase Biolabs, Inc., Beverly, MA). In some experiments, BAE cells were treated for different lengths of time with wild-type FGF2 or FGF2 mutant with or without 10 μ g/ml heparin and ERK 1/2...