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Keywords: Epithelial Cells
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (19): jcs262181.
Published: 14 October 2024
... and barrier function of epithelial cells. Notably, silencing SGEF results in a dramatic downregulation of both E-cadherin and ZO-1 (also known as TJP1) protein levels. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of this pathway are not known. Here, we describe a novel signaling pathway...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (18): jcs262353.
Published: 25 September 2024
...) interaction in epithelial morphogenesis and nanoscale organization of CGN by expressing wild-type and mutant CGN constructs in CGN-knockout Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. We show that the NM2-binding region of CGN is required to promote normal cyst morphogenesis of MDCK cells grown...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (5): jcs260745.
Published: 15 May 2023
..., to tether microtubules to the AJs. Here, we show that knockout (KO) of CGNL1, but not of PLEKHA7, results in the loss of junctional CAMSAP3 and its redistribution into a cytoplasmic pool both in cultured epithelial cells in vitro and mouse intestinal epithelium in vivo . In agreement, GST pulldown analyses...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (23): jcs259110.
Published: 6 December 2021
...: An illustrated framework of the conceptual mainstays of Golgi sorting and export. Golgi Secretion Clathrin Glycoprotein Calcium Epithelial cells Lipids National Institutes of Health GM060221 GM134083 GM95766 The Golgi is an organelle...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (5): jcs250647.
Published: 23 February 2021
...Amber J. Park; Madison A. Wright; Elyse J. Roach; Cezar M. Khursigara ABSTRACT The age-old saying, seeing is believing, could not be truer when we think about the value of imaging interactions between epithelial cells and bacterial pathogens. Imaging and culturing techniques have vastly improved...
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Journal Articles
Sumire Ishida-Ishihara, Masakazu Akiyama, Kazuya Furusawa, Isao Naguro, Hiroki Ryuno, Takamichi Sushida, Seiichiro Ishihara, Hisashi Haga
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (14): jcs243865.
Published: 27 July 2020
... gradient Epithelial cells ECM Swelling Aquaporin Numerical simulation Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 10.13039/501100001691 17J06276 15H05856 15H05857 15H05858 15K21726 Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education, Hokkaido University...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2019) 132 (4): jcs221556.
Published: 31 October 2018
...Brian Belardi; Sungmin Son; Michael D. Vahey; Jinzhi Wang; Jianghui Hou; Daniel A. Fletcher ABSTRACT Tight junctions have been hypothesized to act as molecular fences in the plasma membrane of epithelial cells, helping to form differentiated apical and basolateral domains. While this fence function...
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Journal Articles
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Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2018) 131 (5): jcs208223.
Published: 6 March 2018
.... Moreover, a stiff extracellular matrix dampens the oscillations of the epithelial molecular clock. Here, we extend this analysis to other tissues and cell types, and identify an inverse relationship between circadian clocks in epithelia and fibroblasts. Epithelial cells from mammary gland, lung and skin...
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Journal Articles
Matthew A. Odenwald, Wangsun Choi, Aaron Buckley, Nitesh Shashikanth, Nora E. Joseph, Yitang Wang, Michael H. Warren, Mary M. Buschmann, Roman Pavlyuk, Jeffrey Hildebrand, Ben Margolis, Alan S. Fanning, Jerrold R. Turner
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2017) 130 (1): 243–259.
Published: 1 January 2017
.... Cell polarity Epithelial Cells Tight junctions Morphogenesis Lumen Formation The ability to form and expand lumens is an essential characteristic of epithelia within tubular organs, such as kidneys and intestines, and is indispensable to their function. Such lumens are lined by a monolayer...
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Journal Articles
Ivar Noordstra, Qingyang Liu, Wilco Nijenhuis, Shasha Hua, Kai Jiang, Matthijs Baars, Sanne Remmelzwaal, Maud Martin, Lukas C. Kapitein, Anna Akhmanova
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2016) 129 (22): 4278–4288.
Published: 15 November 2016
... cells, microtubules form parallel arrays aligned along the apico–basal axis, and recent work has demonstrated that the members of CAMSAP/Patronin family control apical tethering of microtubule minus ends. Here, we show that in mammalian intestinal epithelial cells, the spectraplakin ACF7 (also known...
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Journal Articles
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Cell migration
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2016) 129 (21): 4105–4117.
Published: 1 November 2016
.../ Summary: Translation affects adhesion and invasion potential of spreading initiation centers (SICs) producing mesenchymal cells, but not epithelial cells, which are deprived of SICs Spreading initiation centers SICs RNA-binding proteins Focal adhesion Translation regulation Invasion...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2016) 129 (6): 1155–1164.
Published: 15 March 2016
... Epithelial cells Smooth septate junction Tetraspanin Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 10.13039/501100001691 Funding Program for Next Generation World Leading Researchers (LS084) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (15612750) Epithelia separate distinct fluid...
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Journal Articles
Hideki Yamamoto, Chihiro Awada, Shinji Matsumoto, Tomoyuki Kaneiwa, Takayuki Sugimoto, Toshifumi Takao, Akira Kikuchi
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2015) 128 (5): 1051–1063.
Published: 1 March 2015
...Hideki Yamamoto; Chihiro Awada; Shinji Matsumoto; Tomoyuki Kaneiwa; Takayuki Sugimoto; Toshifumi Takao; Akira Kikuchi ABSTRACT Wnt5a regulates planar cell polarity in epithelial cells, but it remains to be determined whether Wnt5a and its receptors are sorted apically or basolaterally, and how...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (24): 5127–5137.
Published: 15 December 2014
... and Schweisguth, 2003 ), promotes the basal-to-apical transcytosis of Delta in epithelial cells ( Benhra et al., 2010 ). Furthermore, the new adherens junctions at the apical side have also been proposed to act as a platform for Notch signalling during cytokinesis because Notch accumulates there in SOPs that have...
Journal Articles
Sarah A. Weaver, Brit Wolters, Noriko Ito, Anna M. Woskowicz, Kazuyo Kaneko, Yasuyuki Shitomi, Motoharu Seiki, Yoshifumi Itoh
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (6): 1203–1213.
Published: 15 March 2014
... collagen matrices; however, its regulation during tubulogenesis is not understood. Here, we report that degradation of collagen in polarized epithelial cells is post-translationally regulated by changing the localization of MT1-MMP from the apical to the basal surface. MT1-MMP predominantly localizes...
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Journal Articles
Yoshinori Sato, Masashi Akitsu, Yoshiko Amano, Kazunari Yamashita, Mariko Ide, Kyoko Shimada, Akio Yamashita, Hisashi Hirano, Noriaki Arakawa, Takahisa Maki, Ikuko Hayashi, Shigeo Ohno, Atsushi Suzuki
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2013) 126 (20): 4671–4683.
Published: 15 October 2013
...), that crosslinks MTs through its N-terminal MT-binding region and subsequent coiled-coil motifs. MTCL1 colocalized with the apicobasal MT bundles in epithelial cells, and its knockdown impaired the development of these MT bundles and the epithelial-cell-specific columnar shape. Rescue experiments revealed...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2010) 123 (9): 1449–1459.
Published: 1 May 2010
... at the apex of the lateral membrane in polarized MDCK cells, involves myosin IIA and might be important for the regulation of cortical actin dynamics. * Author for correspondence ( [email protected] ) 25 1 2010 © 2010. 2010 Calcium signaling Epithelial cells Inositol (1,4,5...
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Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2009) 122 (18): 3374–3384.
Published: 15 September 2009
... of an N-terminal KIND domain, a FERM domain and three PDZ domains. Here we show that FRMPD2 is localized in a polarized fashion in epithelial cells at the basolateral membrane and partially colocalizes with the tight-junction marker protein Zonula-occludens-1. Downregulation of FRMPD2 protein in Caco-2...
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Journal Articles
Yosuke Horikoshi, Atsushi Suzuki, Tomoyuki Yamanaka, Kazunori Sasaki, Keiko Mizuno, Hajime Sawada, Shigenobu Yonemura, Shigeo Ohno
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2009) 122 (10): 1595–1606.
Published: 15 May 2009
... and -independent steps in the establishment of epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. J. Cell Biol. 167 , 135 -147. Harris, T. J. and Peifer, M. ( 2005 ). The positioning and segregation of apical cues during epithelial polarity establishment in Drosophila. J. Cell Biol. 170 , 813 -823. Hirose, T...
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Journal Articles
Nadia K. Zouq, James A. Keeble, Jennefer Lindsay, Anthony J. Valentijn, Lu Zhang, Deborah Mills, Christopher E. Turner, Charles H. Streuli, Andrew P. Gilmore
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2009) 122 (3): 357–367.
Published: 1 February 2009
... lineages that show differing sensitivities to anoikis. We demonstrate that both fibroblasts and epithelial cells prevent anoikis through FAK activation. We show that FAK activates multiple downstream pathways in order to suppress anoikis. However FAK regulates survival through a more restricted set...