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Keywords: Electric field
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Journal Articles
Lin Cao, Colin D. McCaig, Roderick H. Scott, Siwei Zhao, Gillian Milne, Hans Clevers, Min Zhao, Jin Pu
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (15): 3233–3239.
Published: 1 August 2014
.... The electrical signal across the epithelium could serve as a coordinating cue, orienting and polarizing enterocytes. Here, we show that applying a physiological electric field to intestinal epithelial cells, to mimic the natural electric field created by the transepithelial potential difference, polarized...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2009) 122 (23): 4267–4276.
Published: 1 December 2009
... for correspondence ( [email protected] ) © The Company of Biologists Limited 2009 2009 Directed migration Electric field Polarity Regeneration Wound healing The existence of steady (direct current; DC) electrical signals within the extracellular spaces of plants, animals and humans has been...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2007) 120 (19): 3395–3403.
Published: 1 October 2007
... on the skin and are used to differentiate malignant from benign breast tumours. Could the electrical signals play a role in metastasis by promoting tumour cell migration? We report that electric fields stimulate and direct migration of human breast cancer cells. Importantly, these effects were more...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2006) 119 (9): 1723–1735.
Published: 1 May 2006
...Ann M. Rajnicek; Louise E. Foubister; Colin D. McCaig Although it is known that neuronal growth cones migrate towards the cathode of an applied direct current (DC) electric field (EF), resembling the EF present in the developing nervous system, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2006) 119 (9): 1736–1745.
Published: 1 May 2006
...Ann M. Rajnicek; Louise E. Foubister; Colin D. McCaig Electric fields (EFs) resembling those in the developing and regenerating nervous systems steer growth cones towards the cathode. Requirements for actin microfilaments, microtubules and their interactions during EF growth cone steering have been...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (6): 1117–1128.
Published: 15 March 2005
... electric fields induce directional cell migration in a wide variety of cells. Here we show that electric fields of 300 mV/mm induce robust Golgi polarization and directional cell migration in CHO cells. Asymmetric Src and PI 3-kinase signalling as well as actin polymerization are essential for electric...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2004) 117 (20): 4681–4690.
Published: 15 September 2004
...Bing Song; Min Zhao; John Forrester; Colin McCaig Biological roles for naturally occurring, extracellular physiological electric fields have been proposed over the past century. However, in the molecular era, many biologists presume that electric fields have little physiological relevance because...
Journal Articles
Erik Finkelstein, Winston Chang, P.-H. Grace Chao, Dorota Gruber, Audrey Minden, Clark T. Hung, J. Chloë Bulinski
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2004) 117 (8): 1533–1545.
Published: 15 March 2004
...Erik Finkelstein; Winston Chang; P.-H. Grace Chao; Dorota Gruber; Audrey Minden; Clark T. Hung; J. Chloë Bulinski Direct-current electric fields mediate motility (galvanotaxis) of many cell types. In 3T3 fibroblasts, electric fields increased the proportion, speed and cathodal directionality...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2002) 115 (16): 3265–3273.
Published: 15 August 2002
... of direct current (DC) electrical fields on ATP release, the intracellular Ca 2+ concentration [Ca 2+ ] i and growth of multicellular prostate tumor spheroids were investigated. Treatment of multicellular tumor spheroids by a single DC electrical field pulse with a field strength of 750 Vm -1 for 60 seconds...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (2001) 114 (8): 1515–1520.
Published: 15 April 2001
...Allen J. Rosenspire; Andrei L. Kindzelskii; Howard R. Petty ABSTRACT Previously, we have demonstrated that NAD(P)H levels in neutrophils and macrophages are oscillatory. We have also found that weak ultra low frequency AC or pulsed DC electric fields can resonate with, and increase the amplitude...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1996) 109 (6): 1405–1414.
Published: 1 June 1996
...Min Zhao; Adriana Agius-Fernandez; John V. Forrester; Colin D. McCaig ABSTRACT Reorientation and migration of cultured bovine corneal epithelial cells (CECs) in an electric field were studied. Electric field application was designed to model the laterally directed, steady direct current electric...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1996) 109 (1): 199–207.
Published: 1 January 1996
...Karen Y. Nishimura; R. Rivkah Isseroff; Richard Nuccitelli ABSTRACT Previous measurements of the lateral electric fields near skin wounds in guinea pigs have detected DC fields between 100-200 mV/mm near the edge of the wound. We have studied the translocation response of motile primary human...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1990) 95 (4): 605–615.
Published: 1 April 1990
...C. D. McCaig ABSTRACT Nerve branching is controlled by intrinsic and extrinsic cues, one of which may be a small applied electric field. Lateral processes were induced by passing current through a micropipette placed at 90° to the shaft of a developing nerve. The appearance of processes...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1990) 95 (4): 617–622.
Published: 1 April 1990
...Colin D. McCaig ABSTRACT The rate of growth and orientation of embryonic Xenopus nerves exposed to pharmacological agents, to an applied electric field or to both simultaneously were studied. The adenyl cyclase activator forskolin (100μM) induced a threefold increase in the rate of elongation...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1989) 94 (1): 73–83.
Published: 1 September 1989
...M. William Rochlin; H. Benjamin Peng ABSTRACT Electric fields cause acetylcholine receptor (AChR) patches to form on the cathodal sides of cultured muscle cells. These patches are stable for several hours following cessation of an electric field treatment, indicating that the receptors are anchored...
Journal Articles
Journal of Cell Science
J Cell Sci (1989) 93 (4): 715–721.
Published: 1 August 1989
...Colin D. Mccaig ABSTRACT Nerve orientation may involve a biasing of the distribution of tension at the growth cone. Chemical and electrical guidance cues cause more filopodia to appear on one side of the growth cone and this may determine turning behaviour. In a small applied electric field...