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Keywords: Centromere
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2024) 137 (18): jcs261895.
Published: 18 September 2024
...Charmaine Yan Yu Wong; Hok Ning Tsui; Yue Wang; Karen Wing Yee Yuen ABSTRACT Chromosome segregation errors caused by centromere malfunction can lead to chromosome instability and aneuploidy. In Caenorhabditis elegans , the Argonaute protein CSR-1 is essential for proper chromosome segregation...
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2022) 135 (4): jcs259532.
Published: 18 February 2022
...Josh Lawrimore; Kerry Bloom ABSTRACT The centromere serves as the binding site for the kinetochore and is essential for the faithful segregation of chromosomes throughout cell division. The point centromere in yeast is encoded by a ∼115 bp specific DNA sequence, whereas regional centromeres range...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2022) 135 (1): jcs259102.
Published: 10 January 2022
... kinetochores are separately positioned on opposite sides of sister centromeres during mitosis, but associate with each other during meiosis I. Kinetochore association facilitates the attachment of sister chromatids to the same pole, enabling the segregation of homologous chromosomes toward opposite poles...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (23): jcs259088.
Published: 2 December 2021
...Joanna M. Wenda; Reinier F. Prosée; Caroline Gabus; Florian A. Steiner ABSTRACT Centromeres are chromosomal regions that serve as sites for kinetochore formation and microtubule attachment, processes that are essential for chromosome segregation during mitosis. Centromeres are almost universally...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2021) 134 (15): jcs249763.
Published: 3 August 2021
...Conor P. Herlihy; Sabine Hahn; Nicole M. Hermance; Elizabeth A. Crowley; Amity L. Manning ABSTRACT Centromere structure and function are defined by the epigenetic modification of histones at centromeric and pericentromeric chromatin. The constitutive heterochromatin found at pericentromeric regions...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (22): jcs253724.
Published: 30 November 2020
... thermophila , the meiotic prophase nucleus stretches enormously, and chromosomes assume a bouquet-like arrangement in which telomeres and centromeres are attached to opposite poles of the nucleus. We have identified and characterized three meiosis-specific genes [meiotic nuclear elongation 1-3 ( MELG1-3...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2020) 133 (15): jcs243303.
Published: 11 August 2020
...Koichiro Otake; Jun-ichirou Ohzeki; Nobuaki Shono; Kazuto Kugou; Koei Okazaki; Takahiro Nagase; Hisashi Yamakawa; Natalay Kouprina; Vladimir Larionov; Hiroshi Kimura; William C. Earnshaw; Hiroshi Masumoto ABSTRACT CENP-B binds to CENP-B boxes on centromeric satellite DNAs (known as alphoid DNA...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2017) 130 (5): 963–974.
Published: 1 March 2017
...Jorge Ferreira; Jeffrey H. Stear; Harald Saumweber ABSTRACT Centromeres form a chromosomal platform for the assembly of the kinetochores, which are required for orderly chromosome segregation. Assembly of both centromeres and kinetochores proceeds by a step-by-step mechanism that is regulated...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2015) 128 (24): 4572–4587.
Published: 15 December 2015
... centromere identity, the pathways leading to the formation and maintenance of centromere chromatin remain unclear. We previously generated human artificial chromosomes (HACs) whose centromeres contain a synthetic alpha-satellite (alphoid) DNA array containing the tetracycline operator (alphoid tetO ). We...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2015) 128 (9): 1732–1745.
Published: 1 May 2015
...Julien Mouysset; Samuel Gilberto; Michelle G. Meier; Fabienne Lampert; Mukta Belwal; Patrick Meraldi; Matthias Peter The mitotic spindle drives chromosome movement during mitosis and attaches to chromosomes at dedicated genomic loci named centromeres. Centromeres are epigenetically specified...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2013) 126 (20): 4782–4793.
Published: 15 October 2013
...Peter V. Lidsky; Frank Sprenger; Christian F. Lehner Summary Centromeres are specified epigenetically in animal cells. Therefore, faithful chromosome inheritance requires accurate maintenance of epigenetic centromere marks during progression through the cell cycle. Clarification of the mechanisms...
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2012) 125 (23): 5873–5880.
Published: 1 December 2012
..., chromosomes are arranged with telomeres assembled at one pole and centromeres at the opposite pole. This organisation is an exaggerated form of the bouquet, a meiotic chromosome arrangement that is widely conserved among eukaryotes. We show that centromere function is crucial for the formation of Tetrahymena...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2012) 125 (2): 411–421.
Published: 15 January 2012
... of repressive chromatin. Here, we have engineered two types of acetylated chromatin within the centromere of a synthetic human artificial chromosome. Tethering a minimal NF-κB p65 activation domain within kinetochore-associated chromatin produced chromatin with high levels of histone H3 acetylated on lysine 9...
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Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2011) 124 (22): 3871–3883.
Published: 15 November 2011
... complexes that assemble on the centromere of each sister chromatid. A key step in this process involves binding of the constitutive centromere-associated network (CCAN) to CENP-A, the histone H3 variant that constitutes centromeric nucleosomes. This network is proposed to operate as a persistent structural...