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Keywords: Astrocyte
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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Lipid biology
J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (1): 21–26.
Published: 1 January 2014
...; however, antioxidant therapies targeting brain diseases have been unsuccessful. Such failure might be related to inhibition of ROS-induced signalling in the brain. Using direct kinetic measures of lipid peroxidation in astrocytes and measurements of lipid peroxidation products in brain tissue, we here...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2012) 125 (4): 844–857.
Published: 15 February 2012
... of the Cdc42-mediated polarity pathway and centrosome reorientation do not occur. Re-expression of N-cadherin in gliomas restores cell polarity and strongly reduces cell velocity, suggesting that loss of N-cadherin could contribute to the invasive capacity of tumour astrocytes. * Present address...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2010) 123 (11): 1959–1968.
Published: 1 June 2010
... and radial glia cells of the ventricular zone and immature neurons outside the ventricular zone but its expression disappears spontaneously as development proceeds except in GFAP-positive astrocytes. In cultured neurospheres, meteorin activates STAT3, and in turn increases the transcriptional activity...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2009) 122 (18): 3340–3350.
Published: 15 September 2009
...Sabine I. Mayer; Oliver G. Rössler; Takeshi Endo; Patrick Charnay; Gerald Thiel Stimulation of astrocytes with epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced proliferation and triggered the biosynthesis of the transcription factor Egr-1, involving the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (24): 5691–5698.
Published: 15 December 2005
... 9 2005 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2005 2005 AQP4 Astrocyte Chemotaxis Reactive gliosis Water channel The central nervous system (CNS) in mammals ( Pekny and Nilsson, 2005 ), amphibia ( Wujek and Reier, 1984 ), birds ( Lurie and Rubel, 1994 ), reptiles ( Romero...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2002) 115 (16): 3241–3251.
Published: 15 August 2002
... into the three main cell types of the central nervous system (CNS), that is, astrocytes, neurons and oligodendrocytes. To study the possible role of connexins and junctional communication during differentiation of neural progenitors, we assessed cell-to-cell communication by microinjecting Lucifer Yellow...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (2001) 114 (5): 987–998.
Published: 1 March 2001
... processes of Bergmann glia in the molecular layer, and colocalized with astrocytes and granule cells in the granule cell layer. These results identify a direct association of Kir2.1, Kir2.2 and Kir2.3 with the MAGUK family member SAP97 that may form part of a macromolecular signaling complex in many...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1999) 112 (23): 4271–4279.
Published: 1 December 1999
...Richard Milner; Xiaozhu Huang; Jianfeng Wu; Stephen Nishimura; Robert Pytela; Dean Sheppard; Charles ffrench-Constant ABSTRACT The Αv integrins are likely to be an important group of molecules for regulating astrocyte behaviour within the central nervous system. Together with their ligand...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1994) 107 (12): 3601–3614.
Published: 1 December 1994
... and astrocyte precursor cells, and in proliferating and differentiated astrocytes in primary cultures by immunogold-labeling methods. In non-dividing cells nuclear calmodulin was mostly localized in heterochromatin although it was also present in euchro- matin and nucleoli. A similar pattern was observed...
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1994) 107 (9): 2499–2508.
Published: 1 September 1994
...B. Jiang; G. I. Liou; M. A. Behzadian; R. B. Caldwell ABSTRACT Vasculogenesis is the formation of blood-vessels by differentiation of vascular precursor cells. Experiments using retinal models were designed to test the hypothesis that astrocytes influence this process by effects on the composition...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
J Cell Sci (1994) 107 (6): 1687–1695.
Published: 1 June 1994
...Linda C. Smith-Thomas; Juin Fok-Seang; James Stevens; Jian-Sheng Du; Elizabeth Muir; Andreas Faissner; Herbert M. Geller; John H. Rogers; James W. Fawcett ABSTRACT We have produced a number of astrocytic cell lines, some of which promote abundant neurite outgrowth, some of which are poor promoters...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles