Presubmission enquiries
The purpose of a presubmission enquiry is to solicit rapid feedback from Journal of Cell Science’s Editors regarding the potential suitability of a manuscript for the journal. If you are uncertain of your paper's suitability for the journal, please first check our aims and scope. If you then wish to submit a presubmission enquiry, please contact our Editorial Office.
Presubmission enquiries should include a clear and concise abstract and a cover letter that explains the study's main findings and the significance of the reported advance for the field and whether they are of broader significance. Please also include any additional information that we should take into account.
In the event of a positive response, you will be encouraged to submit the manuscript to Journal of Cell Science, although please note that a positive response is not a commitment that the article will be peer reviewed formally, but an expression of interest based on the information provided in the presubmission enquiry. The decision to send an article for peer review is based on the handling Editor's consideration of the full manuscript once submitted.
Unsolicited review-type articles are not considered for publication by Journal of Cell Science. If you wish to write a review-type article for Journal of Cell Science, please send the Reviews Editor a brief proposal in the form of a short paragraph (of no more than 200 words) setting out the rationale for the article as a whole. Please also provide a short list of the key recent references to illustrate the timeliness of the article