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Special Issue: Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics

Journal of Cell Science (JCS) invites you to submit your latest research to our upcoming special issue: Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics. This issue will be coordinated by two Guest Editors: Lucy Collinson (The Francis Crick Institute, UK) and Guillaume Jacquemet (University of Turku, Finland).

Imaging-based approaches have long played a role in cell biology, allowing us to understand life's complexity by recording how tissues, cells, and molecules behave. Yet, the recent surge in technological advancements — ranging from improved probes, sample preparation and cutting-edge microscopy hardware to intelligent software — has significantly amplified our observational capabilities. Innovations such as expansion microscopy, volume EM, 3D/4D tissue imaging, correlative and multimodal imaging, and spatial ‘omics have been particularly transformative. When combined with machine learning, these tools offer precise quantitative analysis across scales, from molecules and cells, to tissues and organisms. This special issue aims to showcase articles that, at their core, have applied such advanced techniques in innovative ways to further our understanding of cell biology. We also encourage the submission of articles that report the development of a novel imaging-based method to provide new insights into cell biology.

Prospective authors are welcome to send pre-submission enquiries to [email protected].

The special issue will be published in late 2024 (although note that, in our new continuous publication model, we will aim to publish your article as soon as it is accepted). The issue will be widely promoted online and at key global conferences, guaranteeing maximum exposure for your work.

Please refer to our author guidelines for article types and manuscript preparation. To submit your article, visit our online submission system; please highlight in your cover letter that the submission is to be considered for this special issue.

The deadline for submitting articles has been extended to 29 March 2024.

Why choose Journal of Cell Science?

  • Submissions handled by expert academic Editors
  • Competitive decision speeds and rapid publication
  • Preprint-friendly policies and format-free submission
  • Strong commitment at first decision – over 95% of invited revisions accepted
  • Free to publish or Open Access options available
  • Easy one-click transfer option to Biology Open
  • Not-for-profit publisher

Are you eligible for fee-free Open Access publishing in JCS?

JCS is a Transformative Journal and offers several publishing options that comply with Open Access funder mandates. We offer fee-free Open Access publishing to corresponding authors of institutions that have a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. Check to see if your institute is taking part in our Read & Publish initiative.

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The Company of Biologists currently plants a native tree in a UK forest for each Research and Review article published in JCS and its sister journals. In addition, we are protecting and restoring ancient woodland in recognition of our peer reviewers. The Forest of Biologists is a celebration of the work of the scientists whose research and expertise fills our journals. It aims to counteract nature loss, and safeguard some of the most critically endangered ecosystems. Visit The Forest of Biologists.

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View previous special issues from Journal of Cell Science.

*Please note that, according to timing and volume of submissions, not all articles accepted for publication will be included in the special issue; they may instead be published in earlier or later issues of the journal.

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