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Anniversary article

Summary: As we begin celebrating our 100-year anniversary, we reflect on our extraordinary story so far, consider the Company's current support for our communities and prepare for some inspiring activities.



Summary: We provide a critical overview of approaches used to quantitatively study G protein-coupled receptor signalling in cells.

Summary: Macrophages regulate their phagocytic appetite to rapidly clear pathogens and debris while minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue. We discuss the molecular toolkit for tuning macrophage phagocytosis.


Summary: Inhibition of the phosphoinositide kinase PIKFYVE results in endosome-lysosome enlargement and impaired lysosomal function. This study showed that the accumulation of glutamine-derived ammonium is the cause of these events.

Highlighted Article: We identified a panel of cytosolic mutant proteins degraded by the proteasome. DNAJA2 plays a dual role in the degradation; it broadly stabilizes cytosolic proteins while specifically reducing turnover of certain mutant proteins.

Highlighted Article: Expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in stem cells of the vomeronasal organ is required for neurogenesis and for the maintenance of non-neuronal glia cells.

Summary: FRDA-like astrocytes display some typical features of the disease, such as oxidative stress and depletion of glutathione. Moreover, FRDA-like astrocytes exhibit decreased Ca2+ responses to purinergic stimuli, likely impairing their complex interaction with neurons.

Summary: Rab7A is a small GTPase involved in several cellular pathways. We show that NEK7-mediated phosphorylation of Rab7A is required for its palmitoylation and, in turn, its function in retromer recruitment.

Summary: RAN1 positively regulates pollen size and pollen tube growth by guaranteeing precise actin cytoskeleton arrangement.


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