Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: Confocal image of an adult killifish retina demonstrating that the Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexity (IBEX) technique enables simultaneous labelling of all major retinal cell types. Cryosection of an 8-week-old peripheral retina labelled with nine markers: HuC/D (yellow), PAX6 (lavender), GS (magenta), Calretinin (green), Zpr-1 (cyan), PCNA (red), PRPH2 (orange), Zrf-1 (light green) and Lcp1 (purple). This technique can be adapted to any tissue where multiple antibodies are available, including the rapidly ageing killifish. See article by A. A. Kothurkar et al. (jcs263407).
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Extracellular vesicles and nanoparticles at a glance
Summary: Cells communicate over distances by releasing extracellular vesicles and non-vesicular nanoparticles. We review the diversity and heterogeneity of these structures, including several recently identified examples.
Topology surveillance of the lanosterol demethylase CYP51A1 by signal peptide peptidase
Highlighted Article: We show that the intramembrane protease SPP conducts topology surveillance of CYP51A1 by initiating quality control of incorrectly inserted molecules.
Cajal body formation is regulated by coilin SUMOylation
Summary: The mechanisms driving Cajal body formation are not well understood. We have found that SUMOylation of the Cajal body protein coilin contributes to Cajal body number and size, and influences Cajal body protein interactions.
Proximity labeling reveals interactions necessary to maintain the distinct apical domains of Drosophila photoreceptors
Summary: The delineation of the Drosophila photoreceptor apical membrane into the rhabdomere and stalk is dependent on cross-regulation between two different cortical membrane protein complexes.
The dual Ras-association domains of Drosophila Canoe have differential roles in linking cell junctions to the cytoskeleton during morphogenesis
Summary: Rap1 regulation of Drosophila Canoe and its role in linking cell junctions to the cytoskeleton during morphogenesis involves two Ras-association (RA) domains that have very different functions
The small ARF-like 2 GTPase TITAN5 is linked with the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1
Highlighted Article: TTN5, a small ARF-like GTPase, is connected to the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) in the vesicular trafficking system through direct protein interaction and colocalization, linking with iron reductase activity.
Borg5 restricts contractility and motility in epithelial MDCK cells
Summary: Borg (Cdc42EP) proteins are known to promote septin-dependent stress fibers and acto-myosin contractility. We show that MDCK Borg5 instead limits contractility and motility as required for acquisition of a mature epithelial phenotype.
An image-based RNAi screen identifies the EGFR signaling pathway as a regulator of Imp RNP granules
Highlighted Article: An image-based RNAi screen in Drosophila cells identified regulators of Imp/IGF2BP RNP granules. Among those, the EGFR downstream effector MAPK (Rolled) interacts with Imp and inhibits Imp granule assembly.
CAMSAP3 forms dimers via its α-helix domain that directly stabilize non-centrosomal microtubule minus ends
Summary: Our study reveals the molecular mechanism of CAMSAP3-mediated microtubule stabilization and unique functions within the CAMSAP family, impacting microtubule minus-end dynamics.
‘Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexity’ facilitates simultaneous identification of all major retinal cell types
Highlighted Article: A multiplexed immunofluorescence technique called ‘Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexity’ (IBEX) was adapted to label all major cell types in the retina. This technique applied to any multicellular tissue where antibodies are available.
Call for papers - Cilia and Flagella: from Basic Biology to Disease
We are welcoming submissions for our upcoming special issue: Cilia and Flagella: from Basic Biology to Disease. This issue will be coordinated by two Guest Editors: Pleasantine Mill (University of Edinburgh) and Lotte Pedersen (University of Copenhagen). Submission deadline: 1 March 2025.
Biologists @ 100 - join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the Spring Meetings of the BSCB and the BSDB, the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and a DMM programme on antimicrobial resistance. Find out more and register your interest to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. The deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration is 17 January 2025.
Fantastic proteins and where to find them – histones, in the nucleus and beyond
In this Review, Johanna Grinat and colleagues provide an evolutionary perspective of histones, nuclear chromatin and extracellular chromatin biology, describing the known extranuclear and extracellular functions of histones.
JCS-FocalPlane Training Grants
Early-career researchers - working in an area covered by JCS - who would like to attend a microscopy training course, please apply. Deadline dates for 2025 applications: 7 March 2025 (decision by week commencing 21 April 2025) and 6 June 2025 (decision by week commencing 28 July 2025).
How to reduce your lab's carbon footprint
All stakeholders – from those working in the lab to those providing funding and infrastructure – have an important role to play to becoming more sustainable. In this Essay, Julie Welburn discusses what lab users can collectively do to transform biomedical research into a discipline that is significantly and positively sustainable.