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Summary: We review the evolution of self-organizing systems, focusing on cell polarization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its relatives, and offer a shift in perspective on evolution at the molecular scale.

Summary: A discussion of the catalytic and non-catalytic functions of the three N-terminal methyltransferases to enable better understanding of their biological roles.



Highlighted Article: Substrate stiffness modulates mechanotransduction of Notch signaling in endothelial cells. This might have implications for pathologies involving extracellular matrix stiffening, such as tumor growth.

Summary: AMG232 inhibits glioma angiogenesis via the p53–RBM4–VEGFR2 pathway, which might provide a potential target and an alternative strategy for combined glioma therapy.

Summary: The claudin superfamily member, Dcv1, facilitates the proper localization of plasma membrane lipids and proteins that are required for front–rear polarity, efficient chemotropism and cell fusion in yeast.

Highlighted Article: CCDC86 was identified as a novel component of the perichromosomal layer and was found to be important for chromosome segregation. It represents a strong prognostic marker for neuroblastoma patients.

Highlighted Article: A unique genetic coordination between the TIM22 complex and YME1 machinery balances mitochondrial protein biogenesis and quality control, thereby maintaining cellular health.

Highlighted Article: SART3 interacts with post-splicing complexes in a DHX15-dependent manner, suggesting that SART3 associates with the post-splicing complex, interacts there with U6 snRNA and initiates its recycling.

Summary: Bcl-2 regulates the temporal trajectory of human induced pluripotent stem cell differentiation towards cardiomyocytes in a c-Myc dependent manner.

Summary: Regulation of the temporal order of DNA replication during differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells into adipocytes was uncovered and found to be linked with adipogenesis potential.

Summary: Two members of the PDI family, ERp57 and ERdj5, assist secretory protein folding by correcting non-native disulfide bonds. Their contrasting dependency on a reducing pathway reflects their different roles as isomerase and reductase.

Summary: The C-terminal domain of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) regulates microtubule dynamics and organises ring-like tubulin oligomers around the microtubule wall, and plays a role in mitotic spindle function.

Summary: E-cadherin and Scribble dynamically relocate during division of single cells to orient the mitotic spindle and control placement of the daughter cells.

Summary: Transcriptomics and fluorescence microscopy of the amoeba Dictyostelium show the involvement of Rabs and SNAREs in regulation of the contractile vacuole, and phylogenetics addresses its evolutionary origins.

Summary: Mhf2, a component of the inner layer of the proteinaceous kinetochore supercomplex, regulates the spindle assembly checkpoint and faithful chromosome segregation.


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