Values for the mean thickness of living bacilli in a number of different cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus were obtained from phase-change measurements. These were made with an interference microscope. The bacilli were mounted in media of several different refractive indices. The accuracy of these measurements is not limited by the wavelength of the light used, so that the mean thickness of bacteria can be measured more critically in this way than by an eyepiece micrometer scale.
The values obtained for the mean thickness of the living bacilli were compared with the mean width of similar bacilli measured in electron-micrographs, after they had been prepared for electron-microscopy by drying them in air on formvar. The method used for preparing the bacteria for the electron-microscope is described in detail.
It was found that osmium-fixed air-dried L. bulgaricus so prepared shrink linearly in the plane of the formvar film by 59% ±5%, and similar unfixed bacilli by 51% ±5%. Phase-change measurements through these air-dried bacilli indicated a similar degree of shrinkage, or a slightly greater shrinkage, in the direction at right angles to the formvar film.
The high resolution and accurate calibration of modern electron-micro-scopes enables the dimensions of objects of the size of bacteria to be measured with considerable accuracy ; but, in the case of bacteria, the necessity of placing the material in a high vacuum for examination by electron-micro-scopy means that the water they originally contained has to be entirely re-moved, so that it is certain that there must be a considerable loss of volume.
So far, no attempts have been made to estimate the shrinkage of bacteria so prepared owing to the difficulty of making accurate measurements of the size of living bacteria. Such measurements, at present, can only be made with a microscope using visible light (or the relatively non-lethal wavelengths of the near ultra-violet), and they are usually made with an eyepiece-micrometer scale in an ordinary light microscope. Accuracy is here limited by the numeri-cal aperture of the objective and the wavelength of light used, and it is scarcely possible to determine the dimensions of an object in this way more accurately than to the nearest 0-4 μ; which means that, when objects of the size of living bacteria are measured, the error may be considerable.
An interference microscope, however, enables such measurements to be made with visible light in a manner which is not subject to these particular limitations, and which appears to be appreciably more accurate. With an interference microscope the retardation in phase of light passing through a small object, such as a living bacterium, can be measured very critically. This phase-change is proportional to the product of the refractive index of the bacterium relative to that of the mounting medium, and its thickness. The thickness of bacteria can therefore be deduced from phase-change measurements of this kind if the refractive indices of the mounting medium and of the organism are known; or, if the refractive index of the organism is not known, both its thickness and refractive index may be found by making similar phase-change measurements in two mounting media of different refractive indices.
Both these methods have recently been used to obtain values for the mean thickness of a living bacterium, L. bulgaricus (Ross 1955, and to be published), and it was decided to measure the same organism with an electron-microscope in order to estimate the amount by which these bacilli shrink.
The organism measured, a typical strain of L. bulgaricus, was obtained in milk cultures supplied by a commercial yoghourt firm (Les Laboratoires ‘Yalacta’, 51 Rue Lepic, Paris), where it is grown under very constant conditions. The living bacilli (which are rod-shaped), always appeared to be between 1 μ and 15 μ in diameter; and eyepiece-micrometer measurements showed no detectable variations in the thickness of the bacilli in cultures supplied at different dates or in the sub-cultures grown from them in sterilized milk. In addition to this one strain of bacilli, the cultures contained small numbers of two other organisms that were easily distinguishable, a strain of Streptococcus and an encapsulated Diplococcus (fig. 1, A-D) ; but only the diameters of the L. bulgaricus were measured.
Methods And Measurements
The methods of measuring the living bacilli
The two methods used for measuring the mean thickness of the living bacilli will only be described briefly, because they will be fully reported and discussed elsewhere.
(1) With the first method, the mean refractive index of the bacilli was obtained by direct measurement by the method of immersion refractometry first employed by Barer and Ross in 1952, which is fully described by Barer and Joseph (1954, 1955a)-The bacilli were mounted in a series of protein solutions of different concentrations, until one was found in which the majority of the bacilli showed up with minimum contrast when examined with a phase-contrast microscope. The refractive index of this solution (in which approximately equal numbers of bacilli appeared slightly darker and slightly brighter than the medium) was 1-4045 in all the cultures measured; and this was taken as the value of the mean refractive index of the L. bulgaricus.
All the refractive index measurements were made at room temperature with a Bellingham & Stanley pocket refractometer. This instrument has a built-in yellow filter with a transmission spectrum equivalent to the mean of the two sodium lines (589 m μ); and, with it, measurements could be made accurately to the nearest o-oo1, or more accurately than this.
where ϕ = the mean phase retardation measured through the bacilli expressed as an angle, n = the mean refractive index of the bacilli (1-4045), m = the mean refractive index of the saline mounting medium (1-3350), and X = the mean wavelength of the light used (0-542 μ, obtained by using a tungsten ‘pointolite’ lamp with an Ilford 807, mercury green, gelatine filter).
This method has already been described by Ross (1955), except that, in that account, a small correction factor was used (×1.13 or , and further investigations have shown that this was probably not necessary. Measurements were made on 14 different cultures by this method. The values obtained for the mean thickness of the living bacilli in each culture ranged from 1 · 13 μ. to 1-23 μ. and the mean of all the mean values obtained by this method was I-I6 μ.
where ϕ = the mean phase retardation through the bacilli in saline and ϕ 2 = the mean retardation through the bacilli in the protein solution, expressed as angles, = the refractive index of the saline solution, m2— the refractive index of the protein solution, and λ = the mean wavelength of the light used (0-542 μ, as before).
This method was similar to that employed by Barer in 1953 for measuring the thickness of mouth epithelial cells, except that, instead of the phasechange measurements being made on the same individual cells suspended successively in the two mounting media, they were made on a different sample of the bacterial culture in each medium, as it was not possible to keep the same bacterium in the field and change the mounting medium. The method is fully described by Ross and Billing (1957), who have used it for measuring bacterial spores.
Measurements were made on 9 different cultures by this method, and the values obtained for the mean thickness of the bacilli in each culture ranged from 1-02 μ to 1 · 14 μ; and so they were slightly lower than the values obtained by the previous method. The average of all the values obtained was 1 · 09 μ.
The method of preparing the bacilli for electron-microscopy
There is no generally accepted technique for preparing dried films of bacteria for the electron-microscope. The methods used here will be described in detail.
The most important thing was to ensure that the suspension fluid in which the organisms were finally evaporated on the formvar film of the specimen grid was as free as possible from dissolved solids, so that no appreciable deposit was left round the bacteria that could obscure their outline or make them appear thicker than they really were. The original milk-foam culture media in which the organisms were supplied contained many visible solid particles and fat droplets as well as proteins and sugars in solution. All these had to be separated from the bacteria by centrifuging and washing.
The method used, which was evolved and found satisfactory after a certain amount of trial and error, was as follows:
(i) The original culture was centrifuged at a slow speed, with the result that it separated into a small precipitate of dense solid matter, and an upper fraction of milky froth. Three-quarters of this upper fraction was then removed with a pipette and thoroughly mixed with one-third of its volume of distilled water. The mixture was then recentrifuged at slow speed. This precipitated most of the remaining extraneous solid matter and left a pale grey supernatant fluid, which, on examination, was found to be rich in suspended bacteria.
(ii) To i ml of this supernatant fluid, 1 ml of 1% aqueous osmium tetroxide solution was added and thoroughly mixed. This mixture was then left to stand for 2 h., after which time practically all the remaining extraneous matter had separated out as a black precipitate.
(iii) i ml of the surface liquid was then removed and mixed with 5 ml of distilled water and centrifuged at high speed. The bacteria formed a small solid precipitate. All but about o-i ml of the supernatant fluid was then removed and the precipitate of bacteria was mixed again with the remaining fluid ; and 5 more ml of distilled water were added. This mixture was again centrifuged at high speed, and again all but about o-1 ml of the supernatant fluid was removed, and the bacterial precipitate remixed with the remaining fluid.
(iv) Drops of this suspension were applied directly to the formvar films on the electron-microscope specimen grids with a fine-drawn pipette, and left to evaporate at room temperature.
The osmium-fixed L. bulgaricus prepared in this way appeared in electronmicrographs with sharp and regular outlines. They showed no appreciable deposit on their surface, and there was very little extraneous matter apparent in the rest of the field. The Diplococcus species usually appeared without its surrounding capsule (fig. 1, B, c).
In addition to the fixed bacteria some preparations of unfixed bacteria were also made by exactly the method described above, with the omission of stage (ii). In these, however, the bacteria in the electron-micrographs frequently appeared, to be surrounded by a distinct pale zone which was probably a deposit; and, on this, appreciable numbers of denser particles could usually be seen (fig. 1, D). Narrow pale zones at the edges of dried bacteria appear quite frequently in published electron-micrographs (e.g. in those of Bacillus megaterium by Dubin and Sharp, 1944); and it is probable that they usually represent surface deposits from the media.
None of the air-dried bacteria on the formvar films were gold-shadowed or subjected to any other process involving the deliberate addition of surface deposits. This was not necessary since the outlines of the unshadowed bacteria appeared sharp in all the electron-micrographs.
The methods of measuring the bacilli prepared for electron-microscopy
The mean thicknesses of the living bacilli were deduced from phase-change measurements made in one dimension only—the direction of the optical axis of the interference microscope. It was assumed that the living bacilli were circular in cross-section, and that their thickness in this direction was equal to their width in the plane at right angles to it.
Such an assumption, however, was not justified in the case of the air-dried bacilli prepared for the electron-microscope, because it seemed not unlikely that they might become flattened in the process of drying, and so might shrink less in the plane of the formvar film than in the plane at right angles to it. Consequently it was desirable to measure their dimensions in both planes if possible.
(1) The widths of the air-dried bacilli in the plane of the formvar film were measured directly from electron-micrograph prints.
The electron-micrographs were taken with a Siemens Elmiskop I at 80 kV and an instrumental magnification of × 8000. The magnification was calibrated according to a method described by the makers, i.e. objective, intermediate, and projector lens (first pole-piece) are switched on and the current in the projector lens is adjusted until the circular hole of 70-p. objective aperture forms an image on the screen with a diameter of 90 mm. The accuracy of the calibration is ±3%, which was adequate for our measurements.
In all, a total of 88 osmium-fixed bacilli and 33 unfixed bacilli were photographed and measured. All the measurements were made at an arbitrarily chosen point 1 p, from one end of each bacillus, because the width of individual bacilli in the electron-micrographs frequently varied slightly along their length. Similar measurements were made on the original photographic plates because printing paper sometimes shrinks appreciably after being washed and dried (Pusey, 1956), but these did not differ significantly from the print measurements.
The widths of the osmium-fixed bacilli thus measured ranged from 0-375 μ. to 0-560 μ,, with a mean of 0 · 475 μ : and those of the unfixed bacilli ranged from 0-440 μ. to 0-625 μ, with a mean of 0 · 545 μ.
(2) The mean thickness of the air-dried bacilli in the other plane, i.e. at right angles to the plane of the formvar film or in the direction of the axis of the electron beam, was measured with the interference microscope by the second of the two methods already described for measuring the living bacilli.
This was done with a sample of the final suspension of the osmium-fixed bacilli, prepared in the manner described above and evaporated on an ordinary glass slide. Phase-change measurements were made through 10 of these dried bacilli in air, and then the preparation was covered with distilled water, and the phase-changes through 10 similar bacilli were measured. The mean thickness of the bacilli t was calculated from formula (2) above (page 284), where = the mean phase retardation through the bacilli in air, and </>2 = the mean phase retardation through the bacilli in water, expressed as angles, = the refractive index of air (1-o), n2= the refractive index of water (1-334), and λ = the mean wavelength of the light used (0-542 p, as before). It was assumed that the bacilli did not swell appreciably when they were re-immersed in water after they were dried. The bacilli were measured on a glass slide rather than on formvar film because the latter was found to be too uneven in thickness to provide an adequate reference field for the interference microscope. It was thought probable that, if any appreciable flattening of the bacilli did occur, this would be even more apparent on a rigid glass surface.
The mean phase-change through the osmium-fixed bacilli in air was found to be 139-2°, and in water 41-2° (fig. 1, E, F). This gave a value of 0-445 M for their mean thickness in this direction, which is very closely comparable to the value of 0-475 μ, obtained from the electron-micrographs for their mean width in the opposite direction. Thus it would appear that the osmium-fixed bacilli do not flatten or spread to any significant extent when they are dried on formvar films, but shrink uniformly and maintain their cylindrical crosssection.
It should be pointed out, however, that the validity of this conclusion depends on the assumption that the air-dried bacilli do not swell again appreciably when they are covered with distilled water for the second phasechange measurement. If this is not true, and the bacilli do swell, one would expect their mean phase retardation in water (</>2) to be rather lower than if no swelling occurred: and this would give rather higher values for their mean thickness than was actually the case. Thus the very close correspondence between the values for the mean width obtained by electron-microscopy and the mean thickness obtained by interferometry do necessarily mean that there has been no flattening. The mean refractive index of the air-dried bacilli calculated from the phase retardation measurements was 1-470. This is rather lower than the values of 1-53-1-54 that have been obtained for the refractive indices of dried protein products such as leather and dried casein (Chamot and Mason, 1938); and it consequently indicates that the thickness measurements obtained in this way are probably slightly too high, and the bacilli are, in fact, slightly flattened.
Thus, all that can be said with certainty is that the shrinkage of bacilli dried on a glass surface in the direction of the optical axis of the microscope is at least as great as the shrinkage in the plane at right angles to it; and it may be even greater. A more uniform shrinkage might reasonably be expected in the bacilli dried on the formvar films, since, unlike the glass, the formvar is pliable.
It is probable that the same arguments apply in the case of the unfixed bacilli, but only the osmium-fixed bacilli were measured in this way.
Linear shrinkage
The mean linear shrinkage in diameter of the bacilli 5 is given by the formula #
(3) where t1 = the mean thickness of the living bacilli estimated by each of the two methods used, and t2= the mean thickness of the air-dried bacilli, both in the plane of the formvar film from the electron-micrographs and at right angles to this from interferometry.
Table 1 shows the mean shrinkage (expressed as percentages) obtained for both the osmium-fixed and the unfixed bacilli, on the assumption, first, that the mean thickness of the living bacilli was I-I6 μ (obtained by the first method of measuring the living bacilli), and secondly, that it was 1-09/1 (obtained by the second method).
It will be seen that the mean shrinkage values so calculated differ from each other by a maximum of 3%, and that, in the case of the osmium-fixed bacilli, the shrinkages in one plane differ from those in the other plane by a maximum of 4%. The shrinkage values for the unfixed bacilli are about 10% lower, and differ from each other by 3%.
The accuracy of the shrinkage values
The accuracy of the above values for linear shrinkage in diameter depends on the accuracy of the values obtained for the mean thickness of the living bacilli and the accuracy of the measurements on the electron-microscope preparations.
The calibration of the Siemens electron-microscope used is such that the error in measuring the electron-micrographs is less than ±3%; so the main source of error lies in the estimations on the living material. For reasons that will be fully discussed elsewhere (Ross, 1957), it is thought unlikely that the error in the measurements made of the mean thickness of the living bacilli is more than ±0-1μ. Consequently, it is very unlikely that the error in the values obtained for the mean shrinkage of the bacilli prepared for electronmicroscopy is greater than ±5%-
Thus, linear shrinkage values of 59% ±5% for the osmium-fixed bacilli and 51% ±5% for the unfixed bacilli are unlikely to be far wrong.
A linear shrinkage of between 50% and 60% is very considerable : but it is not entirely surprising in view of the fact that the material has been completely desiccated.
The shrinkage is almost twice as great as that found in ordinary tissue-cells after fixation and paraffin-wax embedding (Ross, 1953); and it is probable that bacteria and other cytological material prepared for electron-microscopy by embedding (e.g. in n-butyl methacrylate) may shrink less than this 50-60%. Even so, under certain circumstances they may shrink quite considerably, and the consequent reduction and distortion of intracellular spaces may contribute to the difficulty of interpreting cytological electron-micrographs.
These shrinkage values were only obtained for a single species of bacillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus-, but it is likely that many other species of bacteria may similarly show considerable shrinkages when they are dried in air. This is because refractive index measurements indicate that many species of bacteria appear to contain rather similar concentrations of solid matter when they are alive. The L. bulgaricus vegetative cells used here have a refractive index of about 1-4045, which is equivalent to about 40% cell solids (Ross, 1955), and this is similar to that found in Streptococcus haemolyticus (Barer, Ross, and Tkaczyk, 1953). The vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus, B. cereus var. mycoides, and B. megaterium all have rather lower refractive indices between 1-3830 and 1-4030, equivalent to cell-solid concentrations of 27-38% (Ross and Billing, 1957); and thus they might be expected to shrink rather more than L. bulgaricus.
The outlines of the bacilli in the electron-micrographs always appeared nearly straight and without wrinkles. This suggests that, during air-drying, the cell membrane must shrink to the same extent as the contents ; and consequently it must be very elastic.
We are greatly indebted to Dr. J. R. Baker of Oxford and Mr. F. H. Smith of Messrs. Charles Baker for their most valuable advice and encouragement.
The Smith Interference Microscope used in this work was provided out of a grant to one of us (K. F. A. R.) from the London University Central Research Fund; and the Siemens Electron-Microscope was provided by the Melville Trust for Cancer Research, to which the other of us (K.D.) is indebted. We should also like to thank Dr. I. W. Selman of Wye and Professor
M. M. Swann of Edinburgh for providing facilities in their own respective Departments.
Finally, we would like to express our thanks to Dr. A. T. B. Mattick of the National Institute for Research in Dairying, Shinfield, for identifying the organism provided by the Laboratoires ‘Yalacta’ in Paris (and stated to be Bacillus bulgaris) as a typical strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus.