The histology of the suckered and peristomial tube-feet of the two regular echinoids Cidaris cidaris (Cidaroida) and Echinus esculentus (Diadematoida) is described; of these orders the Cidaroida is the more primitive. The suckered tube-feet of both urchins have a connective-tissue sheath the fibres of which branch extensively before inserting at the disk, and in which are embedded numerous spicules, enlarged distally to form a supporting skeleton of the disk. A series of levator muscles, separate from the retractors of the stem, raise the centre of the disk during adhesion, and this activity also probably squeezes mucus from a series of glands opening at the disk surface. In Cidaris a second series of glands, goblet cells in the disk epithelium, are operated by special short muscle-fibres running between them; these cells and the muscles are absent in Echinus. In Cidaris sensory cells are apparently scattered over the entire disk surface, whereas in Echinus they appear to be mainly concentrated in a ring round the disk periphery. The peristomial tube-feet of both urchins are not suckered; the levator muscles are absent, and the disk, supported by a less complex calcareous skeleton, contains mainly sensory cells and mucous glands. The possible derivation of the diadematoid, clypeasteroid, and spatangoid tube-foot plans from that of the cidaroid is discussed. The differences in ornamentation of the regions of the test which bear the tube-feet are discussed functionally, the main conclusion being that a tube-foot whose activity is at all angles to the test requires a wider base than one whose activity is mainly perpendicular; this is shown to be the case in spatangoids also. A respiratory function for Stewart’s organs in the Cidaroida is suggested.
This paper is a further part of a comparative histological study of the tube-foot I ampulla systems in echinoderms. With the exception of some aspects of their histology and function in certain asteroids, these remarkable and unique hydrostatic organs have received comparatively little attention in the past, and no attempt has been made to homologize structures in-an evolutionary sequence, as will be done briefly here. It will be shown in this paper that the tube-feet of a primitive echinoid have a histological structure from which can be derived that of an advanced regular echinoid and the various types of tube-feet in a clypeasteroid and a spatangoid.
As far as one can tell from hard parts alone, the genus Cidaris, of the order Cidaroida, is quite close to the fossil genus Miocidaris, which, as Jackson (1912) shows, is the only echinoid genus found on both sides of the geological crisis marking the junction of the Permian and Triassic systems. This being so, all subsequent echinoids, regular and irregular, presumably have a cidaroid ancestry, and it is very fortunate that cidaroid material has become available during the course of this work. The species whose tube-foot structure is described here is Cidaris cidaris (Linn.) (fig. 1), which occurs in the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. As representative of another regular echinoid order with living members, the Diadematoida, the common British sea-urchin Echinus esculentus Linn, is chosen.
The specimens of C. cidaris were dredged from the edge of the continental shelf in north Biscay, 51 ° 15’ N., ll° 40’ W., at a depth of about 500 fathoms, and were placed in sea-water tanks at the Plymouth laboratory, where they lived perfectly well for several years. E. esculentus was dredged from the shellgravel of the Looe-Eddystone ground.
The tube-feet were removed from the urchins by cutting as close to the test as possible. The fixative used was Heidenhain’s ‘Susa’, made up in sea-water, the tissues being fixed for 6 to 8 h. Susa gave good cytological results and was also adequate for decalcification. Before fixation, some of the animals were narcotized in propylene phenoxytol (Owen, 1955), by the same technique as that used for Antedon (Nichols, 1960). Embedding and staining followed the same procedure as that used for the study of the tube-feet of irregular echinoids (Nichols, 1959 a, b). For ordinary histological detail Pantin’s (1948) modification of Masson’s trichrome technique was used.
For a study of the calcareous plates and spicules 6 tube-feet of each type were treated on a slide with 2% hot caustic potash.
In all present-day echinoids there are two columns of plates in each ambulacrum and two in each interambulacrum. The cidaroid ambulacra are simple, that is, each plate bears a single pair of pores in uniserial arrangement (fig. 2, A).
Each pore-pair (fig. 2, B) is surrounded by a furrow and the individual pores have a slight pyramidal swelling between them; this ornamentation is chiefly for the attachment of muscles of the tube-foot stem. The furrow on the oral side of each pore-pair is slightly deeper than elsewhere, and turns abruptly towards the interior of the test through a notch on the oral side of the perradial pore (that nearest the mid-line of the ambulacrum). A similar, though very much smaller notch occurs in the oral side of the other pore. Both ambulacral and interambulacral plates are continued across the peristomial edge on to the peristome itself (fig. 2, c), though here they do not abut against each other to form a rigid structure but imbricate in such a way that the peristome is flexible. The two columns of plates in each interambulacrum are usually, but not always, fused into one column in C. cidaris (not shown in fig. 2, c). Whereas the pore-pairs of the test are placed so that a line joining each pore is roughly meridional, those of the peristome gradually transform adorally until a line joining them is parallel to the long axis of the ambulacrum; also, the perradial pore becomes larger, while the other becomes very much smaller than the coronal pores and may even disappear entirely at the mouth edge.
In the diadematoids the ambulacra are compound, that is, each plate really consists of two or more plates ‘crushed’ (Hawkins, 1919) together (fig. 2, D). In E. esculentus the pore-pairs are in triserial arrangement. There is a furrow surrounding each pore-pair, as in cidaroids, but in this group it is shallower and very much wider on the aboral side of the pores (fig. 2, E). On the oral side, as in Cidaris, the furrow leads into the perradial pore and thence to the interior of the test. Immediately aboral to this furrow is a second one parallel to the first which probably corresponds with the oral side of the pyramidal projection in Cidaris. In the diadematoids the peristomial plates are not visible on the surface of the living animal, as they are in cidaroids: they are very much reduced and are embedded in thick connective tissue. One pair of plates in each ambulacrum, however, is larger than the rest; these lie close to the rim of the mouth and each is pierced by a single pore bearing a tube-foot. Each pore (fig. 2, F) has a cavity which is nearly subdivided into three by ridges projecting from two opposite sides. The actual hole through the plate enters it from the inside near its aboral edge; it pierces it at an angle because the branch from the radial water-vascular canal to each peristomial tube-foot lies against the inside surface of the peristome and has to turn through nearly 90° as it passes through the plate to become the lumen of the peristomial tube-foot.
Though there is not nearly so much division of labour in the tube-feet in any one ambulacrum of regular echinoids as in the irregulars, there is a division into two distinct types: first, the principal tube-feet which arise from the pore-pairs of the test, and, secondly, the peristomial tube-feet. The principal tube-feet normally have suckered disks, though the suckers may become weak and even absent altogether towards the aboral pole, particularly in cidaroids. Those with suckers are principally organs of locomotion, anchorage, and respiration, with the subsidiary function of sensation, while aborally the functions of locomotion and anchorage become less and less important. The tube-feet of C. cidaris are far less important in locomotion than are those of E. esculentus’. the spines move the animal while the tube-feet act as movable ‘guy-ropes’; but it is hard to see why the cidaroid sucker is less developed, because even a guy-rope requires a strong tent-peg. It is a feature of the cidaroid suckered tube-feet that while they are extending free in the water the centre of the disk (the diaphragm) is raised as a conical projection (see, for instance, Prouho, 1887, plate XIV, fig. 5). This may simply be caused by pressure of water in the lumen against the diaphragm, and the reason why it is never seen in diadematoids would be because the diaphragm is much stronger.
Though they have no suckers on their disks, the peristomial tube-feet resemble at a glance those of the test in external morphology; indeed, Prouho (1887) incorrectly states of C. cidaris that the series of suckered tube-feet continues orally on to the peristome, and that ‘on sait qu’il n’existe chez les Cidaridés rien de comparable aux dix tentacules buccaux des Échinidés’, from which it is clear that though he recognized the two sorts of tube-feet of diadematoids (‘Échinidés’) he failed to realize that all the peristomial tubefeet of cidaroids are without suckers. Mortensen (1928), on the other hand, regards only the innermost of the peristomials of cidaroids as corresponding to what he calls ‘buccal’ tube-feet of other regulars. It is true, as Mortensen himself noticed, that the 10 innermost of this series are slightly bigger than the others,’but there is no doubt, from the present work, that morphologically and histologically all the peristomial tube-feet of Cidaris are similar. Their functions are most probably sensation and respiration, as will be discussed later.
It is relevant to clarify here the terminology of the tube-feet near the mouth. The term ‘peristomial tube-feet’ refers only to those which pierce the peristomial membrane; in clypeasteroids (see, for instance, Nichols, 1959) the sensory tube-feet round the mouth arise directly from the circum-ofal watervascular ring, so it is uncertain whether they are homologous with the peristomials of regulars; for this reason they are referred to as ‘buccal tube-feet’ in this work. Finally, the organs of feeding in each ambulacrum of spatangoids (see, for instance, Nichols, 1959a) arise from the radial water vessels; though they may, for this reason, be homologous with the peristomials of regulars, this is by no means certain, since the peristomials have no ampullae; in any case, their morphology and function is so different that they are referred to as ‘feeding tube-feet’.
The suckered tube-feet
The stem. The wall of the stem (fig. 3) consists of 4 layers: an outer epithelium, a connective-tissue sheath, a muscle-layer, and a coelomic epithelium. The main framework of any tube-foot is the connective-tissue sheath, and this is a convenient starting-point in a description of the anatomy. The function of the sheath, as Smith (1947 a, b) showed for asteroids, is to allow the tube-foot to extend considerably while still keeping the lumen diameter constant. The sheath in this case has 3 components. The outermost layer is the most diffuse, with mainly longitudinally running fibres; in it are normally embedded many coelomocytes which have probably migrated there from the water-vascular canal, and a large number of curved spicules. The latter are arranged roughly in two longitudinal columns (fig. 4) which overlap on one side but between which there is a gap on the other: the longitudinal tube-foot nerve runs in this space. The spicules themselves have thorny processes radially projecting from them, and these processes become particularly prominent towards the tube-foot disk. At the distal end of the stem the spicules become closelypacked and very much flatter. This happens at just about the level of the nerve-ring, that is, just distal to the end of the longitudinal nerve, and here the spicules form a complete ring. The arrangement is not haphazard; there are 5 interlocking sets of spicules in the ring, each set being placed across the junction between adjacent plates of the rosette of the disk, which will be described later. There is no sharp dividing line between the outermost connective-tissue layer and the next. The middle layer of the sheath is fairly dense and consists of fibres arranged mainly longitudinally, though they curve round each other at intervals to form an interwoven net and also send fibres into the outermost layer. Nearer the disk they become much more regularly longitudinal in arrangement, and, together with fibres of the outer layer, pass through the skeletal rosette of the disk (see later) to fan out before inserting at the disk epithelium. At the centre of the disk (the diaphragm) some fibres of this layer form a cap round the distal end of the tube-foot lumen. The innermost layer of the three is the thinnest and most dense, and consists entirely of circularly running fibres. It is quite distinct from the middle layer.
It appears that in this tube-foot there is no space between any of the component layers to allow for extension, and comparison of narcotized and nonnarcotized material suggests that the connective-tissue layer as a whole can crumple and distort sufficiently to accommodate the folding of the epithelium while the muscles contract. The thickness of any of the connective-tissue layers in a section, therefore, will depend on the state of distortion, but it seems as though the whole layer in the contracted state occupies between 100 and 200 fi, and in the expanded state between 10 and 20 μ.
Outside the connective-tissue sheath is the external epithelium and its underlying nerve-plexus. Unlike any other tube-foot so far studied in this work, this epithelium is quite heavily ciliated, the 10 to 15 μ, long cilia being spaced every 3 to 5 μ, or so. The cells of the epithelium are heavily vacuolated and interspersed with coelomocytes, giving the epithelium a diffuse appearance. The sub-epithelial nerve-plexus is so thin as to be virtually invisible, except where it widens out to form the longitudinal nerve (fig. 4). This nerve is supported by neuroglia, running mainly radially from the diffuse connective-tissue layer to the basement membrane of the epithelium. At the distal end of the tube-foot stem the nerve-plexus widens out to form the nervering; this too is strengthened by neuroglia.
Next internally to the connective-tissue sheath is the longitudinal retractor muscle. In the contracted state this is normally about 50 to 80 μ thick, and the individual fibres between 2 and 6 μ. thick. The fibres originate and insert at the connective-tissue sheath at intervals down the length of a tube-foot, so that in the contracted state the fibres loop in towards the lumen. As usual in tube-foot muscle (Nichols, 1959a) the fibres are surrounded by an exceedingly thin layer of cytoplasm down most of their length, but in one place there is a bulge, the cell-body, containing the nucleus. The interesting feature about the muscle-layer in this case is the position of the cell-bodies and nuclei. Here, they are interspersed among the fibres to a certain extent, as well as forming a more or less distinct layer internal to the layer of fibres.
The innermost layer of the stem is a thin, ciliated, coelomic epithelium. It is not easy to distinguish this layer from the layer of muscle-cell bodies underlying it, except by the fact that the epithelial nuclei are usually flattened longitudinally, whereas the nuclei of the muscle-cells are usually round or pear-shaped. In the material available it is not possible to see whether the cilia of this epithelium are uniformly distributed or are in two main columns, one beating distally and the other proximally to maintain a circulation within the lumen.
The disk. The tissues of the disk are supported by a rosette of 5 calcareous plates (fig. 3) with the tube-foot lumen passing through a hole in the middle. The plates are embedded in continuations of the two outer connective-tissue layers of the stem, which are here mostly running longitudinally to insert at the epithelium of the disk; some of the fibres, however, pass in and out of the fenestrae of the plates to bind them together and keep them in place. The distal edges of the plates are scalloped and the upper surfaces are ridged: these excavations contain nerves arising at the nerve-ring, which lies against the proximal side of the rosette. The nerves turn in under the distal side of the rosette to become the sub-epithelial plexus of the disk. On their proximal inner surfaces the plates are excavated to form a cradle for the complete ring of flattened stem spicules, mentioned above.
After the tube-foot lumen has passed distally through the central hole in the calcareous rosette it narrows somewhat before terminating 20 to 25 fi from the surface of the disk. At approximately the place where the narrowing starts, which is. also at the level of the complete ring of flattened stem spicules, muscle-fibres of the disk levator system originate at the connective-tissue sheath, pass into the lumen end distally, and insert at the sheath again on the inside surface of the diaphragm. In this set of muscles it is easy to identify the nucleus belonging to each individual fibre, which is contained in a small swelling of cytoplasm, generally near the distal end of each fibre.
The epithelium (figs. 5; 8, B) is remarkably uniform in thickness (about 17 to 20 μ in an adoral tube-foot) and structure over its entire extent. The main feature which characterizes it is the presence of muscle-fibres, quite regularly spaced every 3 to 6 μ, originating at the basement membrane and inserting at the external cuticle. Each fibre is about 2 μ in diameter, fanning out and breaking up into 5 or 6 component fibrils at each end, and has its own oval nucleus in a swollen region of cytoplasm about two-thirds of its length towards the cuticle. Scattered unicellular mucous glands are also present. These take up only faintly the light green of Masson and the red of mucicarmine, but show quite marked metachromasia with toluidine blue, &c. The third recognizable component of the epithelium is a series of ciliated cells, rather sparsely placed every 15 to 20 μ. As far as can be seen, the cilia arise singly from each cell. It has not been possible to determine whether these are motile cilia or sensory processes.
Although not strictly belonging to the disk epithelium, one other component of importance occupies the disk: in addition to the single-celled mucous glands of the disk epithelium, there is a further series of single-celled glands aggregated into groups of up to 15 cells, the main bodies of these cells lying between the disk epithelium and the distal face of the calcareous rosette (figs. 3; 8, A). The glands send their ducts towards the face of the disk in groups, but within the epithelium the ducts separate and open through the cuticle singly.
The peristomial tube-feet
The stem
This is very similar to the stem of the suckered tube-foot. The same basic component layers are present, the chief differences in detail being as follows. First, in non-narcotized material it is evident that very much less puckering of the external ciliated epithelium occurs (fig. 6). It is clear from other evidence, such as the absence of ampullae for these tube-feet, that very little protraction can take place. The relative thickness of the retractor musclelayer, however (it is only slightly thinner than that of the suckered tube-foot), suggests that postural movement relative to the test is important, as one would expect in an organ whose chief function is probably sensation, so some provision for crumpling in some of the layers must be made. This is particularly reflected in the connective-tissue layer. Here, only two layers are recognizable: an inner circular and an outer mainly longitudinal. The latter layer is dense internally but becomes somewhat spongy towards the outside. This spongy component could most likely distort to take up any differential contraction due to bending; in it, possibly to help retain the cylindrical shape, many small curved spicules are embedded, as in the comparable layer of the suckered tube-foot; the spicules overlap on one side and leave a gap-for the longitudinal tube-foot nerve on the other, as before. Distally, at the level of the nerve-ring, the spicules form a complete ring and are here packed closer together, though they do not flatten out appreciably. The sub-epithelial nerve-plexus of the stem is thicker throughout, and the longitudinal nerve is particularly well marked.
The disk
The disk (fig. 6) is supported by a ring-like calcareous rosette which is much smaller than in the suckered tube-foot, and which lacks the fluted edge. It is apparently formed of one single calcite element. As usual, the lumen protrudes distally through the central hole in this ring, though it does not extend much beyond the distal side of the rosette. Here there are no muscle-fibres representing a disk levator system: instead, the ciliated coelomic epithelium lines the distal end of the cavity. The disk has a much thickened epithelium distally (fig. 8, c). The chief component of this layer is a large number of closely-packed, elongated cells with oval nuclei, some of whose processes can be followed across the epithelium from the thickened cuticle towards the sub-epithelial nerve-plexus, which is particularly well developed.
These cells are probably sensory nerve-cells, for reasons which will be discussed later. A large number of connective-tissue fibres are also present. These can probably here be termed neuroglia. They traverse the epithelium, but pass across the nerve-plexus to originate at the continuation of the outer connectivetissue layer, here forming the ‘cap’ to the distal end of the tube-foot lumen. These neuroglial fibres in some ways resemble the epithelial muscle-fibres of the suckered tube-foot, but they are very much thinner (between and > μ, as opposed to 2 μ.) and take up the xylidene red of Masson and the red stains of Mallory and Azan rather less intensely.
The third recognizable component of the disk epithelium is a large number of coelomocytes. These appear a dull green in a Masson preparation, and seem to consist of several droplets surrounding a central nucleus. Identical structures have been seen in the lumen of the tube-foot and in intervening tissue, but in the latter in less numbers than in the epithelium. Fourthly, some short (3 to 4 /x) cilia emerge from the disk surface, as in the suckered tubefoot, and again it has not been possible to identify these as sensory or motile. Lastly, towards the inner margin of the epithelium, almost against the nerveplexus, is a series of closely-packed single-celled mucous glands. The ducts from these glands open at the disk surface, and are exceedingly long and thin in consequence, an average gland being 80 μ. long with a duct less than 1 μ. in diameter.
The suckered tube-feet
The stem
There is very little difference between this (fig. 10) and the stem of a Cidaris suckered tube-foot in the component layers and their relative thicknesses. The external epithelium and the coelomic epithelium lining the lumen are both ciliated, the latter being rather difficult to distinguish from the underlying layer of muscle-cell bodies. The connective-tissue sheath again consists of three layers. The outer loose layer contains the calcareous spicules, which in this case are very numerous, C-shaped, almost thornless, and much smaller than in Cidaris (80 to 90 μ in length as opposed to 150 to 200 μ). They are not arranged in two longitudinal columns, but are scattered haphazardly in the outer connective tissue, and are absent only from the region of the longitudinal nerve.
The disk
Like that of the Cidaris suckered tube-foot, the disk is supported by a calcareous rosette (fig. 9, A)
The main difference between the two rosettes is that here, although the edge is scalloped, the proximal surface is not channelled to take the distal branches from the tube-foot nerve-ring. There is a difference, too, in the nature of the spicular frame on the proximal side of the rosette. In this case there is no gradual flattening of the spicules at the distal end of the stem: instead the change is sudden, and the spicules of the frame are very much larger than those of the stem (350 p in length); also, they are not bihamate, but shaped as in fig. 9, B. The spade-like flanges at each end overlap the adjacent spicules, while the fenestrae of the inner border provide pathways for the mainly longitudinal fibres of the connective-tissue sheath, which run distally towards the disk epithelium. The spicules of the frame form a complete interlocking ring, the ‘psellion’ of Lovén (1883), fitting into a cradle on the inner proximal side of the rosette, and are virtually embedded in the middle component of the connective-tissue sheath. In this case the elements of the frame are bound much more closely together than in Cidaris.
The muscle-fibres of the disk levator system (figs. 8, D; 10) originate at the connective-tissue sheath at the level of the skeletal frame, passing distally to insert at the inner wall of the diaphragm. There are over 100 of these fibres in a tube-foot of average size, and each has its nucleus in a cell-body close to its distal end.
In the body of the disk itself there are 3 main non-skeletal structures. First, there are many single-celled mucous glands, aggregated into groups of between 10 and 20 to a group, and each sending a duct to the disk surface; the ducts of a group may lie together as they pass distally from the cell-bodies, but they separate eventually to pierce the disk cuticle at intervals of every 2 to 3 p or so. Unlike the large glands of the Cidaris suckered tube-foot, some of these even lie within the framework of the skeletal rosette, so their length can be up to 175 μ; other groups of glands do not extend into the disk beyond the sub-epithelial plexus, while others extend beyond the plexus but not into the rosette. Secondly, there is a very prominent nerve-plexus in the disk. The nerve-ring gives off radial branches which pass over the proximal surface of the rosette and turn through the indentations in its scalloped edge to become the plexus of the disk. This plexus has two components: one in which the direction of the fibres is mainly radial, and a second, distal to it, in which the direction is mainly concentric; there are frequent connexions between the two, and both components of the plexus ramify between the branches of the connective tissue and the cell-bodies and ducts of the disk mucous glands. Thirdly, there are strands of connective tissue permeating the material of the disk. The fibres of the middle and outer connective-tissue layers of the stem become mainly longitudinal towards its distal end. Some of them pass through the skeletal frame and/or the rosette, running between the groups of mucous glands, past the sub-epithelial nerve-plexus of the disk, and give off many horizontal branches which eventually turn distally to insert at the disk cuticle. Smith (1937, 1947a) has described in detail the very similar arrangement of fibres in the tube-foot of the asteroids Marthasterias and Asterias, and there is no reason to think that the arrangement in Echinus is markedly different. Lastly, at the very centre of the diaphragm there are between 5 and 20 musclefibres originating at the connective-tissue sheath and inserting at the disk cuticle. The epithelium as such, i.e. the region of the disk distal to the disk nerve-plexus, is very much thicker in Echinus than in Cidaris (40 to 45 μ as opposed to 20 μ) and consists of the branches of the connective-tissue strands, groups of unicellular mucous glands, and ducts of others the bodies of which are embedded more deeply in the disk (see above).
The distal insertions of the connective-tissue strands are interesting. Proximally, the fibres take up the light green of Masson (or the aniline blue of Mallory) as normal, but about 1 to 2 μ from the cuticle the character of the fibre changes: they swell slightly and insert in a cup-shaped structure which takes up the xylidene red of Masson (or the red dyes of Mallory). In most cases the red-staining distal cup does not envelop the knob evenly on all sides: there may be a tail extending for up to 5 μ on the outer (centrifugal) side of the fibre. In transverse or in tangential sections (fig. 11) the arrangement is clearly seen. Passing from the cuticle proximally the following regions can be identified: just inside the cuticle the red distal regions of the fibres lie in the centres of irregularly shaped cells; interspersed among them are the ducts of the mucous glands, taking up the light green of Masson very faintly. Internal to this the green (or blue) regions of the fibres appear at their centres, and, moving inwards through the series, this part of the fibre becomes thicker until the red part is seen on the centrifugal side only. Internal to this, the fibres lose the red surround, become somewhat thinner (scarcely more than | μ thick), and lie among the continuations of the mucous ducts, which in this region are still very thin-walled. At this level the cell-walls of the connectivetissue cells are not easy to see. At this level, too, some nuclei of the mucous glands appear, and the cytoplasm of a few of the glands becomes thicker; these are the distal parts of the cell-bodies of the small glands which occupy the true disk ‘epithelium’, i.e. the region distal to the nerve-plexus. Here also, some nerve-fibres are seen.
At the next level the green connective-tissue fibres mostly turn through a right angle, to lie parallel to the disk surface; this is the region just below the main nerve-plexus of the disk where the connective-tissue strands fan out before running down perpendicularly to insert at the disk surface. Among the groups of fibres are the cell-bodies of the smaller mucous glands and the ducts of the larger ones, together with some nerve-fibres. Next, the connective-tissue fibres become aggregated into groups, and, where necessary, turn through a right angle to become the main connective-tissue strands which connect up with those of the stem sheath. At the level where the fibres aggregate they are interwoven by the distal (concentric) component of the subepithelial nerve network of the disk, some of whose fibres can be seen passing among the mucous glands and possibly terminating at them. In many places large elongated nuclei, 5 to 6 μ- long and 2 to 3 μ. wide, lie close to the fibres, even embedded between them with their axes parallel to the direction of the fibres, and these may well be the nuclei of nerve-cells, possibly sensory. Some fibres from this layer can be seen passing inwards (proximally) and turning through a right angle to connect with fibres of the inner nerve-plexus, where the main direction of the fibres and their elongated nuclei is radial.
There is a heavily nucleated ring at the periphery of the disk (fig. 10). The cells in this region have processes passing distally to pierce the cuticle in groups of between 3 and 6, and other processes running proximally to enter the sub-epithelial nerve-plexus. These facts suggest that this is an aggregation of sensory nerve-cells. As far as can be seen, there are no other processes piercing the disk cuticle comparable to the cilia of the Cidaris tube-foot disk.
The peristomial tube-feet
The stem
The main difference between the stems of these tube-feet and those of the other tube-feet described in this paper is the complete absence of calcareous spicules in the connective-tissue layer. Coupled with this is the absence also of an outer, diffuse layer to the connective-tissue sheath (the layer in which, in the other tube-feet, the spicules are embedded). Otherwise, there is little basic difference in the structure of the stem.
The disk
Here again the disk is supported by a calcareous rosette. In this case, too, the rosette appears to be formed of a single element. This is oval, the long axis being tangential to the edge of the mouth. The central hole is also oval and carries the distal end of the tube-foot lumen (fig. 12). There are no spicules present in the disk in the form of a frame on the proximal side of the rosette. Gordon (1926), describing the development of the closely-related Psammechinus (= Echinus) miliaris, remarks that the only calcareous element to be formed in the disk of its primary peristomial tube-feet is a single, rather dense, oval primordium.
As is to be expected, nervous tissue is very much in evidence here, as in Cidaris peristomial tube-feet. The longitudinal nerve, the sub-epithelial plexus of the disk, and the nerve-ring are all conspicuous, the ring being somewhat irregular in shape. The disk epithelium has a high proportion of sensory nerve-cells, the distal processes of which run to the inner border of the cuticle while the proximal processes run towards the sub-epithelial nerve-plexus, where some can be seen joining it. Many neuroglial cells support the thick epithelium, just as in the comparable place in Cidaris, originating at the connective tissue in which the rosette is embedded and inserting at the disk cuticle. The third element of the epithelium is a large number of mucous glands; they are very long and thin (3 to 5 μ is the average width at their widest point) and extend from the cuticle to the distal border of the nerveplexus. In my preparations these glands failed to take up the light green of Masson, but showed up well with Southgate’s mucicarmine and Mayer’s muchaematein. The sensory epithelium of this tube-foot is unique in that it extends not only over the entire distal surface of the disk but over a large part of its proximal surface as well. Sensory nerve processes can even be seen entering the distal parts of the nerve-ring; the mucous glands, however, do not extend beyond the edges of the rosette.
Four different types of tube-foot of two different urchins have been described in this paper. Reduced to structures which are common to all of them (disregarding some secondary losses), the basic pattern of echinoid tube-foot histology is as follows. The stem consists of a sheath of connective tissue with embedded spicules, to preserve the shape and maintain a constant diameter, a longitudinal retractor muscle, and an inner and outer ciliated epithelium, the one continuous with the epithelium lining the rest of the water-vascular system and the other continuous with the epithelium covering the animal and all its appendages except teeth. Underlying the external epithelium is a nerve-plexus which is expanded on the oral side of the tube-foot into a longitudinal nerve. At the distal end the external epithelium and the connectivetissue layer are expanded to form the disk. Here, the calcareous spicules in the connective tissue are greatly enlarged, and the epithelial cells of the distal face are modified to, or replaced by, the following types of cell: mucous gland, sensory, and supporting.
An animal equipped with hydrostatic organs of this basic type would be able to use them for respiration, sensation, and, to a certain degree, locomotion and anchorage, by utilizing a sticky secretion from the terminal glands. Clearly, considerably greater efficiency would be obtained if some device for raising the centre of the disk surface could be incorporated into the design. This has happened in the suckered tube-feet of the urchins described in this paper, by developing a disk levator system of muscles; the stem spicules are enlarged at the distal end of the stem to act as an anchor for these muscles. In Cidaris further efficiency is brought about by the replacement in the disk epithelium of some supporting fibres by muscle-fibres, presumably to ensure an adequate ejaculation of mucus on to the disk surface during adhesion. In addition, larger mucous glands, in groups, are embedded in the material of the disk close under the enlarged spicules forming the rosette, and when the diaphragm is raised they are presumably compressed against the distal face of the rosette, and thus their efficient discharge is ensured. For detachment, there are no radial muscles on the inner face of the diaphragm, such as Smith (19476) describes for the tube-feet of the asteroid Asterias rubens; instead, it is likely that the disk skeleton, absent in asteroids, plays a part here by transmitting the pull of the retractor muscles of the stem to the outside edge of the disk, so that when the levators relax and the retractors contract, the result is to drop the diaphragm and raise the edge of the disk, thus releasing the tubefoot’s hold.
The suckered tube-foot of Echinus has further improvements on the cidaroid plan. First, the spicular frame is bound together more closely and more strongly, presumably so that the levators are more effective. One would expect, as a result, a stronger sucker action, and this is certainly confirmed by observation of the living animal (p. 160). Secondly, all the mucous glands are aggregated into groups, even those on the distal side of the disk nerve-plexus, and so they can all compress against each other or against the skeletal rosette for efficient discharge when the diaphragm is raised, without the need of special epithelial muscles. Thirdly, the muscle-fibres of the disk, no longer required for mucous discharge, are restricted to that part of the epithelium where they can be most effective in augmenting the task of the levators, namely, at the centre of the diaphragm. Lastly, the sense-cells appear to be concentrated into that part of the disk where they will be most effective, that is, at the periphery, which is usually the region first to touch the substratum during locomotion.
As far as the peristomials are concerned, the most noticeable feature of those of Cidaris is the shape of the skeletal rosette, here reduced in diameter and forming merely a knob for the support of the rather blunt disk. Most of the cells in the epithelium have an appearance consistent with their having a sensory function (p. 167), possibly both tactile and chemoreceptive. The terminal mucous glands are retained, presumably to ensure that the tube-foot adheres to an object long enough to test its suitability or otherwise as food. In the living animal these tube-feet certainly do attach temporarily to the substratum over which the animal is moving and detach as though breaking the adhesion of a sticky secretion. In the peristomials of Echinus the disk is very much more extensive, and here again its surface is made sticky for the adhesion necessary to taste the substratum. The unusual feature of these is the extent of the sensory epithelium, which here occupies the proximal sides of the disk as well as its distal face, so that the actual sensory area is 5 or 6 times that of a Cidaris peristomial tube-foot.
On the apical side of the test the tube-feet of both Cidaris and Echinus have very much thinner walls and tend to have less developed suckers; close to the apical disk some even become completely blunt. It is unusual, of course, for these urchins to attach by their apical sides, and so the tube-feet in this region are to be regarded mainly as respiratory organs, though the possibility of their being important in excretion also must not be overlooked. As respiratory organs they may transport oxygen through the water-vascular system to other parts of the body, or oxygen may diffuse through the thin walls of the ampullae into the perivisceral coelom. In Echinus one region of the body coelom, that surrounding the Aristotle’s Lantern and called the perioesophageal coelom, has no ampullae opening into it. It is not surprising, therefore, that special gills protrude from it through the peristomial membrane to supply just this cavity and the important complement of jaw-muscles it contains with oxygen. In the case of Cidaris the lack of disks and general simplification is evident in rather more of the apical tube-feet than in Echinus’, this suggests that oxygenation of the perivisceral coelomic fluid by them is even more important. Probably coupled with this is the fact that there are no peristomial gills comparable to those of Echinus. There are, however, blind-ending, somewhat lobulated sacs, the organs of Stewart (1879), extending into the perivisceral coelom, whose lumina are continuous with the perioesophageal coelom. They are very thin-walled, and it therefore seems likely their function is to cope with the respiratory needs of the perioesophageal coelom and the jaw-muscles in it by obtaining oxygen from the apical tube-feet through the perivisceral coelom. Although Stewart did suggest a respiratory function for them, he thought they acted in the opposite way: he considered that the jaw-chamber probably communicates with the surrounding water near the tips of the teeth; then, since the volume of the jaw-chamber could be increased by raising the compasses of the Aristotle’s Lantern when the transverse muscles contract, he considered that it is the interior of the lobulated organs which act as gills, passing the oxygen they obtain in this way to the body coelom. It seems unlikely that the perioesophageal coelom is in contact with the outside water, and so the movements of the Lantern compasses probably serve to pump coelomic fluid in and out of Stewart’s organs for oxygenation from the rest of the coelom, not, as Stewart thought, to pump sea-water in and out of them.
In the clypeasteroid sea-urchins, e.g. Echinocyamus (Nichols, 1959b), the transformation from suckered tube-feet in the oral and ambital parts of each ambulacrum to respiratory tube-feet in the apical parts is sudden. Otherwise, the division of labour is no more marked than it is in the regulars. The walls of the respiratory tube-feet in Echinocyamus consist of little more than the external and coelomic epithelia, and, of course, the ampullae are entirely lacking. The other two types of tube-foot, suckered and buccal sensory, however, closely resemble their equivalents in the regulars. The suckered tube-foot of Echinocyamus (Nichols, 1959b, fig. 2) has the same component layers in the stem: a disk levator system of muscles, a series of mucous glands opening on the disk, a sensory ring at the edge of the disk, and possibly a series of musclefibres in the epithelium of the diaphragm, though these may be non-elastic supporting fibres. There are disk muscles, as in Cidaris, though here they functionally replace the skeletal rosette during detachment rather than act as mucous gland squeezers. The buccal tube-feet of Echinocyamus consist of little more than nerve-tissue, with supporting neuroglia traversing it, just as in the peristomials of regulars, though there are apparently no mucous glands. Thus, except for very minor points of histological detail, the suckered and buccal sensory tube-feet of Echinocyamus are virtually miniature copies of their equivalents in the cidaroids, which are probably ancestral to them; the tubefeet of the dorsal surface would seem to be a functional improvement on those occupying a similar position in the regulars, particularly when considered in relation to the ciliary currents of the external epithelium in their vicinity (Nichols, 1959c).
Sea-urchins of the order Spatangoida show much more division of labour in their tube-feet than either the regulars or the clypeasteroids (Nichols, 1959a). Except for the respiratory tube-feet on the dorsal surface, which are similar in arrangement and basic histology to those of Echinocyamus, and the sensory tube-feet occupying mainly the ambital parts of each ambulacrum, the tube-feet of a spatangoid are mainly mucus-producing organs, their design differing according to the function to which they put the secretion. In general, their disks bear numerous papillae on the distal face or round the edge, and normally the skeletal elements of the disk are retained, not as a rosette but as skeletal rods within the papillae; the retractor muscles of the tube-foot stem insert at the centripetal ends of these rods, just as the retractors of the regular echinoid tube-foot insert at the centripetal edge of the elements of the rosette. The disk epithelium is extended on to the distal side and/or round the tips of the papillae; the single-celled mucous glands are, of course, retained and so are the disk muscle-fibres in those cases where a forcible discharge of mucus is required (Nichols, 1959a, fig. 6).
It has been remarked above (pp. 160, 175) that Cidaris is much less dependent on the action of its suckered tube-feet for locomotion than Echinus. In Cidaris the spines are the main locomotory organs, the tube-feet acting as anchors during this activity, so that the force they exert is probably mainly perpendicular to the test. In Echinus, on the contrary, movement is principally brought about by contraction and bending of the tube-feet. Although no subdivision of the tube-foot retractor muscles of Echinus has been detected (unlike the suckered tube-foot of Echinocyamus, where the muscle is arranged in 4 longitudinal columns), differential contraction does take place while the tube-foot is bending to a new site and probably also when the sucker is attached. But in Cidaris very much less bending of the tube-feet is seen, even when the disks are free. So it is not surprising that the area of the test enclosed by the base of the suckered tube-foot of Echinus is greater than that of Cidaris to obtain greater bending moment (compare fig. 2, B, E). A comparable situation occurs in some recent spatangoids, in which the tube-feet whose main extension is perpendicular to the test, e.g. those of the dorsal part of the anterior ambulacrum of Echinocardium cordatum (Nichols, 1959c, fig. 27), have a smaller area of attachment to the test than those which move at all angles to the test, e.g. those from the phyllodes of E. cordatum (Nichols, 1959c, fig-28).
On the oral side of the perradial pore of each pair in both Cidaris and Echinus there is a groove which emerges at the test surface and leads to a furrow running along the oral side of the projection between the pore-pairs (fig. 2, B, E). This furrow cradles that branch of the radial nerve which leads to the tube-foot, the longitudinal tube-foot nerve originating from the part of this branch which lies between the two pores. The retractor muscle-fibres of one side of the tube-foot originate at the oral surface of the ridge or hemispherical mound between the two pores of a pair (fig. 2, B, E), while those of the other side originate on the wall of the groove or depression which marks the aboral limit of the tube-foot base. This arrangement helps to clarify the function of the ornamentation in the region of the pore-pairs in the Cretaceous spatangoid urchin Micraster; in this burrowing form those pore-pairs which bear extensile tube-feet (in the phyllodes round the mouth, in the dorsal part of the anterior ambulacrum, and in the sub-anal region) all have bulges of calcite between the individual pores (Nichols, 1959c, figs. 41, 43, 45), which is not so in such recent spatangoids as E. cordatum, Spatangus purpureus, and Brissopsis lyrifera: in these the pore-pair is usually replaced by a single pore and the region of the test for the attachment of the tube-foot retractor muscles surrounds this pore on all sides (Nichols, 1959c, figs. 27 to 31).
Of the three grooves into which the pores bearing the peristomial tubefeet of Echinus are divided, two represent the remains of a pore-pair, which for some reason has become a single pore, while the third, that nearest the oral side, holds the longitudinal nerve, important in a tube-foot whose function is mainly sensory.
The fullest account of the tube-foot of Cidaris cidaris (= Dorocidaris papil-lata) is that of Prouho (1887), who describes the histology of an adoral suckered tube-foot as representative of the entire sub-equatorial portion of the test, including (incorrectly) those emerging from the peristome. Though recognizing the calcareous rosette as homologous with that of the Echinus tube-foot disk, and remarking that the distal members of the series of stem spicules form a complete ring, he does not recognize this ring as homologous with the frame of the Echinus tube-foot. He recognizes a series of muscles independent of the longitudinal retractors which insert at the diaphragm, the series later called levators by Smith (1947) in asteroids, and describes their action. Apparently Prouho does not recognize the presence of mucous glands in the disk epithelium. He does describe the mainly longitudinal connectivetissue fibres passing through the spaces in the calcareous rosette, but is apparently unaware that the sub-epithelial nerve-plexus originating at the nerve-ring of the tube-foot is cradled in grooves on the proximal side of the rosette. Because of this, he does not describe those elements of the nervous system distal to the point where the disk nerve sinks into the grooves in the rosette.
Hamann (1887) has previously described the histology of the Echinus suckered tube-foot. He figures a skeletal rosette supporting the disk, and includes the connective-tissue fibres which permeate the skeletal material, and also an irregular series of spicules at the place where the frame lies. He shows some of the mucous glands of the disk, but not those embedded in the rosette. He does not recognize a series of levator muscles separate from the longitudinal series, and therefore does not recognize the function of the spicular frame. Of the nervous system, he describes the main tube-foot nerve-ring as a Nervenpolster (nerve pad), and is apparently not aware that the main direction of the fibres changes here to run round the circumference of the foot. At the periphery of the disk, however, in the position of the ring of sense-cells, he describes a marginal nerve-ring, which apparently gives off the disk nerveplexus, though this is not clear; of the disk nerve-plexus, he shows fibres in one direction only (radial).
A far more accurate picture of the two parts of the disk skeleton is given by Lovén (1883) for the closely-related Strongylocentrotus (= Toxopneustes) drobachiensis. He shows the frame of flattened spicules, which he calls the psellion, on the proximal side of the rosette, with the levator system originating from a position close to them; he illustrates each element of the frame as a single, annular spicule in this urchin, whereas in Echinus each is a series of slightly curved rods arranged in a ring. Gordon (1926) has shown that during the development of the suckered tube-foot of Psammechinus (= Echinus) miliaris the elements of the frame arise as separate entities, but as the imago grows they ‘appear to fuse together to form a somewhat hexagonal ring’.
I wish to record my indebtedness particularly to Dr. A. J. Southward for presenting me with one of his living specimens of the rare Cidaris, with details of its locality; to the Director and staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth, for providing facilities for some of the work; and to Miss E. Collins and Mr. J. A. Haywood for technical assistance. My thanks are specially due to Mr. Duncan Heddle for much useful discussion, and for reading the manuscript of this paper, and to Prof. Sir Alister Hardy, F.R.S., in whose Department at Oxford most of the histological work was carried out.