A general account of the internal reproductive organs and the external genitalia and their development is given.
The ‘penis lobes’ develop earlier than the ‘valvae lobes ‘, and independently of them.
The tegumen is the modified ninth tergite. The tenth segment is visibly distinguished into a tergal and sternal part in the pupal stages, and the anal tube passes between the two sclerites. The uncus and the gnathos are dorsal and ventral processes respectively of the tenth segment. The anellus lobes develop as lateral processes of the ninth sternite on either side of the penis.
The vasa deferentia during larval life do not extend beyond the eighth abdominal segment and lie in a latero-ventral position. They meet the extensions from the ectodermal ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ during the last larval stadium.
From the earliest caterpillar stage there exists a pair of ectodermal ducts formed by the differentiation of the epidermis on the ninth sternite. Towards the end of larval life they divide by constriction to form the accessory glands and the ‘ductus ejaculatory duplex’. At this stage they extend on either side to meet the vasa deferentia.
The vesiculae seminales develop by distension from the region of junction between the vasa deferentia and the proximal portion of the ejaculatory duct.
The ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ arises as an ectodermal invagination between the pair of ‘penis lobes ‘during the final larval instar.
It is established that, with the exception of the vasa deferentia, all the remaining elements in the efferent genital system are derived from the ectoderm.
With 18 Text-figures.
Only in a few groups of insects has the homology of the external genitalia been determined by investigations into the development of these organs.
During the concluding part of the last century two conflicting views were held regarding the nature of gonapophyses. According to Lacaze-Duthiers (1849-53), Grass! (1889), and Haase (1889) they are integumental outgrowths corresponding to the ‘styloid’ processes (‘Griffel’) which are present on the abdomen and inserted at the bases of the legs in such generalized insects as the Thysanura.
On the other hand, Weismann (1864), Kraepelin (1873), Dewitz (1875), Huxley (1877), and Cholodkovsky (1891a) showed that the gonapophyses are comparable to the true ambulatory legs. In this connexion Kraepelin (1873), Dewitz (1875), and others described these appendages as arising from imaginai discs, and Wheeler (1893) showed that there exists a direct continuity of the embryonic appendages with the gonapophyses.
Zander (1900,1901,1903) actually described the development of the penis and the gonapophyses (‘valvae’) in the post- embryonic stages of Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, and Lepidoptera from paired rudiments or buds on the ninth abdominal segment. This formed a basis for later work on these lines, and his conclusions were largely confirmed in certain other insect orders. In this connexion may be mentioned the work of Muir (1915, 1918) and Singh-Pruthi (1924) on Coleóptera, Christophers and his collaborators (1922, 1926) on Diptera, Kershaw and Muir (1922), Singh-Pruthi (1924) and George (1929) on Homoptera and Zygoptera respectively.
Verson and Bisson (1896) also referred to the development of the male genitalia in Bombyx mori Linn, in their extensive memoir on the origin and nature of the efferent genital ducts in this species. Their conclusions, however, were criticized by Zander (1903), and his work, since then, is the only comprehensive account to which reference could be made for determining the homologies of the elements composing the insect genitalia.
It has also been realized that the mode of origin of the ‘valvae’ as described by Zander (1903) is open to question (Singh-Pruthi, 1924), and his conclusions differ from those of his predecessors (Verson and Bisson, 1896, and others). The development of the posterior abdominal segments and their appendages in Lepidoptera need further reinvestigation, because Zander’s observations (1903) on these lines, though conclusive, were not confirmed by subsequent workers. It therefore is desirable that the whole problem should be revised in the light of existing knowledge of orders other than the Lepidoptera. With this in view I have studied the development of the male genitalia in the following Lepidoptera, viz. Hepialus lupulinus Linn., Pieris rapae Linn., Earias fabia Stoll., and Bombyx mori Linn., as representatives of the suborder Homoneura and the super-families Papilionina, Noctuina, and Notodontina respectively.
In this account I have also included a general description of the development and nature of the efferent genital ducts in the above forms. Much confusion prevails on this subject, and I have discussed at length the existing views on it throughout the whole class, supporting my arguments with the conditions which I find in the Lepidoptera mentioned above.
It is with great pleasure that I express my indebtedness to Mr. L. E. S. Eastham, my supervisor of research studies, for suggesting this problem and taking a keen interest in the progress of this research. I am also thankful to Dr. A. D. Imms for various valuable suggestions in preparing the manuscript for publication. To Professor J. Stanley Gardiner I am much indebted for providing me with every facility for work in the Zoological Laboratory, Cambridge.
The material for this work was obtained locally and was partly sent to me from India. In this connexion, I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr. M. Afzal Husain, Entomologist to the Government of the Punjab, for supplying me with the developmental stages of the silk-worm moth Bombyx mori Linn.
This investigation was conducted during the tenure of a University Scholarship awarded by the Government of the Punjab, India. The grant made by the State is gratefully acknowledged.
The common British forms such as Pieris rapae Linn, and Hepialus lupulinus Linn, were reared in the laboratory. The developmental stages of Earias fabia Stoll, and the silk-worm moth Bombyx mori Linn, were received from the Entomological Section, Department of Agriculture, Punjab, by the courtesy of the authorities.
The specimens were fixed in Bouin’s picro-formol and Carnoy’s fluids. Real difficulty was experienced in sectioning the last larval and pupal stages of large forms such as Hepialus and Bombyx, on account of the thick outer chitinous cuticle and the amount of air usually retained in the pupae. For this I have devised a modification of Boycott’s1 usual clove-oil celloidin method. It may be here recalled that his method consists in double-embedding of the tissue first in celloidin followed by paraffin, and is suitable only for smaller organisms.
Below I give my modification of his method, which I presume will be found useful for sectioning the bigger forms which are apt to retain large quantities of air in the body cavity.
After proper dehydration and clearing in clove oil the object is kept in each grade of celloidin solution for twenty-four hours, and finally left in the thick solution for a couple of days. This immersion may take a number of days, according to the size of the tissue. It is of great advantage to prick small holes on the pupal covering to ensure the complete penetration of celloidin. After this treatment the material is transferred to a vial containing chloroform, and after the celloidin has set the outer layer of celloidin is removed from around the object. It is at this stage freed from all traces of clove oil by keeping it immersed in chloroform from one to two days, according to the bulk of the specimen. The material is now ready for embedding in paraffin, where it is kept preferably for five to six hours. It is best to be sure now that every trace of chloroform is eliminated from the tissue. This can be easily tested by pouring the melted paraffin over some water in the basin. The presence of any chloroform can be detected by the formation of peculiar crystal-shaped blocks of paraffin. During the embedding of the pupal stages of Lepidopfera it has been found essential to get rid of any air bubbles in the specimen. This is successfully accomplished by keeping it in melted paraffin for about an hour in Hearson’s vacuum embedding oven. Having ensured this and the complete penetration of paraffin, the block is made in the usual way and cut into 6–8 μ thick serial sections.
For staining I have used Heidenhain’s iron haemotoxylin in all my preparations. Eosin can also be employed as a counterstain in some cases.
The following is a list of names adopted in this work to denote the different parts of the male genitalia in Lepidoptera.
Uncus (Gosse, 1883)
This forms the dorsal process of the tenth segment. The latter usually remains membranous and retracted below the ninth tergite. The anal tube lies just below the uncus and sometimes projects some distance away from it.
Tegumen (buchanan white, 1876)
This term is now employed to denote the dorsal part of the ninth segment.
Vinculum (Pierce, 1909)
Saccus in part (B. Baker, 1891).
This is a ventral chitinized band which represents the sternite of the ninth segment.
Valvae (Burmeister, 1832)
These are paired clasping organs which basally articulate with the vinculum and lie in a latero-ventral position.
Gnathos (Pierce, 1909)
This term indicates a sub-anal structure hinged basally to the uncus, and represents the ventral process of the tenth segment.
Anellus (Pierce, 1909)
It is a cone-like tube or a small, more or less triangular plate which is ventrally supported by the vinculum and on either side by the valvae. It is often extended into lateral process called the ‘Anellus lobes’.
Description of the Genital Organs in the Imago
Text-fig. 1 illustrates the internal reproductive organs and the external genitalia in Pieris rapae Linn. The testes (Tes) are lodged close to the alimentary canal (Gut) and just underneath the fifth and sixth abdominal tergites, more or less in a dorso-lateral position. They are fused in the median line and enclosed in a common membrane (Text-fig. 2). From the testes arise a pair of genital ducts, the vasa deferentia (Textfigs. 1-2, Vd), which dilate distally to form the vesiculae seminales (Sv). The latter are situated on the seventh segment and posteriorly unite with the proximal portion of the ejaculatory duct (D.ej). The accessory glands (Ag) are a pair of highly convoluted thin tubes which arise from the proximal part of the ejaculatory duct and in close relation with the vesiculae seminales. The ejaculatory duct is formed of two parts as described by Schroder (1912) and Euckes (1919), the proximal being the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ which terminates in a bulbous duct known as the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’. The latter enters at the base of the penis and is continued into it.
The external genitalia consist of the modified posterior two segments and their appendages. The ninth tergite or the ‘tegumen’ (Tg) bears a distal process, the ‘uncus’ (U), and the anal tube (A) extends below it. The ninth sternum or the ‘vinculum ‘is a chitinous band which bears a pair of lateral outer appendages—the ‘valvae’ (Vai). The ‘penis’ (P) is a thick chitinous rod enclosed in an inner membranous layer called the ‘penis pouch’ (Pp) and bears a distinct lumen which is a continuation of the ejaculatory duct (D.ej). In Bombyx mori Linn, there arises from the base of the uncus a sub-anal process known as the ‘gnathos’ (Text-fig. 4, Gn). The penis, in this species, is supported by a lateral pair of chitinous sclerites termed the ‘anellus lobes’ (Text-fig. 10, An.l).
(a) Genitalia
—The following account refers to the development of the genitalia in Pieris rapae Linn. In confirmation of this work, Hepialus lupulinus Linn., Bombyx mori Linn., and Earias fabia Stoll, were thoroughly examined with the same end in view. The principles of development are the same in these insects, therefore reference to forms other than Pieris rapae Linn, has only been made where occasion demanded, as for example in Bombyx mori Linn., which presents morphological features additional to those of Pieris.
There are ten distinct abdominal segments in the larva. The segments 1–8 bear distinct spiracles and can therefore be easily identified. The ninth is comparatively small and the tenth bears a pair of large pro-legs. The genitalia are formed only towards the end of the larval period, but the genital rudiments become visible soon after the caterpillar has passed through the third moult. At this stage, in a longitudinal vertical section (Text-fig. 3), the relation of different parts is fairly evident. In the earliest larval instar there is an invagination of the body-wall on the ninth sternite. This becomes wider as the caterpillar passes to the next stage and encloses a distinct pouch or ‘genital cavity’ (Text-fig. 13, Gc). The epidermis begins to thicken at the base of the genital cavity, but the genital rudiments are not distinct till the caterpillar has reached the fourth instar. At this stage (Text-fig. 3) at the base of the genital cavity the epidermal cells form a conical thickening which is later destined to form the penis lobes (Pl). The epidermal cells on each side of the genital cavity also become enlarged, but there is no indication of any definite thickening at this stage. Thus it would appear that the rudiments of the penis appear at an earlier stage than those of the valvae. During the end of the larval period the basal thickening of the genital pouch becomes split into a distinct pair of conical lobes—the ‘penis lobes’ (Text-fig. 4, Pl)—which are hung freely in the genital cavity. At this time the epidermal cells bordering the lateral walls of the genital pouch have also become thickened (Text-fig. 4, Vl) and develop into a pair of lobes, more prominent in E a r i a s fa bi a Stoll, than in Pieris (Text-fig. 7, Vl). They project freely within the genital cavity and represent the ‘valvae lobes ‘. At this stage the surrounding mesodermal cells rich in tracheae migrate into the lumen of these two pairs of cone-like lobes.
Before the larva pupates the penis lobes approximate and fuse in the median line, enclosing a central integumentary depression which forms the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ (Text-figs. 5, 6, 8, E.jd″). The genital pouch has now almost disappeared by a process of évagination, and the lateral pair of cones lies on the surface close to the ninth sternite and develops into the embryonic valvae (Text-figs. 5, 6, 8, Val).
During pupal development the finer modelling of the penis and the valvae takes place. The epidermal cells bordering the valvae (Pal) show intense activity, so that a layer of chitin is secreted around them. This is particularly evident in the Noctuid Earias fabia Stoll (Text-fig. 8). The penis attains its full size by now, and the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ becomes coated with concentric muscle-fibres which give it a peculiar appearance.
The above mode of the development of the penis and the valvae is identical to that which has been described by Verson and Bisson (1896) in Bombyx mori Linn. But these authors were not in a position to decide whether the fundaments of the penis and the valvae are differentiated from a single broader bud-growth, or that the ‘valvae lobes’ arise subsequently below the ‘penis lobes’ and independently of them. Zander (1903) showed in the Pyralid Paraponyx stratiotaria that the former view was more correct, but later workers (Singh-Pruthi, 1924, and others) dissented from it. As I have shown above, the penis lobes are differentiated earlier as compared with rudiments of the valvae from a coniform thickening of the epidermis. It is therefore quite clear that the origin of the ‘penis ‘and the ‘valvae’ lobes takes place not only independently but also in succession. Besides the Lepidoptera, similar observations have been recorded in Homoptera (Singh-Pruthi, 1924), Orthoptera (Wheeler, 1893), and Hymenoptera (Michaelis, 1900).
The development of the ‘uncus’ (U) and the ‘gnathos’ (Gri) is very interesting. Since these two structures are directly related to the terminal abdominal segments it is desirable to consider at this stage any modifications of the latter during metamorphosis. Since the gnathos is only present in Bombyx of the forms studied the following refers largely to this insect. In the caterpillar there are ten abdominal somites, and segments 3–6 and 10 bear a pair of well-developed pro-legs. The segments 1–8 possess spiracles, and it becomes comparatively easy to mark out the various segments. As pupation proceeds, the ultimate segments of all the forms studied are telescoped within the body, and differentiation into the ninth and tenth becomes less apparent. Externally in the pupa we notice that the segments 1–7 bear distinct spiracles, while on the eighth they are rudimentary. The ninth and tenth segments closely approximate, and Poulton (1889) showed that ‘when a spine is absent and the terminal part of the pupa is rounded, the part above the anus, nevertheless, corresponds to the larval anal flap’. This terminal structure represents a portion of the tenth segment and is known as the ‘cremaster’.
In an advanced pupal stage, internally the relationship of abdominal segments in the developing imago becomes more evident. A longitudinal vertical section through an advanced pupa of the moth Bombyx mori Linn, shows a congested arrangement of the posterior segments (Text-fig. 9). The seventh to ninth segments are well marked off and possess a distinct tergum and sternum. The ninth tergite (IX T), or the tegumen, is distally constricted and joined to a large process, the ‘uncus’ (U), which, in turn, is directly continuous below the tenth segment (X Seg”). The connexion between the uncus and the tegumen is only secondary, it being actually produced dorsally as a process of the tenth segment. The anal tube (A) passes below the ninth tergite (IX I1) and terminates at the end of the tenth segment (X Seg). Ventrally the tenth sternite (X St) is produced into a large process, the ‘gnathos’ (Gn). The uncus and the gnathos, therefore, are dorsal and ventral processes respectively of the tenth segment. Thus there can be no scepticism regarding the existence of a distinct tenth segment in addition to these two appendages. The limits of the former are well defined, and it is visibly differentiated into a tergal and sternal part (X Sty, and the anal tube (A) passes between the two sclerites. In the imago the tenth segment remains membranous and lies more or less in close association with the uncus. It is therefore seldom preserved in preparations of genitalia treated with caustic potash. Probably it is on this account that the uncus and the gnathos (‘Scaphium ‘of Zander and others) are regarded as the tergum and the sternum of the tenth somite (Peytoureau, 1894; Klinkhardt, 1900, and others). Zander (1908) was the first to define the limits of the tenth segment in the pupal stages of the Pyralid Paraponyx stratiotaria, and the above account of Pieris corroborates his conclusions in all essential details.
In the absence of any further ontogenetic evidence confirming Zander’s views on these lines, considerable speculation has been indulged in by several morphologists. Busck and Heinrich (1921) believed that the tegumen and the uncus both belong to the tenth somite, the ninth tergite being greatly reduced and continued dorsally as membrane only. In the same way Macgillivray (1923) considered the tegumen as the tenth segment, and regarded the uncus as the distal end of this structure. Differing from these, Forbes (1923) regarded the tegumen as the ninth tergite and the uncus as the ‘dorsal part’ of the tenth segment. Finally, Philpott (1926), reviewing the uncus in the Micropterygoidea, came to the conclusion ‘that the tegumen is formed from the ninth tergite and that the uncus is an outgrowth of that tergite’. I have clearly shown by illustrations from the longitudinal vertical sections through the pupal stage of Bombyx mori Linn. (Text-figs. 9, 10) that the limits of the tegumen or the ninth tergite (IX T) and the uncus (U) are well defined by the presence of a distinct dorsal constriction. Also, the appendiculate nature of the uncus is evident from its relation with the tenth segment which is withdrawn below it. The tergal and sternal parts of the latter are clearly indicated in my preparations, so that it is easily shown that the uncus and the gnathos are derived as dorsal and ventral processes of the tenth segment.
The ninth sternite (IX St) is large and develops a pair of elongate lobiform processes called the ‘anellus lobes ‘(Text-fig.10, An.l.) which lie on either side of the penis (P). The intromittent organ or the penis at this stage is fully formed and develops a distinct penis pouch (Pp), and its lumen is traversed by the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ (D.ej) which opens at its orifice.
Towards the end of pupal life the genitalia are presented in their final arrangement. The relation of the different elements which compose the genital armature in Pieris rapae Linn, and Earias fabia Stoll, is fairly evident in a transverse section through an advanced pupa (Text-figs. 11 and 12). Chitinization now proceeds rapidly over the copulatory organs. The valvae (Vai) assume a broad, leaf-like appearance with a covering of hair and spines. The tegumen (Tg) forms a dorsal hood over the anal tube (A) which passes below it. The uncus (U) has become more prominent and also develops a covering of hairs and spines. The penis is heavily chitinized at this stage and supported on either side by the large anellus lobes (Text-fig.10, An.l.)
(b) Efferent Genital Ducts
—This account refers precisely to Pieris—the other species confirming it in all essentials.
In the caterpillar there persists from the earliest stages a pair of very delicate ducts, the vasa deferentia (Ed), which arise from the testes (Text-fig. 4, Tes). During larval development they possess a distinct lumen, grow in size, and become convoluted. From the very beginning of larval life each vas deferens terminates on either side of the eighth segment, more or less in a latero-ventral position (Text-fig. 17, Vd). In the prepupal stage they meet the narrow extensions of the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ on the posterior margin of the eighth segment (Text-fig. 18, E.jd’).
In the earliest larval instar of Pieris rapae Linn, the body-wall invaginates to form the genital cavity (Gc). At the base of this integumentary depression the epidermal cells differentiate to form a pair of pear-shaped ducts with narrow lateral extensions (Text-fig. 13, E.jd’). During the period of larval growth these ducts elongate anteriorily, attain a greater diameter, and become ampulla-like (Text-fig. 15, E.jd’). In the fourth larval instar they divide laterally by constriction into two pairs. The dorsal outer pair develops into accessory glands (Ag), while the inner fuses to form a single tube, the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ (Text-fig. 5, E.jd’). Towards the end of larval life the vasa deferentia (Cd) and the ductus ejaculatorius duplex (E.jd’) approximate and meet below the gut (Text-fig. 18). At first this union is only superficial, but soon after pupation their lumina join. This is remarkably evident in Pieris rapae Linn., Hepialus lupulinus Linn., and Earias fabia Stoll.
During pupation the region of junction between the vas deferens and the proximal end of the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ swells up to form the two vesiculae seminales.
In the final larval instar, when the pair of penis lobes is fully differentiated, the intermediate epidermis around them undergoes a secondary invagination. This integumentary depression, the gonopore, deepens and proceeds anteriorly towards and meets the distal end of the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ (Text-fig. 6, E.jd’, E.jd”). When the penis lobes coalesce to form the penis they enclose this tubular invagination (E.jd″), which now represents the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ of the adult (Text-fig. 8, E.jd″). It becomes large and muscular during pupal development.
From the histological structure, their nature and position, it is obvious that the vasa deferentia along with the testes are derived from the mesoderm. Their embryonic history, the disposal and growth of the internal epithelium (‘Pseudonidi’), is distinctive and cannot be classed with any other tubes in the genital system.
The ejaculatory duct is of purely ectodermal origin. Its proximal portion or the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’ is usually regarded as of similar derivation to the vasa deferentia (Ruckes, 1919, and others). But in the Lepidoptera I have now shown that this is not the case. In the earliest larval instar this duct is represented by a pair of pear-shaped tubes which are formed by the differentiation of epidermal cells at the base of the genital cavity. As they grow, a distinct internal epithelium is formed, the lumen becomes vesicular, but no chitinous intima is developed. This is partly due to its rather early dissociation and differentiation from the outer epidermis, also because the outer cuticle (Ct) is not involved in its formation. Even during larval life their walls are similar to the epidermis which is maintained during the course of development. The ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’ is remarkable in the presence of a distinct chitinous intima. Since this duct is formed at a very advanced stage during larval life, probably it carries with it the chitinous coat on the invaginated epidermal cells, and this is maintained throughout life as the internal chitinous intima. Thus it is clear from the foregoing account that both portions of the ejaculatory duct are ectodermal in origin.
The ‘accessory glands’ being directly derived from the proximal portion of the ejaculatory duct naturally are of ectodermal origin.
The above account of the origin of the efferent genital ducts in Lepidoptera is almost identical with the account rendered in other orders. Yet there is much confusion in the literature regarding the nature of these ducts, investigators differing more in interpretation than in actual findings. Up till now two main ideas have persisted.
Weismann (1864) was the first to show that the vasa deferentia alone are mesodermal, while the remaining parts of the efferent apparatus are derived from the ectoderm. These conclusions were confirmed by Nussbaum (1884) who, in addition, maintained that the unpaired structures in both sexes arise from the paired rudiments. Palmen (1883, 1884) confirmed these views from his anatomical studies of certain Ephemeroptera and other insects. Quite recently Singh-Pruthi (1924), working on the Jassid Homopteron Idiocerus and the beetle Tenebrio molitor, confirmed Nussbaum’s idea that the efferent system in all organs except the vasa deferentia are of ectodermal origin, but he differed from him regarding their actual development, and considered that ‘unpaired organs are unpaired from the very beginning, they do not arise by the coalescing of paired organs’.
The second school of thought led by Wheeler (1893) believed that only the common ejaculatory duct is ectodermal, while the vasa deferentia, accessory glands, and the vesiculae seminales are of mesodermal derivation. These conclusions were confirmed by later workers, notably Verson and Bisson (1896) and Ruckes (1919) in Lepidoptera, Christophers (1922) and Christophers and Cragg (1922) in Diptera, and George (1929) in Homoptera and Zygoptera. In their more recent contribution on the nature of such organs in Phlebotomus, Christophers and Barraud (1926) failed to trace the vasa deferentia beyond the eighth segment, and consequently they have become more inclined to Singh-Pruthi’s views (1924).
In Lepidoptera, however, I have shown in the preceding pages that the vasa deferentia along with the testes are of mesodermal origin, while the remaining elements in the efferent genital apparatus are derived from the integumental epidermis. In this respect my conclusions are at variance with other workers on this order, such as Verson and Busson (1896) and Ruckes (1919). Perhaps a little discussion on their observations may remove the confusion.
In the earliest larval instar of Bombyx mori Linn., Verson and Bisson (1896) discovered that the vasa deferentia extend up to the base of the genital pouch on the intersegmental fold between the eighth and ninth segments. In this connexion they failed to notice that in Lepidoptera at this stage and perhaps in other insects as well (e.g. Homoptera and Diptera) the vasa deferentia do not extend beyond the eighth somite. This has also been shown by Ruckes (1919) in his anatomical and histological studies of the genital system in certain Lepidoptera. Also, there persists from the earliest stage in the caterpillar a pair of ducts in close association with the genital pouch on the ninth sternum. These tubes divide and coalesce during metamorphosis to form the accessory glands and the proximal part of the ejaculatory duct. They grow during development to meet the ventral extensions of the vasa deferentia on the posterior margin of the eighth abdominal segment. It appears that Verson and Bisson (1896) confused the ‘club-ends’ of the vasa deferentia described by them with this pair of ectodermal ducts.
Ruckes (1919) following Schroder (1912) believed that the ejaculatory duct in Lepidoptera is histologically differentiated into two regions, the proximal part being the ‘ductus ejaculatorius duplex’, and the more distal the ‘ductus ejaculatorius simplex’. He derived the proximal portion from the mesoderm and regarded the latter as ectodermal in origin. In this connexion he showed that the main difference between these two parts of the ejaculatory duct was the absence in the former of an internal chitinous intima. I have advanced arguments above to elucidate that both portions of the ejaculatory duct are derived from the ectoderm, that is to say, the proximal is formed at a much earlier stage by the differentiation of the hypodermis on the ninth sternum and the distal part grows as an invagination at the same place towards the end of larval life. The development of a chitinous intima undoubtedly is peculiar to the terminal part of the ejaculatory duct, probably owing to its origin as an integumentary depression which later closes up and preserves the layer of outer cuticle thus enclosed. Furthermore, the presence of chitin is not an absolute necessity in an ectodermal organ, as is evidenced by the non-chitinous malpighian tubules of recognized ectodermal nature (Imms, 1929).
In the Cercopid Homopteron Philaenus leucophthal- mus L., George (1929) has found that the vasa deferentia terminate on the ninth abdominal sternite from the earliest nymphal stage. He failed to show the existence of a ‘pair of ectodermal ejaculatory’ ducts lying on the posterior margin of the eighth sternite. It may be here recalled that Singh- Pruthi (1924) referred to the presence of these ducts in the Jassid Homopteron Idiocerus. In this connexion George (1929) has severely criticized Singh-Pruthi’s diagram (Fig. 1 A), which shows the vasa deferentia ending at the bases of the ‘subgenital plates ‘on the ninth segment and the ‘paired ejaculatory ‘ducts extending forward almost to the anterior limits of the eighth segment. Here he fails to see how the ‘paired ejaculatory ‘ducts so situated could ‘fuse end to end with the vasa deferentia unless either set of them undergoes a twisting’. Since no such twisting is indicated in any of Singh-Pruthi’s diagrams, George was justified in concluding that this fusion, as such, could not be possible. Further, he contends that the ‘paired ejaculatory’ ducts being more primitive, it would be expected that they would join the vasa deferentia before their connexion is established with the common ejaculatory duct. In this way George (1929) has shown that ‘there seems to be little or no evidence regarding the existence of a pair of ectodermal ejaculatory ducts in Homoptera or any other of the higher insects’.
The above arguments advanced by George (1929) are perhaps valid as far as Singh-Pruthi’s observations go, since the latter did not explicitly indicate in his drawings what he actually believed. But at the same time there is no other ground on which George could reasonably refute the existence of these ectodermal ducts. I have clearly shown above in Lepidoptera that the vasa deferentia during larval life terminate on the eighth abdominal segment and do not proceed to meet the genital rudiments on the ninth sternum as has been shown by George in Philaenus. In this connexion, my observations corroborate in the main what has been described by Singh- Pruthi in Homoptera (1924) and Christophers and Barraud (1926) in Diptera. Unfortunately, George has omitted reference to Christophers and Barraud’s more recent work on Ph1ebotomus (1926) in which they have stated in unmistakable terms that ‘the elements from the testes can be traced at the stage immediately following the last larval ecdysis as far back as well within the eighth segment ; but they have never actually at this stage been traced to the rudiments, which is in favour of Singh-Pruthi’s contention’. In addition to this valuable piece of evidence, Christophers and Barraud (1926) have also noticed a pair of pear-shaped rudiments (ectodermal ducts) which are present in their usual position as described by Singh- Pruthi (1924) in Homoptera and now by me in Lepidoptera. Their connexion with the vasa deferentia has not been clearly indicated so far by any of these authors, and as Christophers and Barraud (1926) have frankly stated, this aspect of the problem is still open. I have made clear elsewhere in this memoir how exactly the vasa deferentia become linked up with the extensions from these ectodermal ducts towards the end of larval life. The connexion between the proximal and distal portions of the ejaculatory duct is established soon after the former have fused with the vasa deferentia. The whole process is simultaneous, and consequently I do not attach much importance to the last objection raised by George (1929) to Singh- Pruthi’s statement that ‘the “paired ejaculatory” ducts join the median ejaculatory duct before they join the vasa deferentia’.
The accessory glands being directly derived from the pair of ejaculatory ducts are certainly not of mesodermal origin as has been claimed by George (1929). Their ectodermal nature is evident because they arise by constriction and consequent division of the paired ectodermal ducts,- in the late larval instar.
From the foregoing account it is established that in Lepidoptera as in some other insect orders, with the exception of the vasa deferentia, all the elements in the efferent genital apparatus are derived from the ectoderm. The limits of the vasa deferentia are clearly indicated, and evidence is produced to show that its so-called terminal ‘ampullae’ on the ninth sternite represent the rudiments of the proximal portion of the ejaculatory duct.
For explanation of lettering of Text-figures see p. 40.
Cited in Bolles Lee’s ‘Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum’ (1928).