The only complete account of the sympathetic nervous system of Selachians is that of Chevrel published in 1887. Since that date several papers have appeared dealing with special points of structure or function, such as those of Bottazzi (1902), Müller and Liljestrand (1918), and Lutz (1931), on the innervation of the viscera; of Diamare (1901) on the histology; and of Hoffmann (1900), Müller (1920), and others, on the development. No attempt has yet been made to investigate the autonomic nervous system of these fish from the general standpoint introduced by Langley (1921) and Gaskell (1915); this the present study attempts to do. Its aim has therefore been to give an accurate account of the anatomy and histology of the system with special reference to the functions of the neurones, in order to discover whether the system conforms to the same general plan as that of mammals and whether any conclusions can be drawn either as to its phylogenetic history, or, in general, as to its nature and function. A similar study has recently been made on a Teleostean fish (Young, 1931), and the problems involved are there discussed.

The following is a list of the Selachians used in the investigation:

Order Selachii.

Group 1. Notidani.

Heptanchus cinereus.

Group 2.

Sub-order 1. Scyllioidei.

Scyllium canicula.

Scyllium catulus.

Mustelus laevis.

Mustelus vulgaris.

Cardiarias glaucus.

Sub-order 2. Squaliformes.

Squalus acanthias.

Sub-order 3. Rajiformes.

Torpedo ocellata. Torpedo marmorata. Trygon violaceus.

The great majority of the observations were made on Scyllium (= Scylliorhinus) canicula, the other species being used only for comparison as regards the more important points.

Most of the work was done at Naples during three visits in 1928, 1930, and 1931, when use was made of the Oxford and British Association Tables, for both of which I am very grateful, as also for the many facilities and constant assistance given to me by Professor Dohrn and all of the staff of the Station. Some material was collected at Plymouth during a short but fruitful stay at the Marine Laboratory in 1931, for which I wish to thank Dr. Allen. Much of the histological work was done in the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at Oxford, and I have to thank Professor Goodrich for much stimulating advice.

For many purposes it was desirable to anaesthetize the dogfish, and the best method was found to be immersion in a liquid made by diluting a 10 per cent, solution of chloretone in 95 per cent, alcohol with 99 parts of sea-water. In this they became motionless in 1-3 minutes and remained anaesthetized until revived by a stream of water passed over the gills. 2 per cent, solutions of urethane and subcutaneous injections of a 20 per cent, solution of the same were found to be effective, but less satisfactory than chloretone. Ether anaesthesia was found to be unsatisfactory.

For study of the macroscopic anatomy of the sympathetic nervous system, use was made of the osmium tetroxide method, the advantages and limitations of which have already been discussed (Young, 1931).

For closer study of the nerves the methods of Cajal and Bielschowsky were used with success. The most satisfactory preparations were obtained by injection of the fixative after light anaesthesia, a cannula being inserted into the ventral aorta just in front of the heart. The rest of the technique was then as follows:

(2) Wash for 24 hours in changes of distilled water.

(3) Pass slowly up the alcohol series to 95 per cent., in which leave for 24 hours.

(4) Down the alcohol series to water and thence to 1·5–2·5 per cent, silver nitrate at 37° C. for 4 to 6 days.

(5) Short wash in distilled water (1-5 minutes according to the size of the pieces).

(6) Reduction in

The hydroquinone reduces more violently and gives the more clear-cut pictures, but the lighter stains obtained with pyrogallol often show more detail.

(7) Dehydrate rapidly, embed in paraffin wax and cut

sections 15–30 μ thick; or alternatively, since the ganglia are very thin, whole mounts could be made in Apathy’s syrup or Canada balsam, and these were found to be very useful.

This method was varied in several ways, the following being the most successful methods:

(1) Fix in 95 per cent, alcohol plus 1 drop of NH3 per 10 c.c.

(2) Wash in distilled water and transfer to pyridine for 24 hours.

(3) Wash in changes of distilled water until no smell of pyridine remains.

(4) Proceed as above. Or another method:

(1) Fix for 24 hours in

(2) Proceed as in the first technique.

A number of preparations were made with the methylene blue technique, after injection of the stain, but the best preparations obtained in this way did not equal those obtained by Cajal’s method. Gold chloride (Lôwit’s method) was found to be useful for study of the shape of the cells, but did not stain the finer fibres.

For study of the suprarenal and interrenal systems pieces were fixed in Flemming’s fluid and various formol-bichromate mixtures, of which Wiesel’s fluid was found to be the most satisfactory. The best results were obtained when the solutions were made up with isotonic solution.

1. Nature of the Rami Communicantes

The sympathetic system of Selachians differs in its fundamental plan from that of all other vertebrates. In each segment in which it occurs there are one or more ganglia connected with the corresponding spinal nerve by a ramus communicans which consists of medullated pre-ganglionic fibres only, there are no recurrent grey rami communicantes. This condition has been revealed by study of whole mounts of rami communicantes stained with osmium tetroxide. After this treatment it can be seen that the fibres in the rami are all medullated and that at the point of junction with the spinal nerve they always turn inwards and can be followed for a considerable distance towards the central nervous system (Text-figs. 1 and 2). There are no medullated or non-medullated fibres turning outwards or running peripherally to be distributed with the spinal, nerves, although such fibres if they were present would certainly be revealed by this method as they are in mammals (Müller, 1924, fig. 11) and in Teleosts (Young, 1931, fig. 3). Besides the fine medullated pre-ganglionic fibres the rami communicantes also contain sensory fibres which are very large and can be traced individually to the sense organs concerned (see p. 602).


Scyllium canícula. Origin of ramus communicans from spinal nerve. OsO4, whole mount. W. Watson 2/3 in., camera lucida


Scyllium canícula. Origin of ramus communicans from spinal nerve. OsO4, whole mount. W. Watson 2/3 in., camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Origin of ramus commuiiicans from spinal nerve. OsO4, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss A


Scyllium canicula. Origin of ramus commuiiicans from spinal nerve. OsO4, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss A

The fact that all the motor-fibres in the rami communicantes are pre-ganglionic can be confirmed by means of preparations stained with Cajal’s method, in which it can be seen that all the fibres run out to the sympathetic and none backwards from the sympathetic to the spinal nerve (Text-fig. 3).


Scyllium canícula, embryo 27 mm. Rami communicantes and sympathetic ganglia. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3


Scyllium canícula, embryo 27 mm. Rami communicantes and sympathetic ganglia. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3

Rami communicantes from all levels have been examined in Scyllium and found to be of the same nature, and similar rami were also found in all the other species of Selachians mentioned on p. 572, so that the absence of grey rami seems to be characteristic of the group. In those vertebrates in which they occur the grey rami contain post-ganglionic fibres for the bloodvessels, melanophores, sweat glands, pilomotor muscles, and possibly also for the somatic muscles. Presumably the sympathetic has none of these functions in Selachians since, except in the case of the blood-vessels, no other tracts replacing the grey rami have been found.

The blood-vessels are innervated from the sympathetic, but not via the spinal nerves. The vasomotor fibres run out from the sympathetic ganglia on either side of the segmental arteries, with which they are presumably distributed along the whole of their course. Fine branches are given off at intervals forming a complicated plexus, often containing nerve-cells, around the muscular coats of the artery (Text-fig. 4). There is also a network of fibres along the wall of the dorsal aorta, and it is probable that all the blood-vessels of the tail are supplied by this route. Thus it seems that in Selachians the vasomotor fibres accompany the arteries for long distances, whereas in mammals, according to Gilding (1932), this is never the case.


Scyllium canícula. Segmental artery with its nerves. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Photograph, W. Watson 12 mm


Scyllium canícula. Segmental artery with its nerves. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Photograph, W. Watson 12 mm

After the work of Schoenlein (1895) it was supposed that the arterial pressure of Selachians was not under nervous control, but recent experiments have shown that stimulation of sensory nerves causes increase of blood-pressure (Huntsman, 1931) indicating that vaso-constrictor fibres are present. It is perhaps also significant that adrenaline causes constriction of the arteries (Wyman and Lutz, 1932).

In agreement with the absence of grey rami it has been found that the chromatophores of Selachians are not under nervous control. While the present work was in progress no literature could be found dealing with the question of colour change in Selachians. Since the work was finished, however, a paper has appeared by Lundstrom and Bard (1932) showing that Mustelus become paler in colour when brightly illuminated and that the melanophores are controlled, as in Amphibia, through the pituitary gland, v. Rijnberk (1905) considered that possibly the segmental arrangement of the spots on the body of Scyllium might be a result of control by segmentally distributed sympathetic nerves, but he brought no evidence to show that the melanophores were actually under nervous control. It is noteworthy that in Selachians the pattern is very stable and there are no rapid changes in colour comparable to those seen in Teleosts, in which there is undoubted nervous control of the melanophores by post-ganglionic fibres distributed via the grey rami communicantes to the cranial and spinal nerves, cutting of which therefore causes paling over a certain area. During the present work on ScyIlium, however, no change in the colour of the skin of the affected area was ever observed after section of the spinal, trigeminal, or facial nerves, and this leads one to suppose that there is no direct nervous control of the melanophores. The segmental arrangement of the spots, if it exists at all, may perhaps be due to the distribution of the bloodvessels.

As a further indication that the melanophores are not innervated may be cited the absence of any action upon them by adrenaline, whose action is often, though not always, parallel to that of the sympathetic system. 1 mg. of adrenaline hydrochloride (freshly made up by neutralization of the base) was injected subcutaneously into the back of a dogfish and at the same time, as a control, into a dab (Pleuronectes limanda). In the latter the melanophores soon contracted, first near the site of the injection and later all over the body; on the other hand, absolutely no local or diffuse colour change was observed in the dogfish. This experiment was repeated several times with Scyllium canicula and catulus and Torpedo ocel1 a t a, and was also varied by placing small pieces of the outer layers of the skin of Scyllium and of Trygon violácea in solutions of adrenaline HC1 of strengths 1/5,000, 1/10,000, 1/100,000, 1/1,000,000 in sea-water. None of these pieces showed any difference from control pieces kept in sea-water, although the melanophores on the scales of a flounder (Pleuronectes flesus) contracted with all concentrations. Lundstrom and Bard found that Mustelus became somewhat paler after the injection of very large doses of adrenaline, but they reserved judgement as to whether this was a direct effect on the melanophores; probably it was a secondary effect due to vascular changes.

2. Anterior Rami Communicantes and Sympathetic Ganglia.

The more anterior spinal nerves do not give off rami communicantes. The position of the first ramus differs in different species and individuals; in Scyllium caniculaitis usually connected with the third or fourth spinal nerve. The more anterior rami in all Selachians run to the large sympathetic ganglia (gastric ganglia) which are involved in the axillary bodies (Text-fig. 5). The latter are a pair of whitish bodies lying in the posterior cardinal sinus, just behind the brachial arteries, near to the point of origin of the coeliac artery. They consist of sympathetic cells and chromophil cells, partly intermixed.


Scyllium canicula ♂. Drawing of dissection of sympathetic system after treatment with OsO4. × 1/2


Scyllium canicula ♂. Drawing of dissection of sympathetic system after treatment with OsO4. × 1/2

The anterior rami arise from spinal nerves above the pharynx and run backwards in the loose connective tissue dorsal to the efferent branchial arteries. As they pass backwards they join to form a large bundle of fibres which enters the posterior cardinal sinus close to the brachial artery and runs into the axillary body. The gastric ganglion is not always the most anterior sympathetic ganglion in the body since there is often a small ganglion (noticed by Chevrel) on the course of the anterior rami communicantes anterior to the front end of the cardinal sinus (Text-fig. 6). From this ganglion non-medullated fibres pass to the efferent branchial arteries. Occasionally there is a small nodule of chromophil tissue close to the ganglion.


Scyllium canicula ♀. Anterior rami communicantes and post-branchial plexus. OsO4, whole mount. Zeiss planar, camera lucida. Medullated fibres continuous lines, non-medullated fibres broken lines


Scyllium canicula ♀. Anterior rami communicantes and post-branchial plexus. OsO4, whole mount. Zeiss planar, camera lucida. Medullated fibres continuous lines, non-medullated fibres broken lines

The axillary body consists of a number of fused segmental ganglia which are separate in the embryo (Hoffmann, 1900; Müller, 1920). The post-ganglionic nerves given off from the gastric ganglion are the anterior splanchnic nerves, consisting of non-medullated and lightly medullated fibres. That on the left crosses over to the right, and the two join to run with the coeliac artery to the viscera.

3. Anatomy of the Sympathetic System in the Trunk.

There has been considerable confusion in the interpretation of the anatomy of the sympathetic system behind the ‘axillary heart’. Observers (Chevrel, 1887; Bottazzi, 1902; Millier, 1920) agree that the ganglia are very small and lie in the dorsal wall of the posterior cardinal sinus, but opinions differ as to whether they are arranged segmentally, as to their relations with the suprarenal bodies and as to the presence of a chain connecting them.

Chevrel divided these ganglia into anterior and posterior sets.the latter distinguished by their more regular segmental arrangement and by the absence of connexions between the ganglia of adjoining segments. Bottazzi agreed with this distinction. Chevrel was emphatic in denying that the ganglia are connected to form a regular chain; he noticed that the ganglia of adjoining segments were often connected, but in other cases such connexions were absent, as also throughout the posterior interrenal series.

As will be seen from Text-figs. 5 and 7 the sympathetic ganglia are in fact very irregularly arranged. There is always at least one ganglion in every segment between the axillary body and the anus, often there are two or three of them in a single segment, connected with each other and with the ramus communicans. Anteriorly the ganglia lie immediately above the posterior cardinal sinus, posteriorly they are embedded in the dorsal part of the kidney, but the series is perfectly continuous throughout and there is no clear distinction into anterior and posterior sets. The question of the relationship of the sympathetic system to the suprarenals is best treated histologically (see p. 598); here it may be stated that in the more anterior region the ganglia often lie close to the glands (as in the case of the axillary body), but, as pointed out by Chevrel, the two may also, in any segment, be perfectly distinct (Text-figs. 5 and 7). In the kidney region the ganglia are always very close to the suprarenals.


Scyllium canicula. Drawing of a dissection of the anterior part of the sympathetic system after treatment with OsO4. × 3


Scyllium canicula. Drawing of a dissection of the anterior part of the sympathetic system after treatment with OsO4. × 3

The more anterior ganglia are very much the easier to study, since their connexions can be followed under the microscope after staining the nerves with osmium tetroxide, whereas the more posterior ganglia, being embedded in the mesonephros, can only be studied in sections. The typical arrangement of ganglia and suprarenals can be seen in Text-figs. 5 and 7. There is a ramus communicans of pre-ganglionic fibres in every segment and a number of post-ganglionic branches which are distributed to (") the gut, (b) the suprarenals, (c) the urinogenital system, (d) the blood-vessels. The more anterior ganglia are very much larger on the left side than on the right, since most of the middle splanchnic nerves arise on the left.

Sometimes the ganglia of succeeding segments are joined by longitudinal connectives, but often there is no such connexion; and there is certainly no definite continuous sympathetic chain such as that of Teleostei or Tetrapods. The connectives, when present, may contain both medullated and non-medullated fibres, but often they consist only of the latter, and the medullated fibres in the connectives usually belong to the large sense organs (p. 602), though smaller fibres, probably pre-ganglionic, may also be present. Certainly, however, there are no long paths either of pre- or post-ganglionic fibres up or down the sympathetic system. This absence of chains may be correlated with the absence of functions directly concerned with the outside world, von Frisch (1912) and Wernôe (1925) have shown that colour change in Teleosts is controlled by pre-ganglionic neurones running out in only a few segments and then passing for long distances in the sympathetic chains. It is long pathways such as these which go to make up the regular chains, obscuring what is probably a more primitive segmental arrangement, such as that which persists in Selachians.

It can be seen in Text-fig. 7 that all the post-ganglionic branches are given off medially from the sympathetic and pass directly to the viscera. Their arrangement is complicated by the fact that they run irregularly backwards or forwards for short distances before passing to their destination. There is in fact a network of non-medullated nerves on either side of the mesenteries. Presumably in other vertebrates these separate post-ganglionic nerves are joined together into the sympathetic chains, although Langley (1921) was of the opinion that long post-ganglionic paths are of rare occurrence.

4. Sympathetic System and Suprarenals in the Kidney Region.

The suprarenal bodies extend along the whole length of the trunk, the hinder ones being embedded in the dorsal part of the mesonephros. In Scyllium and Mustelus the more posterior bodies have a very regular segmental arrangement, but in Rajiformes, where the kidneys lie farther apart, the suprarenals lie medial to them and are less regularly arranged.

The suprarenals of the kidney region differ in the two sexes. In the males of Scyllium they are very large and sometimes occupy a very considerable part of the volume of the kidney, though always remaining segmental. In the females they are much smaller, and consist only of small masses of chromophil tissue around the segmental arteries, close to the origin of the latter from the dorsal aorta (Text-fig. 8). In the males the central part only of the mass of suprarenal tissue gives the chrome reaction (Text-fig. 9), the remainder consisting of cells which seem to be of the same nature as the chromophil cells but in only a few of which are there any chrome-staining granules. The total amount of adrenaline in the glands (assuming the chrome reaction to be an indicator of this) is therefore about the same in males and females, although in the former there is potentially at least twice as much adrenaline-secreting tissue as in the latter.


Scyllium canicula ♀. Semi-diagrammatic representation of transverse section of kidney region. The main outlines drawn with Zeiss A lens and camera lucida from a single section, the details being filled in from the neighbouring sections


Scyllium canicula ♀. Semi-diagrammatic representation of transverse section of kidney region. The main outlines drawn with Zeiss A lens and camera lucida from a single section, the details being filled in from the neighbouring sections


Scyllium canicula ♂. Transverse section of kidney and suprarenal. Muller’s fluid with formalin, Ehrlich’s haematoxylin. Photograph, Zeiss A


Scyllium canicula ♂. Transverse section of kidney and suprarenal. Muller’s fluid with formalin, Ehrlich’s haematoxylin. Photograph, Zeiss A

The sympathetic ganglia of this region always lie in close relationship with the suprarenals. The rami communicantes run through the substance of the kidney and into a ganglion which lies on the dorsal surface of the suprarenal (Text-fig. 8). From this ganglion some post-ganglionic fibres run to the suprarenal tissue (Text-fig. 18) and others, together with preganglionics, run round or through the chromophil tissue to a second ganglion which lies medial to the gland and ventral to the segmental artery. Several nerves issue from this ganglion and pass round on the medial surface of the mesonephros to run in the mesenteries to the urinogenital system or gut; often there is a tim’d ganglion along the course of these nerves. In addition to the fibres running to the viscera there are also, contrary to the opinion of Chevrel, often transverse commissures between the ganglia of the same segment and longitudinal connectives joining those of adjacent segments (Text-figs. 8 and 10). These nerves are very fine and non-medullated and can only be studied in serial sections stained with Cajal’s method. They do not constitute a regular chain and may be absent in some cases. The whole system constitutes a complex arrangement giving a segmental innervation to the genital ducts, urinary sinus, intestine, and rectum.


Scyllium canicula ♀. Semi-diagrammatic representation of horizontal section of kidney region. Main outlines with Zeiss A lens and camera lucida from a single section, details from neighbouring sections


Scyllium canicula ♀. Semi-diagrammatic representation of horizontal section of kidney region. Main outlines with Zeiss A lens and camera lucida from a single section, details from neighbouring sections

5. Sympathetic System in the Tail

The accounts of previous workers leave it doubtful whether the sympathetic system of Selachians extends into the tail. Thus Chevrel was unable to find any caudal ganglia in adult Scyllium, but Hoffmann (1900) identified them in embryo Squalus where apparently they became less well developed in later embryos, indicating that in the adult they may be dispersed or absent.

The observations made during the present work show that the sympathetic ganglia and suprarenals of adult Selachians end at the hind end of the mesonephros and do not extend into the tail. This fact can best be verified in Rajiformes, where the hinder sympathetic ganglia are only partly embedded in the kidney. The last two or three ganglia are very small and the series ends where the aorta passes into the haemal canal, in which thorough search failed to reveal any further ganglia.

However, sections of embryos of Scyllium (25 mm.) show p p 2 that the outward migration of cells to form sympathetic ganglia does not stop at the level of the anus. Above the post-anal part of the mesonephros there are collections of sympathetic cells, connected with the spinal nerves by rami communicantes which become progressively shorter passing backwards. Behind the mesonephros these ganglia still continue for a few segments as little groups of cells between the caudal vein and the aorta, the rami eventually becoming so short that the cells lie on the spinal nerves (Text-fig. 11). In addition there are in this region twigs which pass directly from the spinal nerves to the dorsal branches of the segmental arteries (Text-fig. 12). These twigs come off just below the spinal ganglion and are therefore dorsal to the true sympathetic ganglia. Sometimes (as in Text-fig. 12), there is a group of cells, presumably motor neurones, where the vasomotor fibres come off from the spinal nerve.


Scyllium cat ulus, embryo 25 mm. Transverse section of tail. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss A


Scyllium cat ulus, embryo 25 mm. Transverse section of tail. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss A


Scyllium catulus, embryo25inm. Transverse section of tail, showing nerves to artery. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3


Scyllium catulus, embryo25inm. Transverse section of tail, showing nerves to artery. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3

In adult Scyllium the post-anal sympathetic ganglia seem to disappear completely and preparations of the caudal spinal nerves stained with osmium tetroxide or Cajal’s method failed to reveal any cells or bundles of non-medullated fibres. It is possible that the fibres running directly from the spinal nerves to the blood-vessels still persist, the motor cells lying in the walls of the arteries; it should be possible to discover experimentally whether such fibres are present.

In the tails of two late embryo Torpedo ocellata (20 mm.), stained with Cajal’s method, there were seen to be occasional nerve-cells scattered between the caudal vein and the aorta and connected with the spinal nerves by very fine rami. Such a cell is seen in Text-fig. 13, but it will be noticed that the fibre attached to it runs not towards the blood-vessels, as would be expected if the cells were post-ganglionic, but centripetally towards the spinal nerve. I have not sufficient preparations to tell whether this is the usual condition of these cells. The cells are most numerous in the segments immediately behind the anus and decrease in number passing backwards. Possibly they persist in the adult as vasomotor fibres.


Torpedo ocellata. Embryo 20mm. Transverse section of tail. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3


Torpedo ocellata. Embryo 20mm. Transverse section of tail. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3

Thus it seems that in Selachians there are no autonomic fibres in the tail with the possible exception of a few connected with the blood-vessels. This is as would be expected in view of the nature and functions of the sympathetic system in these fish. It has been shown above that there are no grey rami communicantes, and that the post-ganglionic fibres all pass directly to the viscera or blood-vessels. The sympathetic in the tail of other vertebrates is presumably concerned with the innervation of the skin and its derivatives, possibly also of the somatic muscles, and since the sympathetic has none of these functions in Selachians it would not be expected to extend into the tail.

6. Autonomic Fibres in Spinal Dorsal Roots

It has sometimes been suggested that in mammals parasympathetic (especially vasodilator) fibres run out in the spinal dorsal roots, and Kurè and his collaborators have recently brought evidence purporting to show that such fibres are present in large numbers and include not only vasodilators but also motor-fibres to the gut, hair muscles, &c. It would be interesting to discover whether such fibres are present in Selachians, but the question can only be satisfactorily settled by experiment and was not fully dealt with during the present research. Sections of the dorsal root ganglia and spinal nerves failed to reveal any motor-cells, so that if such are present they must lie at the periphery. No movements of the viscera were noticed after stimulation of spinal dorsal roots by Millier and Liljestrand (1918) or in the course of the present work, so that if any visceromotor fibres are present in the dorsal roots of Selachians they must run to the blood-vessels.

7. Cytology of the Sympathetic Ganglia

The finer structure of the neurones of the sympathetic system of Selachians has never been fully investigated. This group was omitted from the comprehensive survey of Huber (1900) who did, however, describe the sympathetic cells of Teleosts. Diamare (1901) reported the presence of multinuclear cells in Selachians, and Miiller (1920) gave an excellent description of the structure of the developing neurones. The sympathetic ganglia of mammals have been very thoroughly studied, recent accounts being those of Castro (1930 and 1932).

It is characteristic of the sympathetic cells of Selachians that they are not all concentrated into compact ganglia, many being scattered singly or in groups along the course of the nerves. In many of these groups processes of one cell make contact with other cells giving a mechanism for the spreading of impulses. Although there is no definite evidence for the existence of visceromotor chains with more than two links, yet it seems not improbable that some of these cells are intercalary neurones.

The smaller sympathetic cells have a single nucleus, but the majority have two and some have three, four, five, or even six nuclei, and these multinucleate cells often assume curious shapes (Text-fig. 14). In the smaller ganglia the cells are often unipolar, with the cell-body at the periphery of the ganglion and the prolongation directed inwards. This prolongation then divides into a number of branches which become lost in the maze of fibres (Text-fig. 15). In other cases there may be two, three, or many processes, each dividing several times. There is no means of deciding whether the conduction in these long fibres is towards or away from the cell-body, probably most of them conduct away, though their shorter branches may serve to pick up impulses from other neurones. However, there are other processes which are undoubted dendrites and these may be either extracapsular or subcapsular. The extracapsular dendrites are in the form either of short lateral branches or whirls or of many-branched, shrub-like structures which interlace with the finer branches of other cells to form ‘dendritic glomeruli’ (Text-fig. 16). Often the processes of two or more cells are involved in a single glomerulus, which does not necessarily mean that the neurones concerned are intercalaries, such that stimuli pass from one to the other of them, but rather that in such whirls several cells pick up impulses from the terminations of a single pre-ganglionic axon. Similar conditions have been observed in mammals (Cajal, Castro), and it is well known that there are more post-ganglionic fibres leaving the sympathetic ganglia than pre-ganglionic fibres entering. Billingsley and Ranson (1918) calculated the ratio to be 1–32 for the superior cervical ganglion of the cat. In Selachians also there are certainly more post-ganglionic than pre-ganglionic fibres.


Scyllium canicula. Cells from post-branchial plexus. Formic acid, gold chloride. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Cells from post-branchial plexus. Formic acid, gold chloride. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula ♀. Sympathetic ganglion in kidney region. Cajal’s method. Photograph, W. Watson 1/6 in


Scyllium canicula ♀. Sympathetic ganglion in kidney region. Cajal’s method. Photograph, W. Watson 1/6 in


Scyllium canicula. Celis from gastric ganglion. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1-3. Main outlines with camera lucida from a single section, details from neighbouring sections


Scyllium canicula. Celis from gastric ganglion. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1-3. Main outlines with camera lucida from a single section, details from neighbouring sections

The finer details of the dendritic glomeruli are very difficult to make out. In each there are many amphicytes and whirls of very fine branching fibres, which are so complex that it is difficult to be certain how they terminate. Many of them bear swellings (‘boutons de passage’) and possibly there are also some terminal boutons but probably a good many of the fibres run through the whirl and out again, giving or receiving an impulse by contact without actually terminating in a blind ending. Similar cases of synapses without terminations were seen in the post-branchial plexus (p. 600).

The subcapsular dendrites consist either (a) of whirls of fine fibres which wrap round the cell-body (Text-fig. 26) and make contact with other whirls which are the branches of pre-ganglionic fibres, or (b) of shorter processes coming off all round the cell. These latter end as flattened plates, in which a fibrillar structure can often be made out, lying close to the amphicytes (Text-fig. 17). Other similar plates are seen attached to fibres which are not in connexion with the cell and are probably the endings of in-coming fibres. Similar plates were seen by Castro in the sympathetic ganglia of mammals, and he is of the opinion that every synapse is a complex structure involving boutons, dendrites, and amphicytes. However, there is no doubt that in many cases fibres run round a cell and pass on without actually terminating on that cell (see p. 600), and in these cases the fibre must transmit or receive whatever change constitutes the impulse by contact, without forming a blind ending, and without the intermediation of amphicytes. Such contact is, of course, different from continuity of substance between neurones for which I have found no evidence. However, Tiegs (1927) and Stôhr have come to the conclusion that there are no discontinuous synapses in the ganglia but that ‘das gesamte sympathische System ein geschlossenes Netz darstellt’ (Stôhr, 1928, p. 293). This is certainly the first impression which strikes one on account of the amazing complexity of the fibres, but closer study reveals the existence of surfaces of contact taking the various forms described above, and all tending to allow of very great diffusion of impulses.


Scyllium canicula. Small cell from gastric ganglion. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Small cell from gastric ganglion. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida

8. Relation of the Sympathetic Cells to the Suprarenal Tissue

In many cases the sympathetic ganglia lie close to, or actually inside, the masses of suprarenal tissue. The relationship is more than one of anatomical contiguity since many large bundles of nerve-fibres pass from the ganglia to ramify among the chromophil cell (Text-fig. 18), and nerve-cells are found scattered, either singly or in groups of two or three, among the chromophil cells. The suprarenal tissue is penetrated by a very complex network of non-medullated nerve-fibres; in fact these glands are more richly innervated than any other of the viscera studied. The finer nerve-fibres wind in and out among the cells, bearing small swellings at intervals along their course and finally ending in small knobs (Text-fig. 19). The exact relationship of the finest branches with the chromophil cells is very difficult to determine; probably they make contact with the outer surface of the cells without actually penetrating into the cytoplasm.


Scyllium canicula ♀ Transverse section of kidney region, showing sympathetic ganglia and suprarenal tissue. Cajal’s method. Photograph, W. Watson 12 mm


Scyllium canicula ♀ Transverse section of kidney region, showing sympathetic ganglia and suprarenal tissue. Cajal’s method. Photograph, W. Watson 12 mm


Scyllium canicula. Nerve-cell from boundary between gastric ganglion and chromophil tissue in axillary body. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Nerve-cell from boundary between gastric ganglion and chromophil tissue in axillary body. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida

It was found possible in some cases to follow the motorfibres from their origin in sympathetic cells to their termination around suprarenal cells (Text-fig. 19). Now Elliott (1913) was unable to discover any synapse on the path between the central nervous system and the medullary tissue of the adrenal (cat), and hence concluded that the chromophil cells (which are known to arise in ontogeny from the sympathetic anlagen) are themselves the post-ganglionic cells, and therefore the connector fibres innervate them directly. This is certainly not so in Selachians where there can be seen to be a synapse and postganglionic neurones supplying motor-fibres to the chromophil cells. Elliott was unable to find any nerve-cells in the medulla of the cat’s adrenal, but Müller (1924) found many of them in the human adrenal and he figures a cell with processes ending among the chromophil cells very much as in Selachians. This evidence does not preclude the possibility that in some cases pre-ganglionic fibres run straight through to end on the chromophil cells, but I am of the opinion that this is unlikely.

The interrenal body contains no nerve-fibres except those to the blood-vessels, and presumably its output of secretion is controlled directly by the condition of the blood. In mammals the medulla of the adrenal is richly supplied with nerves which ramify among the cells, whereas the few fibres in the cortex probably pass to the blood-vessels.

9. Post-Branchial Plexus

This consists of a network of nerve-fibres lying below the brachial plexus, dorsal to the posterior cardinal veins and lateral to the sympathetic system. It is present in Scyllium canicula and catulus, but absent from Rajiformes and Heptanchus. The nerves take origin from the vagus and anterior spinal nerves and consist of medullated fibres similar to those of the rami communicantes. They spread out to form a very complex network which gradually thins out passing backwards and reaches about to the anterior end of the kidney (Text-figs. 5 and 6). The plexus contains many nerve-cells, especially anteriorly, where there may be a post-branchial ganglion (Text-fig. 6), which was noticed by Chevrel.

The cells resemble sympathetic cells in general appearance, many of them being enclosed in nucleated capsules; a typical nest is seen in Text-fig. 20. The cells may be uni-, bi-, or multipolar, and in the case of the encapsuled cells the synapses appear to be made by means of subcapsular dendrites. In some cases the pre-ganglionic fibres could be seen to make several turns inside the capsule of one cell and then to pass on to another. At the nodes of the post-branchial network there are often single cells which are not enclosed in capsules. Their dendrites make contact with neighbouring fibres without the latter terminating (Text-fig. 21). In such cases it could clearly be seen that there is no actual continuity of substance at the synapse, since the dendrites were stained yellow-brown and the passing fibres an intense black.


Scyllium canicula. Nest of cells from post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Zeiss, apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Nest of cells from post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Zeiss, apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Cell of post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium canicula. Cell of post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida

The function of the whole plexus is obscure; possibly it may be concerned with the control of the flow of blood in the posterior cardinal sinus, perhaps even to compensate for the absence of accelerator nerves to the heart. Probably the functions are not so fundamental since the plexus is absent from many Selachians and all Teleostomes, which also lack accelerator nerves.

Besides the motor elements, certain sensory fibres also run in the post-branchial plexus and end in very large sense organs. The fibres run out from the spinal nerves with the rami communicantes (Text-fig. 1), branch several times, and run for considerable distances either with the post-branchial plexus or sympathetic system. They end among the tissues dorsal to the wall of the cardinal vein as elaborate sense organs consisting of whirls of fibres which branch and bear swellings at intervals, the whole organ being surrounded by a nucleated capsule (Text-fig. 22). In the less complex organs of young animals the fibres of the whirls are wholly non-medullated, but in adults (especially of Scyllium c a t u 1 u s) many of the outer whirls are medullated (Text-fig. 23). It is not possible to determine for certain whether the branches in the whirls end blindly or whether, and this is probably the case, the whole constitutes a continuous closed network. Similar organs are present in Raj if or mes in which there is no post-branchial plexus. Possibly they function as vaso-proprioceptors, registering the degree of distension of the cardinal veins. Lutz (1930a) found a reflex cardiac and respiratory inhibition after stimulation of certain fibres which were found to run partly in the vagus and partly in the spinal roots, and it is possible that he was stimulating the sense organs here described. Dogiel (1898) described rather similar sense organs on the arteries of mammals.


Scyllium canicula. Sense organ from post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss, apo. 90, 1·3


Scyllium canicula. Sense organ from post-branchial plexus. Cajal’s method, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss, apo. 90, 1·3


Scyllium catulus. Sense organs from post-branchial plexus. OsO4, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss B


Scyllium catulus. Sense organs from post-branchial plexus. OsO4, whole mount. Photograph, Zeiss B

1. Nerves of the Alimentary Canal

The smooth musculature of the pharynx is probably innervated from the collections of autonomic cells on the posttrematic rami of the branchial nerves (p. 611), but little is known of their function. The oesophagus and cardiac arm of the stomach are innervated by the vagi and on the right side the vagus also extends on to the pyloric arm of the stomach. Its hinder branches are very difficult to follow, and in Scyllium I have never been able to trace any of them posteriorly to the pylorus, but Müller and Liljestrand (1918) report that in Raja there is a branch of the right vagus to the spiral intestine, and Muller (1920) claims to have followed the vagus on to the intestine in developing Acanthias.

The most anterior nerves from the sympathetic system to the gut are the right and left anterior splanchnic nerves springing from the axillary bodies. They run with the coeliac artery to be distributed to the oesophagus, stomach, pylorus, and front part of the spiral intestine. The nn. splanchnic! medii run with the anterior mesenteric artery to the spiral intestine. They are really compound nerves arising as non-medullated branches from the sympathetic ganglia of several segments (Text-fig. 7). They are much larger on the left side than on the right, where they may be altogether absent. The nn. splanchnic! posteriores run as separate strands in the mesentery to the colon and rectum; they arise from the ganglia which are embedded in the kidney.

The innervation of the cloaca is of interest in view of the question of the origin of the sacral parasympathetic system of Tetrapods. The only observations made during the present investigation were on serial sections of late embryos of Scyllium canicula and catulus (about 25mm.) and Torpedo o celia ta (20 mm.) stained with Cajal’s method. The walls of the rectum were seen to contain nerve-cells and were innervated from the hinder sympathetic ganglia, but the walls of the cloaca contained no nerve-cells and received twigs directly from two or three spinal nerves. The absence of cells along these nerves shows that they are not part of the autonomic system, but may correspond to the sphincter nerves of Uranoscopus (Young, 1931) and to the n. pudendus of mammals (see p. 620).

The functions of the various nerves to the gut have been studied by Stannius (1849), Bottazzi (1902), Müller and Liljestrand (1918), and Lutz (1931). Bottazzi, using Scyllium and Torpedo, found that stimulation of the vagus caused contraction in the pyloric arm of the stomach and upper part of the intestine. Müller and Liljestrand found that in Raja the vagus often caused undoubted increase in the movements of the pylorus and pyloric arm of the stomach, but in other cases the result was an even more definite inhibition of movements in these parts. According to these authors the effect of stimulation of the anterior mesenteric nerves is to produce anastaltic waves which start at the pylorus and pass forwards along the pyloric arm of the stomach, similar results being obtained by stimulation of the sixth to twelfth ventral, but not dorsal, roots of Raja, and of the third to eighth ventral roots of Squalus. Bottazzi noticed movements of the rectum after stimulation of the forty-fifth to forty-seventh spinal nerves of Scyllium, and Lutz found that stimulation of the posterior splanchnic nerves caused contraction of this organ, but Müller and Liljestrand were unable to obtain any effects by stimulating the middle or posterior splanchnic nerves or the corresponding spinal nerves. It is doubtful how far the results of Bottazzi and Müller and Liljestrand are vitiated by the fact that, although the circulation was kept intact, the viscera were moistened with sea-water which is ‘physiologically’ hypertonic to the blood and lacks urea.

During the present work some observations were made on the functions of the nerves to the gut, the organs being moistened in all cases with an isotonic solution containing urea (see Young, 1932a).

The spontaneous movements observed in the intact gut in situ and in connexion with the central nervous system were catastaltic waves of contraction in the cardiac stomach and anastaltic waves in the spiral intestine. A pinch in the oesophagus or cardiac or pyloric arms of the stomach caused local constriction but no further effects. A pinch in the intestine caused immediate contraction of the circular muscles behind (orally to) the site of the pinch, and this constriction then often spread orally until the whole of the upper part of the intestine was narrow. The contraction then proceeded to spread backwards from the site of the pinch so that the contents of the intestine were moved towards the anus. In this way the whole intestine became thin and very much elongated and faeces were passed through into the rectum, which contracted in its turn and extruded the bolus. The whole process sometimes occupied as much as 12 minutes, but in other cases was more rapid. Local faradic stimulation of the intestine produced a similar sequence of changes. The functional significance of these movements in driving forwards the contents of the intestine is obvious.

Stimulation of the vagus caused contraction of the oesophagus and in many cases there was no other observable effect, but often undoubted catastaltic movements of the cardiac stomach were induced. This motor effect of the vagus was especially noticeable in cases in which this part of the stomach was already showing spontaneous catastalsis, stimulation of the vagus causing the movements to become much stronger than before. No motor or inhibitory effects posterior to the cardiac end of the stomach were observed after stimulation of the vagus.

Stimulation of the anterior splanchnic nerves, or of the axillary body, or of the anterior rami communicantes, spinal cord, or ventral roots produced a very constant and characteristic effect, namely, a contraction at the pylorus followed by a wave of anastalsis passing up the pyloric arm of the stomach, becoming very deep at the turning and then proceeding forwards up the cardiac stomach, though never reaching more than about half-way along the latter. An exact analysis of the origin of the motor-fibres in the anterior region of the spinal cord was made in a few cases in Scyllium canicula. Most of the pre-ganglionic fibres run in the fourth, fifth, and sixth spinal ventral roots, but probably some also pass in the third and seventh nerves.

The movements resulting from stimulation of the middle or posterior splanchnic nerves or of the corresponding sympathetic ganglia or spinal segments were less definite and seemed to depend on the condition of the intestine at the time. However, there is no doubt that the sympathetic supplies motor-nerves to the intestine and stimulation of the middle splanchnic nerves often caused contraction at the point of entry of the nerve, followed by constriction of the whole organ and expulsion of faeces as described above. At other times the effects were less well marked and consisted only in the production of anastaltic waves or in increase in their depth if already present. Similar results followed stimulation of the sympathetic ganglia around the base of the middle splanchnic nerves and of the spinal cord over a considerable length. Since the movements were rather irregular exact localization was difficult, but the most anterior level after stimulation of which movements of the intestine were observed was that of the fifteenth spinal root, and the most posterior that of the twenty-fifth root. Stimulation of the posterior splanchnic nerves or of the twenty-seventh to thirtieth spinal nerves was followed, in some cases, by movements of the hind part of the intestine and of the rectum.

Müller and Lilj estrand did not observe any of these movements of the intestine, and their failure may have been due to the imperfect physiological solutions used or to the state of the animals at the time. For instance, the movements in question could rarely be elicited at Naples with animals kept for a long time in the aquarium, although they were regularly observed on freshly caught animals at Plymouth. The movements of the rectum probably correspond to those observed by Bottazzi, but it is difficult to be certain since in the animals used the anus lies at about the level of the thirty-second spinal nerve and the forty-fifth to forty-seventh nerves stimulated by Bottazzi lie far back along the tail.

It is clear that further and more exact experiments are necessary before the function of the nerves to the gut can be decided with certainty, but it seems that the vagal fibres to the oesophagus and cardiac stomach have motor effects and those to the pyloric stomach sometimes motor, sometimes inhibitory effects. The sympathetic fibres to the pylorus, pyloric stomach, intestine, and rectum are all motor. It is very doubtful whether the vagus has any effect on the intestine.

The only observations on the pharmacology of the gut of Selachians appear to be the recent ones of Lutz (1931), who found that adrenaline in rather large doses (1 /50,000) caused contraction of the muscles of the pyloric arm of the stomach but inhibition of the rectum (Squalus and Raja). In a few preliminary experiments on Scyllium and T r y g o n I have found that adrenaline in concentrations between 1/50,000 and 1/1,000,000 does, as stated by Lutz, stimulate the pyloric arm of the stomach (Text-fig. 24). Contrary to him, however, I have found that adrenaline also stimulates the muscles of the rectum of Try gon. Acetyl choline caused increase in the tonus of both muscles and the initiation of rhythmic contractions.


Scyllium catulus. Tracing of movements of isolated pyloric arm of stomach, suspended in isotonic solution; pH, 7·6; T, 30° C. Acetyl choline HBr (B.D.H.); adrenaline HC1 (freshly made up by neutralization of base). Time in minutes


Scyllium catulus. Tracing of movements of isolated pyloric arm of stomach, suspended in isotonic solution; pH, 7·6; T, 30° C. Acetyl choline HBr (B.D.H.); adrenaline HC1 (freshly made up by neutralization of base). Time in minutes

2. Innervation of the Urinogenital System

In each segment the sympathetic ganglia send nerves to supply the oviducts or vasa deferentia, in the walls of which there are complex networks of fibres containing a few ganglion cells. The vagus sends no branches to these organs.

The sympathetic nerves have motor effects on the oviducts. Bottazzi (1902) found that stimulation of the spinal cord was followed by contraction of the walls of the oviduct of Torpedo, resulting in extrusion of the contained embryos. I have observed contraction of the oviduct of Scyllium after faradic stimulation of the spinal cord at various levels and also after stimulation of the nerves which run in the mesentery of the oviduct. The addition of adrenaline hydrochloride was followed by marked contraction of the oviduct suspended in isotonic solution.

No nerves to the kidney tubules were discovered during study of sections stained with Cajal’s method, although many fine bundles of sympathetic fibres run through the kidney tissue to he distributed to the blood-vessels. Control of the secretion of the urine is therefore probably effected only via the bloodvessels, and this is almost certainly the case also in mammals (Cushny, 1926). On the other hand, the urinary sinuses are richly supplied with nerves from the sympathetic system and their walls contain some nerve-cells.

3. Cardiac Nerves

Stannius (1849) first commented on the absence of sympathetic nerves to the heart of fishes. The question has recently been re-studied by Izquierdo (1930) and Lutz (1930 b) who were unable to find anatomical or physiological evidence for the presence of accelerator nerves.

I have searched on the anterior and posterior face of the ductus Cuvieri, on the walls of the oesophagus, and in fact in all possible paths without finding any sympathetic branches to the heart. The cardiac nerves, which are known to have an inhibitory action on the heart, arise from the last branchial branch and from the visceral branch of the vagus (Lutz, 19305). They run in the dorsal wall of the ductus Cuvieri and on to the sinus venosus. Here they break up into a great number of branches, forming a complex system round the sinu-auricular opening, where there is a dense network of nerve-fibres and cells. There are no ganglion cells, and only very few nerve-fibres in the walls of the auricle and ventricle.

1. Autonomic Fibres in Branchial Nerves

The sympathetic system of Selachians differs from that of other vertebrates in that it sends no branches to the head. Chevrel (1887), however, noticed that there is often a connexion between the first sympathetic ganglion and the vagus. The ramus in question was found during the present work in about half of the Scyllium canicula examined. It consists of a fine branch leaving the vagus at the level of the third or fourth branchial branch and running with the anterior rami communicantes to the axillary body (Text-fig. 6). It is composed of small medullated fibres, apparently similar to those of the spinal rami communicantes, which it very much resembles in position and structure. Since the fibres are medullated it is unlikely that they are post-ganglionic and they are too small to be sensory. Probably they represent a contribution of preganglionic fibres from the vagus to the gastric ganglion. It is certainly curious that the vagus, a dorsal root, should contribute in this way to the sympathetic system which is otherwise connected only with the ventral roots; there is a similar mixture of dorsal and ventral root-fibres in the post-branchial plexus. As the discussion on p. 617 shows, the route of the pre-ganglionic fibres is probably not a question of great morphological importance.

In mammals, besides the post-ganglionic sympathetic supply to the head, there are outflows of visceral motor-fibres in the Hird nerve (mid-brain outflow) and in the VHth, IXth, and Xth nerves (bulbar outflow). The latter outflow consists of fibres of two sorts: those which supply the submaxillary, otic, and parotid ganglia which are developed in connexion with the salivary glands, and the fibres in the vagus which end round the parasympathetic cells in the viscera. As would be expected, the first set of fibres is absent in fish, where there are no salivary glands (Young, 1981). The fibres in the vagus running to the heart and gut are similar in general to the corresponding fibres in mammals: they have been described in more detail above. In addition Norris and Hughes (1920) found collections of motor cells along the post-trematic branches of the facial and branchial nerves of embryos ofSqualus. I have been able to find these ganglia in adult Scyllium, on the hyomandibular branch of the facial and on the post-trematic rami of the glossopharyngeal and vagus, but not on any of the branches of the trigeminal. The cells occur either singly, scattered along the nerves, or in groups from which spring bundles of non-medullated fibres (Text-fig. 25), running presumably to innervate the smooth musculature and blood-vessels of the pharynx.


Scyllium cat ulus. Motor nerve-cells on post-trematic ramus of vagus. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss A


Scyllium cat ulus. Motor nerve-cells on post-trematic ramus of vagus. Cajal’s method. Photograph, Zeiss A

The size and form of these cells leaves no doubt that they are motor and they very much resemble the sympathetic cells, being multipolar and having connexions with pre-ganglionic fibres in the form of pericellular baskets or dendritic glomeruli (Text-fig. 26). The sensory cells of the cranial ganglia are of very different form, being larger, bipolar, and only very rarely surrounded by pericellular baskets.


Scyllium catulus. Motor cells from post-trematic ramus of vagus. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida


Scyllium catulus. Motor cells from post-trematic ramus of vagus. Cajal’s method. Zeiss apo. 90, 1·3, camera lucida

Mü ller (1920) claimed to have seen motor-cells in the main vagus ganglion of Squalus and therefore supposed that there were three links in the visceral motor chain. In his sections of embryos he found in the vagus ganglion two types of sensory cells and other smaller cells surrounded by pericellular baskets. Careful examination of serial sections through an 11 cm. embryo of Scyllium catulus stained by Cajal’s method failed to reveal any motor cells in the ganglion of the vagus or in the other cranial ganglia. Three groups of neurones certainly occur in the vagus ganglion as described by Miiller, but the smaller cells are all bipolar and no pericellular baskets could be seen. From his figures it seems possible that the ‘baskets ‘were intracellular neurofibrils and not, as he supposed, the endings of pre-ganglionic fibres.

Several sets of serial sections of the cranial ganglia of adult Scyllium were also examined and here again only bipolar sensory cells were found. I conclude, therefore, that the motor cells connected with the dorsal cranial nerves all pass for at least a considerable distance towards the periphery. This removes the evidence for Müller’s theory that there are three neurones involved in autonomic motor chains, and for the present it will be assumed that Langley’s view that only two links are involved is correct; however, there is little but negative evidence for either theory, and it would not be surprising to find three-link chains in any part of the autonomic system.

2. Profundus and Ciliary Nerves

The mid-brain outflow of mammals consists of pre-ganglionic fibres in III which have a synapse in the ciliary ganglion, postganglionic fibres passing in the short ciliary nerves to the internal muscles and blood-vessels of the eye. This outflow is well developed in Selachians and its function in regulating the diameter of the pupil has been the subject of a separate investigation (Young, 1938). The whole complex of ciliary nerves differs from that of Teleosts and Tetrapods, first in the absence of a contribution from the spinal visceral-motor (sympathetic) system, and secondly in that the sensory and motor nerves often run separately to the eyeball. The sensory nerves for the eyeball arise in all vertebrates from the nervus ophthalmicus profundus. This nerve is very well developed in Rajiformes and Squaliformes, less so in Scyllioidei, and is usually stated to be absent from Scyllium, where in fact it is present though much reduced.

The simplest condition is seen in Mustelus, where there is a typical profundus giving off three branches in the orbit: a n. ciliaris posterior directly after leaving the cranium, a n. ciliaris anterior where it passes between the oblique muscles, these two being sensory nerves, and a third branch, seen by Norris and Hughes (1920), which is motor and consists of non-medullated fibres which bear a ganglion soon after leaving the profundus and then send nerves to the ciliary plexus. The main motor ciliary nerves of Mustelus arise from the oculomotor nerve, just after the latter has given off its branch to the inferior rectus. There is a ciliary ganglion at this point which is visible to the naked eye in large specimens and lies so close to the nerve that no separate radix brevis can be distinguished. The short ciliary nerve runs with the ophthalmic artery to the eyeball.

In Mustelus, then, the sensory and motor ciliary nerves run separately to the eyeball. In Scyllium the conditions are essentially similar but the profundus is very much reduced and the sensory and motor roots join. There are two ciliary nerves (Text-fig. 27) which may be called anterior and posterior though they do not completely correspond with the similarly named nerves of Squalus and Mustelus. The sensory root of the ciliary complex leaves the skull by a separate foramen just below the foramina for rr. ophthalmici superficiales V and VII, and immediately inside the orbit is joined by a motor root which separates from the oculomotor. The common trunk then divides again to form the two ciliary nerves of which the posterior, where it meets the eyeball, divides up into several branches which pierce the sclerotic. The anterior ciliary nerve runs round in the connective tissue coat of the eyeball, ventral to the anterior rectus muscle; it then divides into two or three branches which pierce the sclerotic and one which leaves the eyeball, re-crosses the orbit between the oblique muscles, and re-enters the cranium by a small foramen in front of the insertions of these muscles. After passing across the dorsal face of the olfactory lobes this nerve is distributed to a small area of skin on the front part of the head. From its position there can be no doubt that this fine branch is the profundus nerve, and it differs from that of Squalus or Mustelus only in being included for part of its course in the connective tissue around the eyeball. The nerve has often been overlooked in Scyllium probably on account of its small size and because, though present in all Scyllium catulus, it is sometimes absent from Scyllium canicula. In the individuals of this species which have been closely examined the ramus was found to be present on both sides in twelve cases and on one side in one case, whereas in twelve cases there was no profundus on either side. Although later workers have overlooked it, yet the profundus of Scyllium was correctly described and figured by Schwalbe (1879), and Gegenbaur (1871) showed that the nerve is also bound up in the eyeball in Hexanchus.


Scyllium canicula. Drawing of dissection of orbit after treatment with OsO4. × 3


Scyllium canicula. Drawing of dissection of orbit after treatment with OsO4. × 3


Diagram of autonomic nervous system of Scyllium. Pre-ganglionic neurones black, post-ganglionic neurones red


Diagram of autonomic nervous system of Scyllium. Pre-ganglionic neurones black, post-ganglionic neurones red

The motor nerve-cells connected with the oculomotor nerve of Selachians are not all collected into a single ciliary ganglion, but are scattered as small ganglia along the course of the nerves (see Norris and Hughes, 1920). It is important to note that these cells and nerves are not all concerned with the innervation of the smooth muscles of the eyeball, but that many of them send nerves to the blood-vessels of the orbit. Both in Scyllium and Mustelus there is a large branch which separates from the motor ciliary root and runs round behind the inferior rectus muscle, where it bears a ganglion from which fine non-medullated fibres run across the orbit to the efferent pseudobranchial and other arteries. Norris and Hughes describe in Squalus a branch from this ganglion to the r. palatinus VII: no such branch could be found in Scyllium. Other collections of cells were found in Scyllium at the point of separation of the motor ciliary nerve from the oculomotor and at the junction of the motor and sensory roots.

In spite of the complexity of details it is clear that there are sensory ciliary nerves to the eyeball from the profundus and motor-nerves from the oculomotor, and that these components may run separately as in Mustelus and Squalus or together as in Scyllium. The visceral motor-fibres in the oculomotor nerve closely resemble the sympathetic fibres of a trunk segment in that (1) they pass through a ventral root, (2) are interrupted in a ganglion whose cells (3) resemble sympathetic cells, (4) they supply motor fibres to the bloodvessels.

VI. Phylogenetic History of the Autonomic Nervous System

Langley and Gaskell divided the general visceral motor nerves of mammals into two groups, sympathetic and parasympathetic, characterized by the opposite effects which they have on the heart, gut, urinary bladder, &c. As pointed out by Goodrich (1927, 1930), these systems are morphologically very difficult to characterize, since while the sympathetic fibres run only via the ventral roots, the parasympathetic fibres pass partly through the Vllth, IXth, and Xth cranial nerves which are dorsal roots, and partly through the oculomotor and pelvic nerves which are ventral roots.

Now it is conceivable that there were originally two complete sets of antagonistic fibres passing out in the dorsal and ventral roots respectively, but Young (1931) found no evidence of this in Teleosts, and in Amphioxus all the fibres run to the viscera through dorsal roots and this was presumably the original condition. The problem is therefore ‘how have “sympathetic”neurones come to be connected with the central nervous system through ventral roots?’ (Goodrich, 1927). Hoffmann (1900) pointed out that ‘sympathetic’ (sens, strict.) ganglia are only formed in those segments in which the dorsal and ventral roots join, and Goodrich suggested that the pre-ganglionic fibres come to run through the ventral roots in the segments in which the roots join, but remain in the dorsal roots in those segments (VII, IX, and X) in which the roots remain separate.

This condition is very well illustrated in the Selachians in which there are visceral motor fibres in almost every segment from the front of the head to the anus, running through the dorsal roots (VII, IX, and X) when they remain separate and through the ventral roots where they join (III, spinal segments). It is interesting that in Squalus and Mustelus, in which the sensory and motor ciliary roots only partly join, Norris and Hughes (1920) found motor fibres running out in the profundus.

There is very little evidence in fish of a differentiation into functionally antagonistic sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. In Selachians the vagus supplies motor fibres to the pharynx, oesophagus, and cardiac stomach, while the sympathetic ganglia send motor fibres to the pyloric stomach and to the whole of the intestine. The only place in which the vagus and sympathetic nerves overlap is the pyloric stomach, and here there is some evidence that the vagus inhibits the movements whereas the sympathetic stimulates them (p. 605). In Teleosts Miiller and Liljestrand (1918) report that stimulation both of the vagus and of the splanchnic nerves caused movements of the stomach, and I have been able to confirm this in Uranoscopus, in which, as in Selachians, the whole of the intestine receives motor fibres from the sympathetic ganglia (unpublished).

It is significant that both in Selachians and in mammals the structure of the neurones in all the autonomic ganglia is similar, whether they are connected with dorsal or with ventral roots; and the fact that both the vagus and the spinal nerves contribute pre-ganglionic fibres to the gastric ganglion and post-branchial plexus also indicates that all the autonomic fibres belong to a single system. It would be very interesting to discover a case in which fibres having similar functions passed partly through dorsal and partly through ventral roots. It is possible that such a condition is found in the case of the vasomotor fibres of Selachians, since some of them probably run through the vagus (Hoffmann, 1900). If this is so we have a single set of vasomotor fibres all down the body, some passing through dorsal and some through ventral roots.

Probably, therefore, in the earliest Chordates there were visceral fibres in every segment, passing, as in A m p h i o x u s, through the dorsal roots. When the dorsal and ventral roots became joined the motor fibres came to run out in the ventral roots, forming the sympathetic system, but remained in the dorsal roots in the cranial region, where the roots remained separate.

The arrangement was at first segmental, nerves running to the viscera in every segment as in the posterior abdominal region of Selachians. At this stage probably all the nerves had motor effects on the organs which they innervated. Later, the vagus spread farther and farther back along the gut, as it still does in the course of ontogeny of modern forms, overlapping the sympathetic innervation. At first the vagus and sympathetic both had motor effects on the organs which they innervated together, as they still do in the stomach of Teleostomes and Amphibia; but later, possibly as a result of changes in the terminal apparatus (see Brown and McSwiney, 1932), the two came to have reciprocal effects of excitation and inhibition, giving the very efficient mechanism which is found in Amniotes for the control of the viscera. At the same time the sympathetic system became specialized, the segmental ganglia becoming connected by chains to allow of more efficient correlation, while the numerous segmental nerves to the viscera were replaced by a few splanchnic nerves.

The sacral parasympathetic system is not accounted for in this hypothesis. It is absent in Selachians and Teleosts (Young, 1931), but appears in the earliest Tetrapods (Langley and Orbeli, 1911) probably in connexion with the formation of a cloacal bladder. Possibly the sacral outflow was derived from the n. pudendus, which is present in both Selachians and Teleosts, by the migration along it of motor cells when it took on the function of innervating the smooth musculature of the cloacal bladder.

Langley and Gaskell placed considerable emphasis on the gaps between the visceral motor fibres of the cranial and thoracico-lumbar sets and between the latter and those of the sacral nerves. Langley and Orbeli found similar gaps in Amphibia and they also appear in Selachians and Teleosts between the cranial and spinal sets of visceral motor fibres. However, there does not seem to be any special morphological significance attached to these gaps, rather we must consider the autonomic nervous system as consisting fundamentally of a single segmental series of motor fibres to the viscera.

Our knowledge of the autonomic nervous systems of the more primitive vertebrates remains fragmentary, but such as it is it seems to show that the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of mammals, with their complex balance of excitation and inhibition, are recent developments. They do not represent two morphologically distinct systems but are specializations within an originally simple visceral motor system whose neurones left the central nervous system via the dorsal roots. Further research is now being made into the course and functions of these fibres in Cyclostomes, Fish, and Amphibia in order to determine whether this view is correct.

  1. The rami communicantes of Selachians contain only preganglionic fibres; there are no recurrent grey rami and therefore no sympathetic nerves to the skin, chromatophores, or somatic muscles. This probably accounts for the absence of the sympathetic from the head and tail regions.

  2. In accordance with (1) it was found that cutting of the spinal nerves produced no local colour changes in the skin, neither was adrenaline found to have any action on the chromatophores.

  3. There are no long pre- or post-ganglionic pathways in the sympathetic and therefore no true sympathetic chains, though the ganglia of adjoining segments are sometimes connected. The arrangement is thus more nearly segmental than that of Teleosts or Tetrapods.

  4. No sympathetic ganglia were found in the tail of adult Scyllium or Torpedo, but in embryos of these forms scattered motor neurones were found in connexion with the caudal blood-vessels.

  5. Stimulation of the vagus caused movements of the cardiac stomach, of the anterior splanchnic nerves movements of the pylorus and pyloric stomach. Stimulation of the middle and posterior splanchnic nerves caused movements of the intestine, colon, and rectum. Pinching the intestine evoked a characteristic progressive reflex contraction, ending in the extrusion of faeces.

  6. The posterior suprarenal bodies differ in the two sexes, those of the male being much the larger, although the number of cells giving the chrome reaction is the same in both.

  7. The suprarenal tissue is very plentifully supplied with post-ganglionic fibres, which could be seen actually in connexion with their cell-bodies. The hypothesis of Elliott that the chromophil cells themselves represent post-ganglionics is therefore disproved in this case.

  8. The structure of the autonomic neurones is described in detail, especially the methods by which contacts are made between them.

  9. No motor cells were found in the vagus ganglion of embryo or adult Scyllium, but they do occur on the post-trematic rami of all the branchial nerves.

  10. A small profundus nerve was found to be present in Scyllium, though not in all individuals.

  11. There is little evidence for the existence in fish of functionally antagonistic sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, and it is suggested that these systems in Tetrapods represent specializations within a single segmental set of visceral motor fibres, running primarily through the dorsal roots but coming to pass through the ventral roots in those segments in which the roots join.

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On the number of ner ve-cells in the ganglion cervicale superius in the cat, &c
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Unt. ü ber das viscerate Nervensystem der Selachier
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The innervation of the stomach and rectum and the action of adrenalin in Elasmobranch fishes
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Comparative studies on the physiology of the Iris. I. Selachians
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Explanation of Lettering

a., amphicyte; a.m.a., anterior mesenteric artery; art., artery; ax., axillary body; b.a., brachial artery; br., branch of non-medul-Jated fibres; c.a., coeliac artery; c.v., cardinal vein; cil.a., anterior ciliary nerve; cil.p., posterior ciliary nerve; cr., chrome-staining tissue; d., dendrite; d.a., dorsal aorta; e.p.a., efferent pseudobranchial artery; f., nerve-fibres to chromophil ceils; g., gastric ganglion; g.cil., ciliary ganglion; gl., dendritic glomerulus; h., heart; in., intestine; int., interrenal tissue; k., kidney; l.c., longitudinal connective; n., nucleus of nerve-cell;, nerve to artery; n.c., nerve-cell; n.v., nerve to viscera; not., notochord; o.V+VII., rr. ophthalmici V-|-VII; oes., oesophagus; p., pre-ganglionic fibre; p.b.c., cell of post-branchial plexus; p.b.g., postbranchial ganglion; p.b.p., post-branchial plexus; ph., pharynx; pr., r. ophthalmicus profundus; py., pylorus; r.c., ramus communicans; r.s., sensory root of ciliary complex; s., sensory fibre; s.a., segmental artery; s.g., sympathetic ganglion; s.g.p., pre-axial sympathetic ganglion; s.v., subcardinal vein; sp.a., anterior splanchnic nerve; sp.c., spinal cord; sp.g., spinal ganglion; sp.m., middle splanchnic nerve; sp.n., spinal nerve; sup., suprarenal tissue; tr., transverse commissure; u., unstained suprarenal tissue; u.s., urinary sinus; v., caudal vein; v.d., vas deferens; v.s, vago-sympathetic connexion; w., whirl of fibres in sense organ; III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X., cranial nerves; V.m., rr. maxillaris-r mandibularis V;, r. hyomandibularis facialis; VIl.p., r. palatinas facialis.


For the methods of preparing isotonic solutions for use with Selachians see Young, 1932.