Our readers are requested to substitute the following table for the one given on pp. 419, 420 of the last number of the “Journal.”
We take this opportunity of thanking many correspondents for their kind and encouraging criticisms; and of making the following corrections and emendations.
The most recent investigations of the Chytridiaceœ point to their systematic position among the Zygomycetes next to the Mucorinis father than among the Oomycetes. A corresponding correction should be made on p. 409, lines 8—5 from bottom;
Berthold’s discovery of the conjugation of zoospores (zoozygo-spheres) in Idasycladus, following the similar obsetvation of De Bary and Strasburger in Acetabularia, points to the probable location of the whole family of Basycladeæ among the Zygophycese, near to Botrydiese, rather than among the Oophyceæ.
On p. 415, 1. 21 from bottom, “Desmidieæ “should be Diatomaceæ.
On p. 418, 1. 21, the Uredineæ and Ustilagineæ should be named in addition to the BasidiomyCetes, as Carpomycetes, in which the sexual organs (at least the female ones) are at present unknown.
Alfred W. Bennett.
George Mureat.