This second part of Mr. Busk’s illustrated catalogue of Marine Polyzoa concludes their first subdivision, including the Cheilostomatous subclass, or the Celleporina of authors. The families contained in it are as follows :—

As in the former part, magnified figures are given of every species, and a short appendix is added, containing the substance of Mr. Busk’s observations upon the nature, structure, and uses of the avicularian and vibracular organs of the Polyzoa, which were communicated in a paper read before the Microscopical Society, and published in their ‘Transactions.’ The importance of these organs in a systematic point of view, in the classification of the Polyzoa, is exemplified in the Catalogue, and may be judged of from the fact, that of thirty-six genera therein described, twenty include species armed with either vibracula or avicularia, or with both ; and that of 191 species, no less than 126 are furnished with avicularia or vibracula.