This essay affords a complete review of all the discoveries and opinions respecting the sexuality of plants, having reference to the actual process of impregnation in the vegetable kingdom, from Kolreuter to the present time.

In the ‘Bulletin Scientifique ‘of the September number of the ‘Bibliothek. univ. de Genève,’ is contained, in the botanical section, a list of various observations respecting the disease of the vines in the year 1851. And besides the papers by Professor Mohl enumerated in this list are the following Essays, for the most part in the Transactions of Societies:—

Lettre de M. le Dr. Desmoulins, au Congrès scient, d’Orléans sur la Maladie des Raisins. Orleans. 1851.

Lettre de M. le Dr. León Dufour à M. le Président de la Soc. Lin. de Bordeaux relativement a la Maladie des Raisins. 18 April, 1852, in the Act. Soc. Linn. Bord., v. 17, liv. 1.

Ch. Laterrade, Maladie du Raisin, et de la Pomme de Terre, en Suisse, en 1851. In the Actes de l’Acad. de Bordeaux.

R. Blanchet, la Maladie du Vigne dans le Canton de Vaud en 1851. In the Bull, de la Soc. Vaudoise des Sc. Nat.

The conclusion which may be deduced from these observations is the following:—1. The Oidium Tucheri is the true, principal, and extrinsic cause of the disease. 2. This disease is probably not new in Europe, but has not hitherto been so general or so active. 3. It is not proved that the same Oidium occurs on other plants. 4. When insects are found upon the diseased vines, either internally or externally, they constitute only a local and accidental phenomenon, and may induce either an aggravation or a diminution of the disease.