This book presents a miscellany of papers presented at a meeting jointly organized by the Societies for Experimental Biology and for Low Temperature Biology, in September 1986. A very wide−ranging group of topics covers physical effects on macromolecules and membranes, biochemical responses in cells, fish and mammals. The responses to both hyperthermia and hypothermia are discussed. It must be evident that no single reviewer can do justice to this wide range of topics!

Of particular interest to this reviewer were the effects relating to hyperthermia. In this context this volume provides a useful collection of important review papers whilst at the same time setting the topics in the context of the other subjects covered. Thus, it is interesting to relate such biologically orientated papers on heat shock proteins, and the thermal response of membranes with varying lipid contents back to the more basic physical papers on the spatial structure of essential macromolecules at different temperatures.

For one not working in the area it is also interesting to be made aware of the important problems under study in the effects of hypothermia. These particularly relate to the problems of cryopreservation. The papers are all well written and easily read. This volume is recommended as being of interest to workers in their own special area of interest, and also as a general reference book for others.