We have used cell-surface-specific labelling techniques and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to identify proteins on embryonic chick neural retina cells and to determine the effects of Ca2+ on their accessibility to labelling and tryptic removal. A number of proteins on these cells are, in the presence of Ca2+, relatively inaccessible to iodination and/or tryptic removal. Of these, a glycoprotein of M, approx. 130 × 103, with a pl of approx. 4·8, is the major cellsurface-iodinatable species that is retained during trypsinization in the presence of Ca2+. The removal of Ca2+ renders this glycoprotein much more accessible to both procedures. Its accessibility to these probes decreases on re-addition of Ca2+. The accessibility of its oligosaccharide moiety to galactose oxidase is, however, unaltered by the removal of Ca2+. These characteristics, together with immunological data presented elsewhere suggest that this glycoprotein may be a component of the Ca2+-dependent adhesive system that can be demonstrated on these cells.

The inclusion of Ca2++ during extensive trypsinization of embryonic chick neural retinae permits the preparation of cells that have afunctional Ca2+-dependent adhesive system (Takeichi, Ozaki, Tokunaga & Okada, 1979; Grunwald, Geller & Lilien, 1980; Magnani, Thomas & Steinberg, 1981; Brackenbury, Rutishauser & Edelman, 1981). These cells are able to form histo-typically organized aggregates in the absence of detectable protein synthesis (Grunwald et al. 1980). In contrast, cells prepared by extensive trypsinization in the absence of divalent cations require protein synthesis for the formation of intercellular adhesions (Moscona & Moscona, 1965; Grunwald et al. 1980); thus, they lack a functional adhesive system.

Both Chinese hamster V79 cells (Takeichi, 1977) and BHK cells (Urushihara, Ueda, Okada & Takeichi, 1977) also retain a functional Ca2+-dependent adhesive system following tryptic digestion in the presence of Ca2++. Thus, this effect of Ca2+ appears to be a general one. One possible interpretation of these results is that Ca2+ prevents the tryptic digestion of certain cell surface polypeptides. Consistent with this interpretation, a protein of Mr approx. 130 ×103 has been identified on V79 cells that, in the presence of Ca2+, is relatively inaccessible to both tryptic removal and iodination (Takeichi, 1977; Urushihara & Takeichi, 1980).

To gain further insight into the effects of Ca2+ on cell-surface architecture and to identify cell-surface^ proteins unique to cells trypsinized in the presence of Ca2++, as possible candidates for components of the Ca2+-dependent adhesive system, we have used cell-surface-specific labelling techniques and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to identify proteins on embryonic chick neural retina cells and to investigate the effects of Ca2+ on their accessibility to labelling and tryptic removal.


Nonidet P40 was obtained from Bethesda Research Labs. (Rockville, Md, U.S.A.). 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-3α,6α-diphenylglycoluril (lodogen) was purchased from Pierce Chemical Co. (Rockford, Ill., U.S.A.). Acrylamide (electrophoresis grade), N-N’-methylenebisacrylamide (electrophoresis grade) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS, electrophoresis grade) were obtained from Bio Rad Labs. (Richmond, Calif., U.S.A.). Urea (ultra pure) was supplied by Schwarz/Mann Div., Becton, Dickinson & Co. (Orangeberg, N.Y., U.S.A.). AG 2–11 Servalytes were obtained from Serva Feinbiochemica (Heidelberg, FRG). Antipan and leupeptin were gifts of Dr Philip Cohen and the US-Japan Cooperative Cancer Research Programme through Dr Walter Troll. Sodium diatrizoate (Hypaque) was purchased from Winthrop Labs. Div. of Sterling Drug Inc. (New York, U.S.A.). Plasma albumin (bovine) was obtained fromReheis Chemical Co. (Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.), β-galactosidase (Escherichia coli) was supplied by Worthington Biochemical Corp. (Freehold, N.J., U.S.A.). Neuraminidase (Vibrio cholerae) was obtained from Calbiochem (Los Angeles, Calif.). Phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF), N-2-hydroxythyl-piper-azine-N’-2-ethanesulphonic acid (Hepes), ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N’-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), ovalbumin (chicken), ribonuclease A (RNase, bovine pancreas, protease-free), galactose oxidase (Dactylium dendroides) and lactoperoxidase (bovine) were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, Mo., U.S.A.). Trypsin (bovine pancreas, three times crystallized, Ca2+-free) was purchased from Miles Labs., Inc. (Elkhart, Ind., U.S.A.). Deoxyribonuclease (DNase, bovine pancreas) was obtained from Calbiochem-Behring Corp. (San Diego, Calif., U.S.A.); contaminating proteolytic activity was abolished by treatment with PMSF as previously reported (Grunwald et al. 1980). Carrier-free Na125I (iodination grade) and flTlpotassium borohydride (1·13 Ci/mmol) were purchased from New England Nuclear, (Boston, Mass. U.S.A.). X-ray film (SB-5 and XR-5) was supplied by Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A.).


HBSGK contains 137mM-NaCl, 5 mM-KCl, 10 mM-glucose and 10 mM-Hepes and is adjusted to the indicated pH with NaOH. HBSGKMg refers to HBSGK supplemented with 1 mM-MgCl2. HBSGKCa refers to HBSGK supplemented with 1 mM-CaCl2. HBSGKMgCa refers to HBSGK supplemented with 1 mM-MgCl2 and 1 mM-CaCl2. HBSKMgCa refers to HBSGKMgCa lacking glucose.

Iodination of intact retinae in the absence and presence of Ca2+

Dissection of neural retinae from 9-day chick embryos was performed in Tyrode’s solution (Tyrode, 1910) adjusted to a pH of approx. 6·5 with CO2. Prior to Ca2+-free iodination, retinae were freed of Ca2+ by three washes with 0·5 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMg (pH 7·4) followed by a 10 min incubation at 37 °C in 0·5 ml per retina of HBSGKMg (pH 7·4) containing 2 mw-EGTA and two washes with 0·5 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMg (pH 7·4). Iodination was performed for 20 min on ice in 0·2 ml per retina of HBSGKMg (pH 7·4) containing 2 μm-Na125(5 mCi/ml) in a glass pibe bearing 10 μg per retina of 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-3α,6α-diphenylglycoluril (lodogen) as a thin film; the retinae were periodically resuspended by gentle swirling. (lodogen is virtually insoluble in water; films were prepared by evaporation from a 1 mg/ml solution in methylene chloride.) Iodination was terminated by transfer of the retinae to a fresh tube containing 1·0 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4). After three washes with 0·5 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4),the retinae were re-equilibrated with Ca*+ by a 30 min incubation at 37 °C in 0·5 ml per retina of HBSGKMg (pH 7·4) containing 2 mM-Ca2+ and washed three times with 0·5 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4).

Retinae were iodinated in the presence of Ca*2+ by a modification of the above procedure. After two washes with 0·5 ml per retina HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4), iodination was performed, otherwise as above, in HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4). The iodinated retinae were washed three times with 0·5 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·4). lodogen was prepared and shown to mediate cell-surface-specific iodination by Fraker & Speck (1978). Markwell & Fox (1978) have verified the surface specificity of labelling.

Iodination of retina cell suspensions in the absence and presence of Ca2*

Retina cell suspensions were prepared as described below. Prior to Ca2+-free iodination, cells were washed twice with 20 vol. of cold HBSGKMg (pH 7·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain. The cells were then pelleted and resuspended in 2 vol. of an ice-cold solution of lactoperoxidase at 2 mg/ml in HBSGKMg (pH 7·0) containing the above additives. The cell suspension was rapidly warmed to 25 °C and 1 vol. of the same medium containing 8 μM-Nal25I (20 mCi/ml) and 200 μM-H2,O2, (previously warmed to 23° C) was added with rapid mixing. After 1·5 min at 25 °C, labelling was terminated by dilution of the reaction mixture into 20 vol. ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 50 μg/ml antipain and 5 mM-KI. Iodinated cells were washed three times with 20 vol. ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 50 μg/ml antipain and 5 mM-KI. Iodination of single cell suspensions in the presence of Ca2+ was performed as above with 1 mM-Ca*+ present in all solutions.

Galactose oxidase/[3H]borohydride labelling of retina cell suspensions in the presence of Ca2+

Prior to their labelling, retina cells, prepared as described below, were washed twice with 20 vol. HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain. Following incubation for 30 min at 25 °C in 20 vol. of the above medium containing 2 mM-borohydride, the cells were washed three times with 20 vol. of medium and incubated for 30 min at 25 °C in 10 vol. of medium containing 200 μg/ml galactose oxidase. Cells were freed of bound galactose oxidase by a wash with 20 vol. of ice-cold 0·3 M-galactose containing 10 mM-Na.HEPES (pH 7·0), 1 mM-CaCl,, 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain and three washes with 20 vol. of ice-cold medium. Labelling was accomplished by a 30 min incubation at 25 °C in 10 vol. of medium containing approx. 1·8 mM-[3H]borohydride (approx. 2 mCi/ml). After being labelled, the cells were washed three times with ice-cold medium.

Periodate/[3H]borohydride labelling of retina cell suspensions in the presence of Ca2+

After washing twice with 20 vol. of HBSKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain, cells prepared as described below were incubated for 30 min at 25 °C in 20 vol. of the above medium containing 2 mM-borohydride. The cells were then washed three times with 20 vol. of ice-cold medium and resuspended in 20 vol. of ice-cold medium containing O’1 mM, 1 mM or 10 mM-periodate. After 10 min on ice, oxidation was terminated by three washes with 20 vol. ice-cold medium containing 10 mM-glucose. Periodate-generated aldehydes were reduced by a 30 min incubation at 25 °C in 10 vol. medium containing 10 mM-glucose and approx. 1·8 mM-[3H]borohydride (approx. 2 mCi/ml). After labelling, cells were washed three times with 20 vol. of medium containing 10 mM-glucose.

Trypsinization of retinae and preparation of cell suspensions

Cell suspensions (TRP cells) were prepared by tryptic digestion of neural retinae from 9-day chick embryos following published procedures (Grunwald et al. 1980), with slight modifications. Retinae were washed three times, incubated 10 min at 37 °C and washed twice, in each case with 1 ml per retina of HBSGK (pH 7·4). Retinae were then digested for 25 min at 37 °C in 1 ml per retina of HBSGK (pH 7·4) containing 4 × 103 National Formulatory units/ml (approx. 1·1’3 mg/ml) trypsin. After three gentle washes with 1 ml per retina of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0), the trypsinized retinae were dissociated in 1 ml per retina of HBSGK-MgCa (pH 7·0) containing 2 mM-PMSF and 5 ×103 Domase units/ml (approx. 50 μg/ml) DNase and washed twice with 20 vol. HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0).

Cell suspension were also prepared by trypsinization of retinae in the presence of Mg;3+ or Ca*+ (Grunwald et al. 1980). Either 1 mM-Mg2+ or 1 mM-Ca2+ was included during predigestion manipulation and tryptic digestion of the tissues. Cells prepared by tryptic digestion in the presence of Ca*2+ are referred to as CaT cells.

Trypsinization of CaT cells in the presence of Ca2+

Cells were washed twice with 20 vol. of ice-cold HBSGKCa (pH 7·4) and digested for 5 min at 37 °C in 10 vol. of HBSGKCa (pH 7·4) containing 4 × 103 National Formulatory units/ml trypsin (approx, ci mg/ml). After digestion, cells were washed once with 20 vol. HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 5 ·103 Domaseunits/ml (approx. 50 μg/ml) DNase and 2 mM-PMSF and twice with 20 vol. HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 50 μg/ml antipain.

Neuramidinase digestion of retina cell suspensions

Prior to digestion, the cells were washed with 20 vol. of ice-cold Co2-saturated Tyrode’s solution (pH ∽ 6·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain. Digestion was performed for 30 min at 25 °C in 10 vol. of this medium containing 50 units/ml neuramidase. After digestion, cells were washed three times with 20 vol. of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain.

Separation of cells on the basis of their permeability to sodium diatrizoate

Cells were resuspended in 20 vol. (500 μl) of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) and layered over 3’0 ml of an ice-cold solution containing 85 mg/ml bovine serum albumin, 46 mg/ml (72 him) sodium diatrizoate, 65 mM-NaCl, 5 m-KI, 1 mM-MgCl,, 1 mM-CaCl2, 10 mM-glucose and 10 mM-Na.HEPES (pH 7·0). After centrifugation at 2× 103g for 10 min at 4 °C, the cells that had banded at the interface and those that had pelleted were removed separately and washed three times with 20 vol. of ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0).

Incubation of cells prepared by trypsinization in the presence of Ca2++

Cells were washed three times with 20 vol. of ice-cold HBSGKMg (pH 7·4) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide and 2 μg/ml colchicine and incubated for 15 min at 37 °C in 20 vol. of the above medium. As noted for each experiment, either 1 mM-Ca*2+ or 50 μg/ml antipain was included in the medium. When called for, Ca2+-free incubated cells were re-equilibrated with Ca2+ by a 30 min incubation at 37 °C in 20 vol. of HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 5 μg/ml cycloheximide, 2 μg/ml colchicine and 50 μg/ml antipain.

Preparation of retinae or retina cells for two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis

Approximately one half-retina or an equivalent number of cells (approx. 3×107) was washed with 500 μl ice-cold HBSGKMgCa (pH 7·0) containing 50 μg/ml antipain and 50 μg/ml leupeptin, and lysed on ice in 100μl of the above medium containing 1% Nonidet P40, too μg/ml DNase, 50 μg/ml RNase and 2 mM-PMSF. After 1 h on ice, the lysate was precipitated with 500 μ1 ice-cold ethanol and held at— 20 °C until analysed. Samples were analysed within 2 weeks of preparation and generally within 1 week. No changes in the protein patterns during storage were detected.

Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis

Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of cell proteins was performed by a modification of published procedures (O’Farrell, 1975). Isoelectric focusing (IEF) gels contained 2·85% acrylamide, 0·15% methylenebisacrylamide, 9·5 M-urea, 4% Nonidet P40 and 2% ampholytes (pH 2–11). Before use, the gels were pre-focused for 2 h at 100 V with an overlay of sample buffer (9 M-urea, 4% Nonidet P40, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 2% ampholytes (pH 2–11), 2 mM-PMSF, 50 μg/ml antipain and 50 μg/ml leupeptin).

Ethanol-precipitated samples were centrifuged (2 min at 104g) and each pellet was resuspended in 100μl IEF sample buffer (see above) containing 20 μg/ml bromphenol blue. After being heated for 5 min at 90–100 °C, the samples were centrifuged (5 min at 104g) and the supernatants applied to the pre-focused gels. Focusing was performed for a total of 6·5 × 103 V h.

The isoelectric focusing gels were removed from the tubes and equilibrated at 25 °C for 30 min each in three 5-ml changes of 63 mM-Tris-HCl (pH 6·8) containing 5% 2-mercaptoethanol and, successively, 5%, 4% and 3% SDS. After equilibration, the gels were held at— 20 °C under 2-merceptoethanol-saturated N2.

SDS/polyacrylamide slab gels using the discontinuous buffer system of Laemmli (1970) were employed for the second-dimensional separations. The slabs were cast with 30:1, acrylamide/methylenebisacrylamide, increasing from approx. 5% polyacrylamide at the top to 10% at the bottom; the stacking gels contained 3% polyacrylamide. Focusing gels were thawed, heated for 5 min at 100 °C and sealed to the stacking gels with 63 mM-Tris-HCl (pH 6·8) containing 1% agarose, 3% SDS and 5% 2-merceptoethanol. Electrophoresis was performed at 10 mA per slab.

The slabs were stained for 1 h at 25 °C in 250 ml 0·05% Coomassie brilliant blue in 5:1·5, methanol/acetic acid/water and destained in 10% acetic acid. Gels of iodinated samples were soaked for 30 min in 500 ml water, 1 h in 200 ml 10% glycerol and 15 min in 500 ml water prior to drying under heat and vacuum on Whatman 3 MM paper. Gels of tritiated samples were soaked for 30 min in 500 ml water and 40 min in 500 ml 1 M-sodium salicylate prior to drying; this has been shown to be an effective procedure for fluorographic enhancement (Chamberlain, 1979). Dried slabs were exposed to X-ray film (Kodak SB-5 or, in later experiments, XR-5) at— 80 °C in a press.

Molecular weight and pH calibration

Three molecular weight standards were employed; these were E. coli /β-galactosidase at 116 × 103Mr (Fowler & Zabin, 1977), bovine plasma albumin at 66 × 103Mr (Brown, 1976) and chicken ovalbumin at 43 × 103Mr (Castellino & Barker, 1968). The parallel analysis of a mixture of these proteins and a sample of iodinated retinae by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis permitted positioning of the standard proteins on two-dimensional gels relative to retina proteins detected by autoradiography or Coomassie brilliant blue staining.

The pH calibration was performed in the following way. Three gels of unlabelled retinae were included in an isoelectric focusing run. After focusing the gels of the unlabelled retinae were cut into 5-tnm sections; each section was equilibrated for 5 h under N, in 0-5 ml of 50 mM-KCl. The KC1 solution was prepared with H,O that had been boiled and stored under N3. Determination of the pH of each section defined the pH versus distance relationship for that focusing run. After the second-dimension slab gels of the iodinated retina cells were run, stained and autoradiographed, pH values were marked on the stained gels and on tracings of the autoradiograms. In this way, the positions of defined pH values were determined relative to retina proteins detected by autoradiography or Coomassie brilliant blue staining.

Analysis of the data

Particular labelled proteins were identified on each autoradiograph by their positions relative to other labelled proteins and those proteins detected on the gels by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. The stained slab was aligned with its autoradiograph on the basis of the glycine/chloride boundary, the material that remained at the origin in both dimensions and, when present, the labelled proteins that were also detected by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. Tracings of the patterns on clear plastic sheets were used to facilitate comparisons.

Quantitative comparisons were made only within experiments; i.e. among samples from the same preparation of retinae, which were labelled, electrophoressed and autoradiographed as a set. Relative intensities were judged visually; minor differences in intensity were not considered significant.

Co2+blocks the tryptic removal of certain retina cell-surface proteins

The resolution of iodinated retinae by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis reveals that labelled proteins are, in general, minor components not detected on the gel by protein staining (Fig. 1, compare c with a). Tryptic digestion of iodinated retinae removes the majority of the labelled proteins (Fig. 1, compare d with c) but has only minor effects on the protein staining pattern (Fig. 1, compare B with a). Thus, it appears that retina cell-surface proteins are preferentially iodinated by this procedure.

Fig. 1.

Tissues iodingted in the absence of Ca’2+ and cells prepared from them by digestion with trypsin. Shown are portions of two-dimensional gels stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) or autoradiograms (ARG) of the gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 1.

Tissues iodingted in the absence of Ca’2+ and cells prepared from them by digestion with trypsin. Shown are portions of two-dimensional gels stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) or autoradiograms (ARG) of the gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

The inclusion of Ca2++ during the trypsinization of iodinated retinae alters the pattern of labelled proteins subsequently seen (Fig. i, compare E with d), but has no detectable effect on the protein staining pattern (data not shown). The primary effect of including Ca2+ during trypsin digestion is the retention of labelled d and I. Other consequences of the inclusion of Ca2++ during the trypsinization of iodinated retinae are summarized in Table 1. Labelled h, I and n appear to be generated during Ca2+ trypsinization of iodinated retinae; they are presumably tryptic fragments of other labelled proteins.

Table 1.

Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surface-iodinatable proteins to tryptic removal

Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surface-iodinatable proteins to tryptic removal
Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surface-iodinatable proteins to tryptic removal

The consequences of including Mg2+’ during tryptic digestion of iodinated retinae are distinct from those seen when Ca2+ is present (Fig. i, compare f with E and both with d). The inclusion of Mg2+ does not significantly increase or decrease the retention of any protein detectably iodinated in intact retinae (Fig. i, compare f with E and both with c). Those proteins retained during trypsinization when it is performed in the presence of Mg2+ thus appear to be fragments of labelled proteins whose further cleavage or loss from the cells is blocked by Mg2+.

To ensure that iodination of intact retinae did not result in the labelling of a select subset of cell surface proteins, retina cell suspensions were labelled and analysed. Two techniques were used for surface-specific labelling: lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination and oxidation with galactose oxidase followed by reduction with [3H]-borohydride.

Lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination of retina cell suspensions preferentially labels certain minor cell proteins to high specific activity when a high enzyme concentration and short reaction time are employed (compare Fig.1 with Fig. 2 B). Separation of iodinated cells on the basis of permeability to sodium diatrizoate revealed that label was associated with proteins that were detected by protein staining only in permeable cells (data not shown). Thus, this method appears to be largely surface-specific.

Fig. 2.

TRP and CaT cells iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca2+Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 2.

TRP and CaT cells iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca2+Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Comparison of proteins iodinated on cells prepared from retinae by Ca2++-free trypsination (TRP cells) with those iodinated on cells prepared by tryptic digestion in the presence of Ca2+ (CaT cells) reveals a number of differences (Fig. 2, compare Awith C). The major difference when iodination is performed after digestion is the presence of much more labelled d on CaT cells than on TRP cells; other proteins labelled to a greater extent on CaT cells than on TRP cells are listed in Table i. The sensitivity of these proteins to tryptic cleavage in the absence of Ca2+ further confirms their surface localization.

Few sugar residues oxidized by galactose oxidase (presumably galactose or N-acetyl-D-galactosamine) are accessible to this enzyme on either TRP cells or CaT cells; however, one glycoprotein, t, is labelled to a certain extent on both types of cells (data not shown). Prior digestion of the cells with neuraminidase, however, permits the labelling of a number of glycoproteins; of these, only d is uniquely labelled on CaT cells (Fig. 3, compare b with a). None of the labelled glycoprotein is detected by protein staining of the gels.

Fig. 3.

TRP and CaT cells digested with neuraminidase, oxidized with galactose oxidase and reduced with [3H]borohydride; all treatments were performed in the presence of Ca;2+. Shown are portions of fluorograms of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 3.

TRP and CaT cells digested with neuraminidase, oxidized with galactose oxidase and reduced with [3H]borohydride; all treatments were performed in the presence of Ca;2+. Shown are portions of fluorograms of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

On the basis of the experiments described above, the major cell-surface species whose removal during trypsinization is blocked by Ca2+ (<) is a glycoprotein of approx. 130 × 103Mr with a pl of approx. 4·8. Its oligosaccharides contain galactose and/or 1V-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues that are not accessible to galactose oxidase prior to digestion of the cells with neuraminidase. Terminal sialic acid residues have been found to prevent the oxidation of subterminal galactose residues by galactose oxidase (Gahmberg, Itaya & Hakomori, 1976). However, periodate oxidation of CaT cells followed by reduction with [3H]borohydride labels d only when a high concentration (10 mM versus 1 mM) of periodate is employed (data not shown). This finding implies that d is not heavily sialated, inasmuch as sialic acid residues are preferentially oxidized by periodate at low concentration (Gahmberg & Andersson, 1977).

Ca2+ blocks the iodination of certain retina cell-surface proteins

The inclusion of Ca2+ during the iodination of intact retinae alters the efficiency with which certain species are labelled (Fig. 4, compare B with a). The most obvious alteration is a reduction in the amount of labelled d when the retinae are iodinated in the presence of Ca2++. Other consequences of including Ca2+ during iodination are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2.

Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surf ace proteins to iodination*

Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surf ace proteins to iodination*
Effects of Ca2+ on accessibility of surf ace proteins to iodination*
Fig. 4.

Tissues iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca2+. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 4.

Tissues iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca2+. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Similarly, the inclusion of Ca2+ during the iodination of CaT cells reduces the efficiency with which d and I are labelled (Fig. 2, compare d with c). Other consequences of including Ca2+ during the iodination of CaT cells are summarized in Table 2. The inclusion of Ca2++ during the iodination of TRPcells reduces the efficiency with which I and the small amount of residual d are labelled (Fig. 2, compare B with A).

Thus, certain retina cell surface proteins, most particularly the approx. 130 × 103 Mrglycoprotein d, are less accessible to both iodination and tryptic cleavage in the presence of Ca2+. While digestion of CaT cells with neuraminidase renders galactose and/or TV-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues on d accessible to galactose oxidase, it has no effect on the accessibility of d to lactoperoxidase (data not shown). Conversely, the accessibility of the galactose and/or 7V-acetyl-D-galactosamine residues of d on CaT cells to galactose oxidase does not depend on the presence or absence of Ca2+, whether or not the cells are first digested with neuraminidase (data not shown).

An antipain-sensitive protease is associated with CaT cells

Labelled d, g and n are lost when CaT cells derived from Ca2+-free iodinated retinae are incubated at 37 °C in the absence of Ca2+ (Fig. 5, compare B with a). The inclusion of antipain during Ca2+-free incubation prevents the loss of labelled d, but not that of labelled g or n (Fig. 5, compared c with b). It appears that an antipainsensitive protease is associated with CaT cells and is responsible for the loss of labelled d when these cells are incubated at 37 °C in the absence of Ca2+or antipain. Indeed, it has been shown that trypsin remains associated with cells prepared by these techniques (Grunwald et al. 1980).

Fig. 5.

Incubation at 37 °C of CaT cella prepared from tissues that had been iodinated in the absence of Ca2+. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimenaional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 5.

Incubation at 37 °C of CaT cella prepared from tissues that had been iodinated in the absence of Ca2+. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimenaional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Ca2+-dependent changes in accessibility are reversible

Ca2+-free incubation of CaT cells at 37 °C in the presence of antipain permits the efficient labelling of several species, most notably d and I, during subsequent iodination of the cells in the presence of Ca8+ (Fig. 6, compare A with b; also refer to Fig. 2C and d). In other words, the inclusion of Ca2+ during the iodination of CaT cells does not reduce the efficiency with which d and I are labelled if, prior to their iodination, the cells are incubated at 37 °C in the absence of Ca2+ (with antipain present to block proteolysis). However, a second incubation of the cells at 37 °C in the presence of Ca2+(and antipain) restores the ability of Ca2++ to block the efficient labelling of d during subsequent iodination (Fig. 7, compare c with b and a). Thus, the presence of Ca2+during the iodination of CaT cells is not sufficient to block the efficient labelling of d rather, some time- and/or temperature-dependent interaction of the cells with Ca2+ is apparently required.

Fig. 6.

CaT cells iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca*2+ after incubation at 37 °C in the absence of Ca’2+ with antipain present. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 6.

CaT cells iodinated in the absence or presence of Ca*2+ after incubation at 37 °C in the absence of Ca’2+ with antipain present. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 7.

CaT cells iodinated in the presence of Ca2+ after incubation at 37 °C under various conditions. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 7.

CaT cells iodinated in the presence of Ca2+ after incubation at 37 °C under various conditions. Shown are portions of autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. Stars indicate species also detected on gels by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Analogous results are obtained when the accessibility of d on CaT cells is probed with trypsin. When CaT cells are iodinated, incubated at 37 °C and then digested with trypsin, all in the continual presence of Ca2+,labelled d, g and n are retained (Fig. 8 a). However, the exclusion of Ca2++ and the inclusion of antipain during incubation of the cells at 37 °C results in the loss of labelled d, g and n during subsequent trypsinization in the presence of Ca2+-(Fig. 8, compare b with a). A second incubation of the cells at 37 °C in the presence of Ca2++ (and antipain) restores the ability of Ca2+ to block subsequent tryptic removal of labelled d and g (Fig. 8, compare c with b).

Fig. 8.

CaT cells iodinated in the presence of Ca2+,incubated at 37 °C under various conditions and then digested with trypsin in the presence of Ca2+. Shown are autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

Fig. 8.

CaT cells iodinated in the presence of Ca2+,incubated at 37 °C under various conditions and then digested with trypsin in the presence of Ca2+. Shown are autoradiograms (ARG) of two-dimensional gels. See Materials and Methods for procedural details.

We have detected a number of proteins on cells in the neural retinae of 9-day chick embryos that, in the presence of Ca2++, are relatively inaccessible to tryptic removal (see Table 1) or iodination (see Table 2). Among these, an approx. 130 × 103Mr glycoprotein (d) with a pl of approx. 4·8 is the major species detected by iodination. The removal of Ca2+ renders this glycoprotein much more accessible to both procedures. Furthermore, its accessibility to these probes decreases subsequent to the re-addition of Ca2+

It is interesting and of possible significance that all of the polypeptides whose iodination and/or tryptic removal is blocked by Ca2+ have approximately the same pl. However, the accessibility of other species with similarly low pl values (e.g., a and j) is relatively independent of the presence of Ca2+.

While the physical basis for these changes in accessibility to tryptic removal and iodination is not clear, there are two obvious alternatives: a generalized change in surface architecture or changes specific to individual polypeptides. With respect to a more generalized effect, ligatin, an ubiquitous approx. 10 x io3Mr protein that interacts with Ca2+ and is present on embryonic chick neural retina cells (Jakoi & Marchase, 1979), may play a role. Whatever the mechanism, the behaviour of d provides an interesting case in point.

The possibility of a reversible Ca2+-dependent internalization of d is excluded by the Ca2+d sensitive to galactose oxidase, does not change the accessibility of d to iodination in the presence or absence of Ca2+.

The behaviour of this cell-surface glycoprotein implies that it may be a component of the Ca2+-dependent adhesive system of embryonic chick neural retina cells. The characteristics of this adhesive system are reviewed below and summarized in Table 3 together with the relevant behaviour of d.

Table 3.

Correlations between Ca2+-dependent adhesive competence and the presence of the 130 × 108 Mr glycoprotein (d)

Correlations between Ca2+-dependent adhesive competence and the presence of the 130 × 108 Mr glycoprotein (d)
Correlations between Ca2+-dependent adhesive competence and the presence of the 130 × 108 Mr glycoprotein (d)

The inclusion of Ca2+ during trypsinization of embryonic chick neural retinae permits the preparation of cells (referred to here as CaT cells), which have a functional Ca2++-dependent adhesive system (Takeichi et al. 1979; Grunwald et al. 1980; Magnani et al. 1981; Brackenbury et al. 1981). Incubation of CaT cells at 37 °C in the absence of Ca2+ renders their subsequent aggregation dependent on protein synthesis (Grunwald et al. 1980). This loss of adhesive competence does not occur in the presence of antipain, an inhibitor of trypsin-like proteases (Grunwald et al. 1980). One aspect of this requirement for antipain may be the inhibition of trypsin that remains associated with these cells following dissociation (Grunwald et al. 1980).

CaT cells that have never been freed of Ca2++ retain the Ca2++-dependent adhesive system during tryptic digestion in the presence of Ca2++ (Grunwald et al. 1980). However, Ca2+-free incubation of the cells at 37 °C in the presence of antipain renders the adhesive system sensitive to subsequent trypsinization in the presence of Ca2++ (Grunwald et al. 1980). Thus, it is not the presence of Ca2+per se, but rather some consequence of its interaction with CaT cells, that maintains the adhesive system in a trypsin-insensitive state.

The presence of the 130 ×103Mr glycoprotein (d) on embryonic chick neural retina cells correlates with their possession of a functional Ca2+-dependent adhesive system (see Table 3). Indeed, immunological data presented in the accompanying paper (Grunwald et al. 1982) and summarized below strongly suggest that d is a component of the Ca-2+dependent adhesive system present on CaT cells. The ability of Fab’ fragments of an anti-CaT cell immunoglobulin G (IgG) preparation to inhibit the aggregation of CaT cells is blocked by medium conditioned by embryonic chick neural retinae. Extensive purification of this blocking activity has yielded a fraction that specifically blocks the recognition by anti-CaT cell IgG of both d and I on CaT cells. The major component of this fraction that is recognized by anti-CaT cell IgG is an approx. 85 × 103Mr protein with a pl of approx. 4·8. Preliminary one-dimensional peptide mapping by limited proteolysis of iodinated d and the 85 ×103 Mr/4·8 protein with Staphlococcus V8 protease (Cleveland, Fischer, Kirschner & Laemmli, 1977) suggests that the 85 ×103 Mrprotein is a fragment of d (Cook, unpublished).

This work was supported by a grant from the N.S.F. io J.L., and J.H. C. was partially supported by an N.I.H. training grant in Cellular and Molecular Biology.

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