There was an error published in J. Cell Sci. 119, 4565-4573.

In Fig. 7C, the 1 μM and 5 μM bars were incorrectly labelled. The corrected figure and legend are shown below.

Fig. 7.

Conventional PKC regulate T. gondii-induced MAPK activation and production of IL-12. (A) PKCβ–/– and WT macrophages were stimulated with medium (m) or STAg (50 μg/ml) for the times indicated and whole cell lysates were used for immunoblotting for phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-p38. Blots were then stripped and reprobed for β-actin (top panels) and PKCβ (bottom panel). (B) WT macrophages were pre-treated with medium (m) or the conventional PKC inhibitor Gö6976 (1 μM), then treated with medium (m), infected with T. gondii (5:1) or stimulated with STAg (50 μg/ml). Whole cell lysates collected at the times indicated were immunoblotted for phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-p38, then stripped and reprobed for β-actin. (C) Macrophages treated with media (black bars), 5 μM (grey bars), or 1 μM (white bars) Gö6976 were infected (1:1) or stimulated with STAg (50 μg/ml) overnight, and the supernatants collected at 20 hours post-infection were assayed for IL-12p40 production by ELISA (error bars indicate s.e.m.). In each panel, results are representative of four to five experiments.

Fig. 7.

Conventional PKC regulate T. gondii-induced MAPK activation and production of IL-12. (A) PKCβ–/– and WT macrophages were stimulated with medium (m) or STAg (50 μg/ml) for the times indicated and whole cell lysates were used for immunoblotting for phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-p38. Blots were then stripped and reprobed for β-actin (top panels) and PKCβ (bottom panel). (B) WT macrophages were pre-treated with medium (m) or the conventional PKC inhibitor Gö6976 (1 μM), then treated with medium (m), infected with T. gondii (5:1) or stimulated with STAg (50 μg/ml). Whole cell lysates collected at the times indicated were immunoblotted for phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-p38, then stripped and reprobed for β-actin. (C) Macrophages treated with media (black bars), 5 μM (grey bars), or 1 μM (white bars) Gö6976 were infected (1:1) or stimulated with STAg (50 μg/ml) overnight, and the supernatants collected at 20 hours post-infection were assayed for IL-12p40 production by ELISA (error bars indicate s.e.m.). In each panel, results are representative of four to five experiments.

The authors apologise for this error.