The vacuole system in growing hyphal tips of Pisolithus tinctorius is a dynamic continuum of vacuoles and extensible tubular elements. The system varies from a tubular reticulum with few vacuoles across a spectrum of intermediate forms to clusters of vacuoles with few tubules. Spherical vacuoles interconnected in clusters are situated at intervals along the hyphal tip and are transiently linked by tubules that extend from a vacuole in one cluster and fuse with that of another. Extension and retraction of the tubules is independent of cytoplasmic streaming, can occur in either direction, and covers distances as great as 60 μm. The tubules pulsate and peristalsis-like movements transfer globules of material along them between the vacuoles in different clusters. The tubules also generate vacuoles. The tubular system has the potential for intracellular transport of solutes in the hyphal tips without concomitant transfer of large amounts of membrane. This contrasts with models of intracellular transport via vesicles, where the ratio of membrane transferred to internal content is very much higher. The system has many features in common with tubular endosomal and lysosomal systems in cultured animal cells.

Fungal vacuoles, like higher plant vacuoles, play an important role in controlling the composition of the cytoplasm, storage and lytic activity (Boller and Wiemken, 1986), and are generally depicted in the literature as separate, more or less spherical, bodies enclosed by a single membrane. They are usually considered to act as a repository for material and an end-point for intracellular transport, in contrast to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), other reticula and various types of vesicles, which play an intermediary role in transport. This rather static view of vacuoles is understandable, since most of our knowledge of the structure and functions of fungal vacuoles is based on electron microscopy of thin sections of chemically fixed material or biochemical analysis involving cell fractionation (Klionsky et al., 1990). The tendency of both these approaches to fragment organelle systems that form a reticulum and represent tubules or reticula as discrete spherical structures has been widely discussed (Mersey and McCully, 1978; Hopkins et al. 1990; Wilson et al., 1990; Tooze and Hollinshead, 1992).

Recent methods used to investigate organelles using fluorescent markers in living cells, freeze substitution, and electron-opaque markers of physiological significance avoid some of these problems. Data from these techniques, mostly from animal cells, have emphasised: firstly, the dynamic nature of organelle interactions and; secondly, the capacity of a number of organelles, such as the trans-Golgi network, endosomes and some lysosomes that were formerly thought to be discrete to form extensive tubular networks throughout the cell (see Tooze and Hollinshead, 1992). In fungi the vacuole system has been examined using fluorescent markers in living cells of only a few species, mostly yeasts (Makarow, 1985; Preston et al., 1987; Roos and Slavik 1987; Weisman et al., 1987; Banta et al., 1988; Weisman and Wickner, 1988; Basrai et al., 1990). These studies demonstrate that, at least in yeast, intervacuolar transport occurs at a particular stage in the life cycle and is a precisely controlled event (Weisman and Wickner, 1988), but the mechanism for transfer is far from clear. Fluorescent trails connecting vacuoles have been variously interpreted as chains of small vesicles moving along predetermined tracks in the cytoplasm (Weisman and Wickner, 1988), or tubular connections (Klionsky et al., 1990). In higher plants a dynamic association between tubular elements and vacuoles has been shown in developing Allium guard cells (Palevitz and O’Kane, 1981; Palevitz et al., 1981). It is also becoming clear that the “large central vacuole” of higher plant cells can be accompanied by other vacuole systems of different morphology and motility, some of which are tubular; these include the pleiomorphic canalicular system of tomato hairs (McCully and Canny, 1985) and the tubular system in cultured carrot cells (Hillmer et al., 1989). Although neglected, such motile vacuolar systems appear to be widespread amongst higher plant cells of different types (McCully and Canny, 1985). These observations contrast with a prevailing view of the static nature of vacuoles and the view that transfer of materials between cellular compartments, including vacuoles, is predominently or indeed almost exclusively, via vesicles.

We have loaded the vacuoles of young living hyphae of Pisolithus tinctorius, a mycorrhizal fungus, with 6-carboxyfluorescein (CF) and monitored the changes in form and interactions of the vacuoles using fluorescence microscopy. CF has been used as a symplastic tracer in higher plants (Oparka, 1991) and is known to be compartmented by vacuoles of Egeria densa (Goodwin et al., 1990). It is considered to be membrane impermeant in dissociated state, but can be loaded into cells as the non-fluorescent diacetate, which is cleaved by intracellular esterases to form the highly fluorescent CF (Goodall and Johnson, 1982). The images from fluorescence microscopy are compared with electron micrographs of freeze-substituted cells. Freeze substitution has well-known advantages over chemical fixation in capturing the morphology of dynamic vacuole and tubule systems in plants and fungi (McCully and Canny, 1985; Howard and O’Donnell, 1987). Together, these methods reveal a motile, pleiomorphic and interactive vacuole and tubule system, which has characteristic behaviour and transports the fluorochrome between vacuole clusters situated at intervals along the growing hyphal tips. The smaller tubules are morphologically indistinguishable from tubular smooth ER (see Hepler et al., 1990). However, their accumulation of fluorochrome, their patterns of motility and behaviour and their connection with vacuoles show similarities with the endosomal and lysosomal networks recently described in animal tissue culture cells.

Loading cells with 6-carboxyfluorescein

Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch, strain DI-15, isolated by Grenville et al. (1986), was cultured on modified Melin-Norkrans (MMN) agar medium (Marx, 1969) at 22°C in the dark. Actively growing hyphae from cultures 1 to 3 weeks old were treated with 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA). A 20 μg/ml solution of CFDA (Molecular Probes, OR, USA) was made up by diluting a 1 μg/ml stock solution in acetone with reverse osmosis water (final pH 4.8). The solution was not buffered; both phosphate and zwitterionic buffers diminished cell viability, as indicated by cessation of cytoplasmic streaming. Solutions retained low fluorescence for at least 24 hours, indicating a low CFDA hydrolysis rate in the external medium. A large segment (about 4 mm × 4 mm) was cut from the growing edge of the fungal colony and floated upside-down in each solution to submerge the fungus at the agar-air interface. Optimal staining of the vacuole system was obtained with a 10-min pulse of CFDA followed by 30 min in medium without CFDA. Each mycelial segment was then placed agar-side-up on a slide, a coverslip was pressed gently on to it, and it was viewed by fluorescence microscopy. Observations were confined to terminal and penultimate cells of actively growing submerged hyphae. Any aerial hyphae and hyphae submerged more than 1 mm below the agar surface were disregarded. Cytoplasmic streaming continued and the vacuole system maintained its characteristic behaviour in the 6-carboxyfluorescein (CF)-loaded cells for a minimum of 1 h and up to 4 h during exposure to blue excitation.

Test for purity of the fluorochrome and its identity after compartmentation

Whole fungal colonies (4 replicates), cut from agar plates and floated in the CFDA solution as described above, were macerated with a mortar and pestle. Control colonies floated in distilled water, and agar soaked in either CFDA or water were similarly macerated. CF was obtained by hydrolysis of the diacetate solution. Samples of each were loaded on to thin-layer chromatography plates (Kieselgel 60; Merck, Darmstadt, GDR) and developed in n-butanol:acetic acid:pyridine:water, 15:3:10:12, by volume. The Rf values of fluorescent components in each solution were calculated following examination under UV light.

Light microscopy

Fluorescence micrographs were taken on a Zeiss Axiophot microscope equipped with an HBO 50 mercury arc lamp, using filter combination BP450-490, FT 510 and LP 520. Photomicrographs were taken on Kodak Technical Pan film rated at 400 ISO and processed in either Technidol or HC 110 developer. To check whether CF-loading plus irradiation modified vacuole morphology or movement, CF-loaded and control (water-soaked) hyphae were compared using Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC) optics.

Freeze-substitution and electron microscopy

The mycelium was allowed to grow over 5 mm discs of autoclaved Nuclepore brand ‘Membra-fil’ gridded membrane filter (8 mm pore size) placed on the agar surface just ahead of the growing front of the colony. The membrane filters were cut from the agar surface before the hyphal tips had reached the other side. Each filter was placed on a disc of aluminium foil attached to the end of a plunging rod, which was then slammed on to the polished surface of a liquid nitrogen-cooled copper block. The frozen hyphae were transferred to vials containing 4 ml of 2% osmium tetroxide in acetone with 3 Å molecular sieve, and substituted at –70°C for six days. Vials were returned to room temperature in stages (1 hour at -20°C, 1 hour at 4°C and 1 hour at room temperature), rinsed three times (3 × 10 min) in fresh dry acetone and infiltrated with epoxy resin (Spurr, 1969). Sections were collected on Formvar/carbon-coated copper slot grids and stained with methanolic uranyl acetate (10 min) followed by undiluted lead citrate for 20 min (Reynolds, 1963). Electron micrographs were taken with an Hitachi H-7000 transmission electron microscope at 100 kV.

Purity of fluorochrome and identity after compartmentation

Chromatograms of the CFDA-treated fungal macerate gave one yellow fluorescent spot (Rf 0.77) identical to the single spot obtained from a hydrolysed CFDA solution, indicating that the CFDA was pure and that the compartmented fluorochrome was the single compound, CF. Two pale blue fluorescent spots, with Rf values of 0.85 and 0.72, were present in both CFDA-treated and control fungal macerates, but the only fluorescence detected by microscopy of whole live cells under blue excitation was a faint orange autofluorescence in the hyphal walls. Freshly prepared CFDA solution also gave a faint spot of Rf 0.77, showing that the solution contained a small amount of hydrolysis product. The agar contained no fluorescent compounds and agar soaked in CFDA gave only the usual spot of Rf 0.77.

Accumulation of 6-carboxyfluorescein

CF was rapidly accumulated by many of the hyphal tips. A low level of fluorescence was transiently present in the cytoplasm, and intense fluorescence rapidly appeared in an interconnected tubule and vacuolar network (Fig. 1A). This was only seen in growing hyphal tips (Fig. 1B). More mature cells of each hypha, usually including the penultimate cell, contained fewer, larger, more or less elliptical or rounded vacuoles. These were also interconnected and accumulated fluorochrome. There was no apparent effect of accumulated CF plus irradiation on either cytoplasmic streaming or the behaviour of the vacuole system in the short term, as demonstrated by comparison of CF-loaded and control hyphae under DIC optics. However, after about 3 h under blue excitation the tubules broadened and coalesced, and their movements slowed.

Fig. 1.

Fluorescence micrographs (except B) showing variation in form of the vacuole and tubule system in various terminal cells of actively growing hyphal tips, after CF loading. Arrowheads indicate the position of the hyphal tip in each case. Bar, 20 μm.(A) Clusters of vacuoles are situated at intervals along the terminal cell with tubules in the intervening regions. The cytoplasm at the tip is relatively free of vacuoles and tubules. (B) Phase-contrast micrograph showing the same cell as (A) to demonstrate the position of the hyphal tip. Terminal cell containing mostly vacuoles, larger than those in A. Single tubules (t) span the nuclear zone, which is free of vacuoles. Terminal cell containing mostly a tubular reticulum, which interconnects along a considerable portion of the cell, with a few small vacuoles. Some tubules have dilated tips (small arrowhead) and others are confluent with vacuoles (larger arrowheads). (E) Tubules commonly round up to form long strings of small, similar-sized vacuoles (v). These are seen to be part of the tubular reticulum, which includes tubular parts (t). A tubule extends into the apical zone at the extreme tip. (F) The strings of vacuoles (arrowheads), connected by fine fluorescent bridges, can span long distances and are continuous with tubules. The basal zone contains larger vacuoles (v) and tubules.

Fig. 1.

Fluorescence micrographs (except B) showing variation in form of the vacuole and tubule system in various terminal cells of actively growing hyphal tips, after CF loading. Arrowheads indicate the position of the hyphal tip in each case. Bar, 20 μm.(A) Clusters of vacuoles are situated at intervals along the terminal cell with tubules in the intervening regions. The cytoplasm at the tip is relatively free of vacuoles and tubules. (B) Phase-contrast micrograph showing the same cell as (A) to demonstrate the position of the hyphal tip. Terminal cell containing mostly vacuoles, larger than those in A. Single tubules (t) span the nuclear zone, which is free of vacuoles. Terminal cell containing mostly a tubular reticulum, which interconnects along a considerable portion of the cell, with a few small vacuoles. Some tubules have dilated tips (small arrowhead) and others are confluent with vacuoles (larger arrowheads). (E) Tubules commonly round up to form long strings of small, similar-sized vacuoles (v). These are seen to be part of the tubular reticulum, which includes tubular parts (t). A tubule extends into the apical zone at the extreme tip. (F) The strings of vacuoles (arrowheads), connected by fine fluorescent bridges, can span long distances and are continuous with tubules. The basal zone contains larger vacuoles (v) and tubules.

General morphology and movements of the vacuole system in terminal cells

The labelled vacuole and tubule system consisted of clusters of more or less spherical vacuoles located at intervals along the terminal cell with an interconnecting system of tubules (Fig. 1A,B). The variation in form in different hyphal tips at the growing edge of the same colony is shown in Fig. 1; the two extremes were either clusters of vacuoles with very few associated tubules (Fig. 1A,C), or a tubular reticulum with a few small vacuoles (Fig. 1D). Most tips contained a combination of both. Tubules were of various lengths and could be either single (Fig. 1C) or branched (Fig. 1D,E). Their diameter ranged from the limit of resolution to about 0.6 μm, and they were up to 60 μm long. They were invariably oriented approximately parallel or at a small angle to the long axis of the hypha (Fig. 1C,D,E,F) and, in some cells, they formed a continuous reticulum, which was interconnected for the full length of the cell.

The terminal cell could be subdivided into zones (apical, subapical, nuclear and basal) on the basis of the distribution and behaviour of the vacuole and tubule system. There was usually at least one vacuole cluster in each zone, with the exception of the zone containing the two nuclei, which was generally free of vacuoles, but often contained single tubules (Fig. 1C) or a tubular reticulum. Vacuoles were absent from the extreme tip of the cell and those in zones anterior to the nucleus were usually small (Fig. 1A,E), though not always (Fig. 1C). The basal zone, between the nuclei and septum, was the most obviously variable, being occupied either almost exclusively by tubules, or by several large vacuoles interconnected by bridges (Fig. 1F), or occasionally both.

During the observation period vacuole clusters tended to remain in the same location although they underwent saltatory movements, changed shape and showed transient fusions within the cluster (Fig. 2A-D). This contrasted with the movement of the tubular elements, which could rapidly extend and retract over long cellular distances. Individual tubules could extend from a vacuole in one cluster (Fig. 2E,F) into an adjacent zone and fuse with another vacuole or tubule. Tubule movement was intermittent, unpredictable and multidirectional. Some tubules underwent and completed their movements within a second or two, while others remained extended in a single plane for at least one minute, usually until the fluorochrome had faded (Fig. 2G,H). Although the direction and distance varied, it appeared that the tubules were always moving along specific pathways. The nuclear zone occupied a central position; tubules traversed it in either direction, or originated from it. They moved acropetally from vacuoles in the basal zone and transiently formed connections with subapical zone vacuoles at least 40 mm away, or they moved basipetally from the subapical zone into the nuclear and basal zones. Frequently a single tubule, originating from subapical zone vacuoles or the reticulum in the nuclear zone, projected into the apical zone to within a micrometre or two of the hyphal tip (Fig. 1E).

Fig. 2.

Time-lapse sequences illustrating characteristic movements of the vacuoles and tubules. Bars, 10 mm. (A-D) Sequence from a series of fluorescence micrographs taken at 4-s intervals to show the saltatory movements of interconnected vacuoles. (A) Several vacuole groups, one of which initially contains 3 vacuoles (a). (B) Another vacuole has been added to group (a), which remains strung out. In (C) the group (a) now shows more irregular arrangement of the 4 vacuoles. In (D) the group has rounded up to form a small vacuole cluster. Other vacuole groups show similar types of movements, and are interconnected by just perceptible fluorescent bridges. (E,F) Sequence illustrating the extension of a tubule from a large vacuole. In (E) the tubule extends from a large vacuole (v) for a short distance and shows a dilated tip (arrowhead). (F) 4 s later the tubule has extended towards the adjacent vacuole (v*) and a narrow dilation (arrowhead) marks the original position of the dilated tip, suggesting that material has flowed forward from it. (G,H) Sequence showing retraction and change in position of a non-dilated tubule tip. In (G) the tubule tip (arrowhead) is extended beyond the small vacuole (v) and curves around it. In 4 s later the small vacuole (v) has remained in the same position, but the tubule has retracted relative to it and its tip is pointing away from the vacuole. (I) A very fine tubule with a vacuole-like dilation (d) close to its tip, and a narrower dilation behind. These dilations moved along the tubule and generated vacuoles. (J-L) This sequence in the same plane of focus captures movement and transfer of material between a series of vacuoles along a tubule. (J) shows three small vacuoles (1,2,3) along the tubules between the two larger vacuoles (v) and a further three (4,5,6) to the right. In (K) there are only two small vacuoles left (2,3)between the two large vacuoles, while to the right 4and 5 have lost material and are much smaller while 6is larger. In (L) there is now only one vacuole (3) between the two large vacuoles and on the right only number 6 remains.

Fig. 2.

Time-lapse sequences illustrating characteristic movements of the vacuoles and tubules. Bars, 10 mm. (A-D) Sequence from a series of fluorescence micrographs taken at 4-s intervals to show the saltatory movements of interconnected vacuoles. (A) Several vacuole groups, one of which initially contains 3 vacuoles (a). (B) Another vacuole has been added to group (a), which remains strung out. In (C) the group (a) now shows more irregular arrangement of the 4 vacuoles. In (D) the group has rounded up to form a small vacuole cluster. Other vacuole groups show similar types of movements, and are interconnected by just perceptible fluorescent bridges. (E,F) Sequence illustrating the extension of a tubule from a large vacuole. In (E) the tubule extends from a large vacuole (v) for a short distance and shows a dilated tip (arrowhead). (F) 4 s later the tubule has extended towards the adjacent vacuole (v*) and a narrow dilation (arrowhead) marks the original position of the dilated tip, suggesting that material has flowed forward from it. (G,H) Sequence showing retraction and change in position of a non-dilated tubule tip. In (G) the tubule tip (arrowhead) is extended beyond the small vacuole (v) and curves around it. In 4 s later the small vacuole (v) has remained in the same position, but the tubule has retracted relative to it and its tip is pointing away from the vacuole. (I) A very fine tubule with a vacuole-like dilation (d) close to its tip, and a narrower dilation behind. These dilations moved along the tubule and generated vacuoles. (J-L) This sequence in the same plane of focus captures movement and transfer of material between a series of vacuoles along a tubule. (J) shows three small vacuoles (1,2,3) along the tubules between the two larger vacuoles (v) and a further three (4,5,6) to the right. In (K) there are only two small vacuoles left (2,3)between the two large vacuoles, while to the right 4and 5 have lost material and are much smaller while 6is larger. In (L) there is now only one vacuole (3) between the two large vacuoles and on the right only number 6 remains.

In addition to their extension and retraction the tubules also dilated and contracted by peristaltic movement and, in this way, transported globules of fluorescent material along the tubule (Fig. 2I-L). Fluorescent content from vacuoles of the subapical zone moved along the tubular element as dilations, giving the impression that the vacuole itself was moving along the tube. Extending tubules often had dilations at their tips and these were commonly observed to separate and produce a vacuole (Figs 1D, 2A-D). Dilations travelling along a tubule either produced a vacuole when they arrived at the tip, or their content was incorporated into an existing vacuole. A pulsating tubule often suddenly underwent transformation into a string of small vacuoles (about 1 μm diam.), connected by fine fluorescent bridges (Fig. 1E,F). These were commonly strung out and moved in unison along the same tracks, in continuity with the tubules, and they ultimately grouped into vacuole clusters (Fig. 2A-D).

Tubule movement was independent of cytoplasmic streaming. The cytoplasmic streams contained very small fluorescent particles (≤0.1 μm in diameter), presumed to be vesicles that accumulate fluorochrome, moving in them. There were usually several streams. The tubules moved in various directions relative to these cytoplasmic streams and at different rates from them. Fig. 2G-H shows changes in position and retraction of the tip of a tubule that branches from a reticulum that is connected to a vacuole. Fig. 3A-D shows the sequence of changes over a short period of time in a reticulum and its continued attachment to individual vacuoles throughout. In particular, one of the tubules retracts back to the branch point. A vacuole is attached to a tubule via a narrow bridge that contains fluorescent material. From fluorescence micrographs the vacuoles (dilated region) had a diameter of roughly 1.3 mm while the bridge (narrower region) varied from about 0.7 mm in diameter to the limit of resolution. Finally, the reticulum (Fig. 3E) shows changes characteristic of long irradiations and interpreted as damage, where the tubules thicken and form new fusions as their motility ceases.

Fig. 3.

Time-lapse photomicrographs taken at 4-s intervals (except E, where the interval is greater) in the same focal plane showing movements of the tubular reticulum. Bar, 20 mm. A vacuole (v) remains connected to the reticulum via a narrow fluorescent bridge throughout. The sequence shows consecutive frames of the retraction of a tubule (t1) that constitutes a branch of the reticulum. Initially the tubule is quite long. In (B) it is now only about one third of its original length and in (C) it is about half the length it was in (B). In (D) it has retracted further, so that it now is represented only by a small dilation at the branch point. Other less dramatic changes can be followed in other parts of the system. (E) taken 60 s later than (D) shows what are interpreted to be changes resulting from the damaging effects of irradiating CF-loaded cells for long periods. The vacuole (v) serves as a reference point and indicates that the plane of focus is the same as in the previous figures of the sequence. Most tubules are now much thicker and the configuration of the reticulum has changed. At some branch points (arrowheads) a plaque-like ring structure surrounding a non-fluorescent area occurs. The tubule (t2), which remained very fine initially in (A-D), has become obliterated by a much broader tubule, which is confluent with the fluorescence of the vacuole cluster.

Fig. 3.

Time-lapse photomicrographs taken at 4-s intervals (except E, where the interval is greater) in the same focal plane showing movements of the tubular reticulum. Bar, 20 mm. A vacuole (v) remains connected to the reticulum via a narrow fluorescent bridge throughout. The sequence shows consecutive frames of the retraction of a tubule (t1) that constitutes a branch of the reticulum. Initially the tubule is quite long. In (B) it is now only about one third of its original length and in (C) it is about half the length it was in (B). In (D) it has retracted further, so that it now is represented only by a small dilation at the branch point. Other less dramatic changes can be followed in other parts of the system. (E) taken 60 s later than (D) shows what are interpreted to be changes resulting from the damaging effects of irradiating CF-loaded cells for long periods. The vacuole (v) serves as a reference point and indicates that the plane of focus is the same as in the previous figures of the sequence. Most tubules are now much thicker and the configuration of the reticulum has changed. At some branch points (arrowheads) a plaque-like ring structure surrounding a non-fluorescent area occurs. The tubule (t2), which remained very fine initially in (A-D), has become obliterated by a much broader tubule, which is confluent with the fluorescence of the vacuole cluster.

Fine structure of freeze-substituted hyphae

Interconnections between tubules and vacuoles were confirmed at the ultrastructural level. Serial sections through vacuole clusters showed that each vacuole was connected via narrow membrane-enclosed bridges to usually more than one adjacent vacuole, indicating that the clusters are a complex fully interconnected system (Fig. 4). The interconnecting bridges were often wider, but could be as narrow as cisternae of adjacent rough ER. Vacuoles contained a dispersed electron-opaque material, were mostly 0.4 –0.8 μm in diameter (n=39) and ranged from more or less circular to ovate, pyriform, irregular or elongate in profile. Two adjacent vacuole clusters in the subapical zone are shown in Fig. 5A,B. An elongate vacuole has extended from one of the clusters and lies parallel to the long axis of the hypha (Fig. 5A). In another section through the same region (Fig. 6A,B) an elongate vacuole lies parallel to the hyphal long axis adjacent to both these vacuole clusters, without apparently connecting with them. This elongate vacuole shows an undulating profile and some constricted regions. In other cases vacuoles and constrictions alternate (Fig. 7B) to produce structures identical in appearance to the long strings of connected vacuoles seen by fluorescence microscopy (Fig. 1F). The dilations were 0.3 - 0.8 mm in diameter and the constrictions were 40 - 150 nm (n=4) (Fig. 7B). The narrowest constrictions were of similar diameter to the lumen (39 nm, n=4) of rough ER cisternae, which also lay more or less parallel to the hyphal long axis (Fig. 6). Rough ER was most obvious in interv acuolar regions (Figs 5, 6), where it was continuous over long distances with occasional breaks in individual sections, indicating that it occurred mostly as perforate sheets (Figs 5A, 6A). Smooth tubular cisternae were widespread. They occurred in peripheral and central parts of the terminal cells in areas both with and without vacuole clusters (Figs 5, 6, 7A), in cytoplasm around the nucleus (Fig. 7C), and associated with the dolipore septum at the base of the cell. Tubular cister-nae were often found in characteristic ring-like structures (Fig. 7A,C) and they frequently extended into the extreme hyphal tips, which did not contain vacuoles (Fig. 7A). The lumen was variable in diameter, from totally constricted at some points, to 50 - 73 nm (n=14) in dilated regions. Profiles of smooth tubular cisternae were often seen adjacent and parallel to elements of the cytoskeleton, oriented approximately parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Cytoskeletal elements were also located close and parallel to the elongate vacuoles (Figs 5, 6) and were identified as both microtubules (Fig. 7B) and microfilaments (Fig. 6A,B). Groups of microtubules (Fig. 7D,E) and bundles of microfilaments (Fig. 7E,F) were seen in cross-section in transverse sections of the hyphae. Golgi bodies were seen as clusters of vesicle-like profiles, short tubules with dilated ends, and occasionally a reticulum, with contents of moderate to high electron opacity (Figs 5, 6, 7A).

Fig. 4.

Consecutive sections from a series through a vacuole cluster showing that all vacuoles are interconnected in some plane or other by narrow bridges and the vacuole cluster is a continuum. The position of individual vacuoles (labelled v1 etc) can be determined relative to the other organelles such as the adjacent Golgi reticulum (g). The bridges (arrowheads) between some vacuoles are as narrow as adjacent rough ER (rer) cisternae. Microtubules (mt) running parallel to the long axis of the hypha may be traced in several micrographs. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 4.

Consecutive sections from a series through a vacuole cluster showing that all vacuoles are interconnected in some plane or other by narrow bridges and the vacuole cluster is a continuum. The position of individual vacuoles (labelled v1 etc) can be determined relative to the other organelles such as the adjacent Golgi reticulum (g). The bridges (arrowheads) between some vacuoles are as narrow as adjacent rough ER (rer) cisternae. Microtubules (mt) running parallel to the long axis of the hypha may be traced in several micrographs. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 5.

Adjacent areas of the sub-apical zone of a freeze-substituted terminal cell, in longitudinal section, from a section cut parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Bar, 1 mm. The large arrow in (A) indicates the direction of the hyphal tip and the bottom of A is continuous with the top of B. There are two clusters of vacuoles. The one smaller in vacuole number and size (v1), is nearer the tip than the other (v2). Several of the vacuoles in each cluster are connected. The intervening space between vacuole clusters contains many profiles of rough ER cisternae (rer) oriented more or less parallel to the long axis of the hypha and with sparse ribosomes. Clusters of short tubules and vesiclelike profiles, identified as Golgi bodies (g1, g2 and g3) occur at intervals along the zone. Several sectioned cytoskeletal elements are identified as partially sectioned microfilaments (mf) and run more or less parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Mitochondrial profiles (m) are of moderate electron opacity. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 5.

Adjacent areas of the sub-apical zone of a freeze-substituted terminal cell, in longitudinal section, from a section cut parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Bar, 1 mm. The large arrow in (A) indicates the direction of the hyphal tip and the bottom of A is continuous with the top of B. There are two clusters of vacuoles. The one smaller in vacuole number and size (v1), is nearer the tip than the other (v2). Several of the vacuoles in each cluster are connected. The intervening space between vacuole clusters contains many profiles of rough ER cisternae (rer) oriented more or less parallel to the long axis of the hypha and with sparse ribosomes. Clusters of short tubules and vesiclelike profiles, identified as Golgi bodies (g1, g2 and g3) occur at intervals along the zone. Several sectioned cytoskeletal elements are identified as partially sectioned microfilaments (mf) and run more or less parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Mitochondrial profiles (m) are of moderate electron opacity. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 6.

Another section from the same series as Fig. 5, showing the same vacuole clusters (v1 and v2). In this section there are fewer vacuole profiles in v1 than shown in Fig. 5A. An elongated vacuole (v), showing typical dilated and narrow regions, is oriented parallel to the long axis and passes adjacent to vacuole clusters v1 and v2, but does not connect up with them. There are many rough ER profiles (rer), and also profiles of smooth tubular cisternae (tc). They are wider and more irregular in diameter than the rough ER cisternae, and show distinct constrictions. Like many of the rough ER cisternae, they are often longitudinally oriented, although they are not always parallel to the long axis. Microfilaments (mf) run for long distances parallel to the hyphal long axis. Individual Golgi bodies (g1, g2 and g3) can be traced through the series. The large arrow again indicates the direction of the hyphal tip and the bottom of A is continuous with the top of B. Mitochondrial profiles (m) are continuous through the series of sections, indicating a mitochondrial reticulum. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 6.

Another section from the same series as Fig. 5, showing the same vacuole clusters (v1 and v2). In this section there are fewer vacuole profiles in v1 than shown in Fig. 5A. An elongated vacuole (v), showing typical dilated and narrow regions, is oriented parallel to the long axis and passes adjacent to vacuole clusters v1 and v2, but does not connect up with them. There are many rough ER profiles (rer), and also profiles of smooth tubular cisternae (tc). They are wider and more irregular in diameter than the rough ER cisternae, and show distinct constrictions. Like many of the rough ER cisternae, they are often longitudinally oriented, although they are not always parallel to the long axis. Microfilaments (mf) run for long distances parallel to the hyphal long axis. Individual Golgi bodies (g1, g2 and g3) can be traced through the series. The large arrow again indicates the direction of the hyphal tip and the bottom of A is continuous with the top of B. Mitochondrial profiles (m) are continuous through the series of sections, indicating a mitochondrial reticulum. Bar, 1 μm.

Fig. 7.

Electron micrographs of freeze-substituted hyphae. (A) Apical zone at the extreme hyphal tip, indicated by the cluster of electron-opaque vesicles (ve) that surround the Spitzenkörper. Behind this region are many smooth tubular cisternae (tc) oriented in various planes, including two rings of tubules (arrows), but no vacuoles. Posterior to this are several Golgi (g), mitochondrial (m), and ER profiles, and then a vacuole (v) cluster, and rough ER cisternae. Bar, 1 mm. (B) An elongate vacuole (v) with alternating dilated and constricted regions and characteristic content runs longitudinally for a distance of at least 8 μm. The section also shows short sections of several microtubules (mt), all oriented parallel to the hyphal long axis. Bar, 1 mm. (C) Transverse section from a series through the nuclear zone (n, nucleus) in one hypha and a vacuole (v) cluster in another. Many circular profiles of organelles with smooth membranes and of different dimensions are obvious in both hyphae. The larger profiles (v) can be identified by their size and content as dilated regions of the interconnected vacuole system, while the smaller profiles (tc) are of tubules of the dimensions of smooth ER. A ring of tubules (arrow) similar to those in A is present in one of the hyphae. Single microtubules and groups of two or more, all in crosssection, occur throughout both hyphae. Bar, 1 μm. (D, E, F) Enlargement of three areas from (C) showing the microtubules (mt) and microfilaments (mf) in more detail. All are sectioned transversely. Bar, 0.5 μm.

Fig. 7.

Electron micrographs of freeze-substituted hyphae. (A) Apical zone at the extreme hyphal tip, indicated by the cluster of electron-opaque vesicles (ve) that surround the Spitzenkörper. Behind this region are many smooth tubular cisternae (tc) oriented in various planes, including two rings of tubules (arrows), but no vacuoles. Posterior to this are several Golgi (g), mitochondrial (m), and ER profiles, and then a vacuole (v) cluster, and rough ER cisternae. Bar, 1 mm. (B) An elongate vacuole (v) with alternating dilated and constricted regions and characteristic content runs longitudinally for a distance of at least 8 μm. The section also shows short sections of several microtubules (mt), all oriented parallel to the hyphal long axis. Bar, 1 mm. (C) Transverse section from a series through the nuclear zone (n, nucleus) in one hypha and a vacuole (v) cluster in another. Many circular profiles of organelles with smooth membranes and of different dimensions are obvious in both hyphae. The larger profiles (v) can be identified by their size and content as dilated regions of the interconnected vacuole system, while the smaller profiles (tc) are of tubules of the dimensions of smooth ER. A ring of tubules (arrow) similar to those in A is present in one of the hyphae. Single microtubules and groups of two or more, all in crosssection, occur throughout both hyphae. Bar, 1 μm. (D, E, F) Enlargement of three areas from (C) showing the microtubules (mt) and microfilaments (mf) in more detail. All are sectioned transversely. Bar, 0.5 μm.

Significance and potential role in transport

The system demonstrated here in the actively growing hyphal tips differs from any previously reported vacuole system in fungi in its motility, interconnectedness and pleiomorphism. It is clearly not induced by CF-loading and UV irradiation (cf. Lee and Chen, 1988), since it can also be shown in untreated, live cells by DIC microscopy and by electron microscopy after freeze-substitution. This constantly changing continuum of tubules and vacuoles must play an important role in intracellular transport in living hyphae. It provides an alternative transport pathway to either the cytoplasmic streams or endomembrane vesicles. Indeed, the tubules appear to be ferrying material specifically between the clusters of vacuoles stationed at intervals along the hyphal tip. Fluorescent globules are moved along the tubules and transferred between these vacuoles by peristalic movements and new vacuoles are produced by pinching off such globules from the tubule tip. Tubule movement is multidirectional and so the system can accommodate the bidirectional transport observed in hyphal tips. Transfer via tubules rather than vesicles allows larger volumes to be moved at one go and, if peristalsis is involved, without a concomitant transfer of membrane. It can be predicted that the ratio of membrane to fluid transfer along the pathway will be lower than for transfer of a similar volume via a collection of vesicles, where the ratio of membrane to internal content depends on the size of the vesicle. An involvement of the cytoskeleton in tubule movement is indicated by the constant close association of cytoskeletal elements.

Comparison with other systems

Although this system has not previously been demonstrated in living hyphae, circumstantial evidence indicates that it may be widespread in fungi. The fluorescent threads or “trails” observed connecting vacuoles in yeast (Weisman and Wickner, 1988) bear a strong resemblance to the tubular elements seen in Pisolithus, and the view that these are “tracks” of vesicles, manifest as fluorescent threads, may need re-interpretation. Failure to appreciate the tubular connections from electron microscopy probably arises from the use of thin sections of chemically fixed material. However, there is some evidence for the existence of tubular systems in fungi from electron microscopy. A tubular vacuole system with only a few small associated spherical vacuoles is shown in freeze-substituted hyphal tips of the basidiomycete, Sclerotium rolfsii (Robertson and Fuller, 1988). Tubular vesicular complexes (TVC 1) are described by Knauf et al. (1989) in the cytoplasm of Uromyces appen - diculatus, another basidiomycete, and consist of cisternae with an irregular luminar width of 30 - 70 nm. They were considered to be a specialised portion of rough ER, but most are smooth cisternae associated with larger structures that are circular in profile (see, for example, their figure 5). A system is reported in Erisyphe graminis (Dahmen and Hobot, 1986). Tubules in Pisolithus hyphae, identical in appearance and behaviour to those that accumulate CF, also accumulate the fluorochrome DiOC6(3), whilst the vacuoles do not. DiOC6(3) was widely considered to be a specific marker for the ER (Terasaki et al., 1984; Quader and Schnepf, 1986), but recently it has been reported to be non-specific and to stain other intracellular membranes, including Golgi and endosomes (Terasaki and Reese, 1992). Furthermore, there are other vacuolar systems with tubular elements and properties very similar to those in Pisolithus that are not considered to be synonymous with smooth ER; for example, the tubular vacuolar network that develops in Allium guard cells during differentiation (Palevitz and O’Kane, 1981; Palevitz et al., 1981). This tubular network initially arises from large spherical vacuoles, exhibits complex movements and shape changes, and is pleiomorphic. The elements are of similar dimensions to those of Pisolithus, and they enlarge to form dilations. The reticulate form is transient and as differentiation proceeds the network is transformed into larger cisternae, which eventually coalesce into a single large vacuole. Tubular networks sometimes continuous with vacuoles have also been found in cultured plant and animal cells (see for example, Hillmer et al., 1989; Cole et al., 1990; Tooze and Hollinshead, 1992). Such networks would be almost impossible to distinguish from smooth ER cisternae in electron micrographs on morphology alone. However, several tubule systems that form a reticulum in animal cells have been identified as physiologically distinct from the ER compartment by use of specific markers. Among these are the trans-Golgi reticulum, tubular endosomes and tubular lysosomes (Swanson et al., 1987; Hopkins et al., 1990; Luo and Robinson, 1992; and see Tooze and Hollinshead, 1992) The Golgi tubules can be recognised by their electron-opaque content in freeze-substituted Pisolithus hyphae, while the tubule system is electron lucent or contains electron-opaque dispersed material. It bears a strong resemblance in appearance and behaviour under the fluorescence microscope to the tubular endosomes described by Hopkins et al. (1990), and to the same system viewed in the electron microscope (Tooze and Hollinshead, 1992). Its characterisation in fungal hyphae will depend upon the use of specific electron-opaque markers, as with animal cells. Vacuoles in fungi are considered analogous to animal cell lysosomes because of their low pH and hydrolytic enzyme content (Klionsky et al., 1990) and there are many reports of the apparent endocytosis of fluorescent probes in fungi (for example, Makarow, 1985; Preston et a1., 1987; Basrai et al., 1990). The tips of growing hyphae are a very likely site for endocytosis, since fungi are heterotrophic and the highest rates of uptake occur at their tips. However, endocytosis remains unproven in fungi, because the cell wall precludes the use of large molecules as tracers and the mechanism of uptake of the fluorescent probes used is controversial (Oparka, 1991; Wright et al., 1992). It is probable that movement of the tubules is under control of the cytoskeleton. We have noted the close association between both the tubules and elongated vacuoles, and microtubules and microfilaments. The functional relationship remains to be determined, but the mechanism of transport by peristalsis may be widespread in other reticular systems in plant and animal cells, as an alternative to transfer via vesicles.

The work was supported by an Australian Research Council grant awarded to A.E.A.; D.A.O. was in receipt of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. The authors are grateful to Suzanne Bullock for printing the plates, Bill Allaway for comments on the manuscript, Lydia Kupsky for photographic assistance, Renate Sandeman for photographic advice, and Carl Zeiss Pty Ltd. for the loan of an Axiophot microscope.

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