Dr. E. Perceval Wright exhibited portions of the ambulacral feet, lining membrane of the intestine, and ovaries of several species of Echinidæ, showing the very peculiar arrangement of spicules which appeared to be characteristic of each. His attention had been called to this subject by his friend Mr. C. Stewart, of Plymouth, who had read a very elaborate paper on these structures as they occur in the Regular Echinoidia before the Linnean Society, and from what he (Dr. Wright) had been able to observe he had little doubt but that the comparative form and structure of these spicules would be of vast importance in helping to discriminate not only between the families, but also between the genera of these Echinoderms. He regretted not being able to show a series of these preparations from Mr. Stewart himself, as he had at first expected, as he had not succeeded in mounting his...

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