GERMANY—We fear that our anticipations expressed in the last Chronicle have proved too true. We have not received any number of the ‘Zeitschrift,’ or of Max Schultze’s ‘Archiv,’ since last May, and can only conclude that the excitement and pressure caused by the late war have delayed their publication.

Muller’s Archiv. July

—The following microscopical papers occur in this number :—” Microscopical Researches on the Texture, Development, &c., of Fatty Tissue,” by Herr Czjawicz. “On the Black Pigment of the Lung and the Lung Cuticle,” by Herr Mettenheimer. “On the Trachea of Tenebrio molitor (Mealworm),” by Drs. Landois and Thelen. “On Spiral Bundles in the Sympathetic of the Frog,” by Dr. J. Sander. “On the Typical Structure of the Echinodermata,” by Dr. Dornitz.

FRANCE—Comptes Rendus.—” On the Reproduction and Embryogeny of the Aphides,” is the title of a paper lately laid before the Academy by M. le...

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