In a paper which I had the honour to read before this Society, in the session preceding last, on the genus Palmoglœa (Kütz.),§ I took the opportunity to bring before your notice the Irish forms of that genus, or rather those forms by which Kützing would have been referred to it, but which, as I then stated, and as I still apprehend, belong more naturally to several individually distinct but closely related genera. I gave at the same time what may be called, in some measure, an analysis of the genus Palmoglœa (Kütz.), with regard to at least the majority of the forms therein included by that algologist.
‘Mémoires of the Wernerian Natural History Society,’ vol. i, ISOS, p. 176.
Remarks on Mr. Archer’s Paper on Algæ, in ‘Quarterly Journal” of Microscopical Science,’ N. S., Vol. XII, p. 253.
Read before the Natural History Society of Dublin, May 5, 1S65.
‘Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin,’ vol. v, p. 12 ; also ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ N. S., Vol. IV, p. 109 (1864)..
‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ N. S., Vol. XII, p. 253
‘Untersucliungen über die Familie der Conjugaten.’
‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ N. S., Vol. I, p. 18.
Karsten, in ‘Botanische Zeitung,’ x, p. 85 (1852).
Pringshcim, in ‘Bericlitc der Beil. Akademic.’
Dippel, “Ueber der Eortpflanzung der Vaucheria sessilis,” in ‘Flora,’ 1856, pp. 481, 497.
Cohn, ‘Berichte der Bed. Akad.,’ 1855 ; also ‘Ann. des Sciences Naturelles,’ 4 ser., vi. p. 187 ; and ‘Ann. Nat. Hist.,’ 2.ser., vii. p. 81.
Cleve, “lakttagelser ofver den hvilande (Edogoniums-sporens utveck- ling,” in ‘Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskabs Akademiens Forhandlingar,’ Stockholm, 1863, p. 247.
Pringsheim, “Beiträge zur Morphologic und Systeniatik der Algen,” in ‘Jahrbücher fur wissenschaftliche Botanik,’ Baud i, p. 55.
Cleve,”Bidrag till Kànnedomen om Sveriges sôttvattensalger af familjen Desmidiere,” in ‘Ofyersigt af Kongl. Ventenskaps-Akademiens Forhand- lingar Stockholm, 1865, p. 481.
‘Annals of Nat. Hist.,’ 3rd ser., vol. v, pp. 184, 273.
‘Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin, vol. iv, Part 2, p. 79.