The parasites which I shall briefly describe are small, oval, white, maggot-like animals, distinctly visible to the naked eye, and are found chiefly amongst the connective-tissue of the skin, the large veins near the heart, and on the surface of the pericardium. When few arc found they generally adhere closely to the surface of the pericardium, and to the large veins near the heart. If the veins have been previously injected with size and vermilion, the white transparent acari arc seen very distinctly on their red delicate walls. All the examples which I have examined were very transparent without any trace of well-defined digestive or generative organs, even when examined with the highest powers. The body does not generally present any trace of constrictions, but in a few examples I have observed one or two faint lines, giving the body a segmented appearance, but this may be caused by a...

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