This volume consists of Professor A. Braun’s Treatise on Rejuvenescence in Nature, Menighini on the Animal Nature of Diatomeæ, and Kohn on the structure of Protococcus pluvialis. Three more valuable or important works to the microscopist, at the present time, we could hardly mention. In Braun’s Essay will be found one of the most complete accounts of cell-development extant. His general views will be looked upon by English readers as speculative, but they are full of sound thought based upon extensive and accurate original observation. The remarks of Menighini will be read with greater interest in this country, just now, than at any other time, as at no past period have the structure and functions of the Diatomaceæ attracted so much attention as at the present. The paper of Kohn, on the Protococcus, has also, especial interest, when the question of the nature of animal and vegetable functions is being...

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