Cells naturally produce vesicles that bud from different lipid membranes using dedicated molecular machineries. Enveloped RNA viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), also generate particles that bud from host cell membranes by hijacking cellular factors and signaling pathways similar to those involved in the budding of extracellular vesicles. HIV-1 buds from the host cell plasma membrane mainly via the self-assembly of Gag, a structural protein. Gag is a polyprotein that forms assembly complexes containing viral genomic RNA (gRNA), host cell lipids and proteins. HIV-1 Gag binds and segregates host cell plasma membrane lipids while self-assembling simultaneously on the gRNA and the plasma membrane. This self-assembly causes membrane bending and formation of a new viral particle with the help of host cell proteins, likely including cortical actin-associated factors. However, it is unclear whether the energy of Gag self-assembly is sufficient to generate new HIV-1 particles. In this Review, we discuss these processes in the light of the past and recent virology literature, incorporating lessons from studies on the quantitative biophysics of viral self-assembly, and explore how Gag might reorganize the plasma membrane and divert host cell membrane curving proteins and cortical actin-related factors to achieve particle assembly and budding.
We acknowledge SIDACTION for the postdoctoral grant to C.L. and the French National Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS-MIE) for the PhD fellowship to B.C.