edited by Jonathan Barker and John McGrath. Harwood Academic Publishers (2001) 269 pages. ISBN 90-5823-067-8 $102

Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion are fundamental to the development and correct maintenance of all tissues, including the epidermis. There are several families of adhesion molecule, and changes in the levels of expression of adhesion molecules are key events in adult physiology and pathology - for example, in the extravasation of white blood cells, in inflammatory processes and wound healing, and in tumour invasion and metastasis. One question that remains unanswered is whether the changes in cell adhesion during these processes are causative or symptomatic of the disease. Thus, it is not surprising that much attention is now being given to the molecular mechanisms that underlie the control of cell adhesion and that some adhesion molecules are now targets for drug development. This expanding field requires scientists and clinicians to join forces and understand further...

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