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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 138,
Issue 3
February 2025

Journal of Cell Science publishes cutting-edge science, encompassing all aspects of cell biology.

The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Michael Way and a respected team of Editors who are research-active academics and leaders in their respective fields; they are supported by an outstanding Editorial Advisory Board that reflects all relevant areas in cell biology, including recently emerging fields. Rigorous peer review and fair decisions form the bedrock of the journal and maintain Journal of Cell Science as a solid forum for communicating the best research.

About JCS

Our special issue on Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics is now complete.

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News from JCS

Special Issue - Cilia and Flagella: from Basic Biology to Disease

We invite you to submit your latest research on cilia and flagella biology to our upcoming special issue, coordinated by Pleasantine Mill and Lotte Pedersen. Submission deadline: 1 March 2025.

The Company of Biologists: celebrating 100 years

In this Editorial, four of our current Directors look back through events in our 100-year history with an accompanying poster timeline that details the Company's journey so far. As part of our celebrations, we’ll be publishing special articles in JCS throughout 2025 about our past, present and future.

Meet our Associate Editors

We have added five Associate Editors to the JCS team who will each handle articles in their respective fields of research: Sophie Acton (immune cell biology), Pedro Carvalho (proteostasis), Guillaume Jacquemet (imaging and image analysis), Charlotte Kirchhelle (plant cell biology) and Aryeh Warmflash (stem cell biology and modelling). You can read more about them in our Editorial.

Open Access publishing options

We recognise the benefits of Open Access publishing and, as one of the very first Transformative Journals, we offer several publishing options to all of our authors, whatever their funder or financial status.

Read more about the OA options we offer our authors.

The Forest of Biologists The Forest of Biologists leaves icon

As part of a biodiversity initiative from The Company of Biologists, Journal of Cell Science plants a native tree in a UK forest for each published Research and Review article. We are also funding the restoration and preservation of ancient woodland and dedicating these trees to our peer reviewers. All of these trees are represented together in a virtual forest. Find out more about The Forest of Bioloigsts.

Currently on FocalPlane

Featured image

Every fortnight we highlight a microscopy image and the researcher(s) that acquired it. If you have an image that you’d like to share, upload it to our gallery and send us an email at [email protected].

Preprints in microscopy

Check out our fortnightly posts curating the latest preprints from the microscopy field. Each post focus on a different topic, covering new tools and techniques in imaging, bioimage analysis tools and applications in cell and developmental biology.

The FocalPlane Network

The FocalPlane Network is an international directory of researchers with microscopy expertise. Register yourself on FocalPlane and you can then join the Network in your profile. We aim to be an inclusive site that will help promote diversity in the microscopy community. 

Community resources

New cell biology jobs board

You can now post and search for jobs in cell biology on FocalPlane. Unlike the jobs posted on our microscopy job board, these jobs don’t have to have a microscopy component. If you need help to create your listing, contact us at [email protected].

Cell biology conference calendar

To help you plan your conference travel, we’ve created calendar of events in cell biology on FocalPlane. You can post your own event by registering with FocalPlane or you can contact us at [email protected].

Cell Science at a Glance posters

Our Cell Science at a Glance posters are useful visual primers that explain established topics in cell biology.

Imaging interorganelle contacts at a glance poster

Journals from The Company of Biologists

Development current cover
Journal of Cell Science current cover
Journal of Experimental Biology current cover
Disease Models and Mechanisms current cover
Biology Open current cover
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