Call for papers – Moving Heart Failure to Heart Success: Mechanisms, Regeneration & Therapy
Please note that the call for papers for this special issue has now closed. Articles will be made available online as soon as they are ready for publication. Read the first published articles.
DMM invites you to submit your latest research for our upcoming special issue: Moving Heart Failure to Heart Success: Mechanisms, Regeneration & Therapy. This issue will be coordinated by guest editors Jeroen Bakkers (Hubrecht Institute, The Netherlands), Milena Bellin (Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy, and Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands) and Ravi Karra (Duke University School of Medicine, USA).
The deadline for submitting articles to the special issue has been extended to Monday 1 August 2022.
DMM invites you to submit original research for a special issue focused on the mechanisms of and therapies for congenital heart disease and heart failure. We welcome studies on the dysregulation of pathways, disease progression and approaches to treat and modify the course of heart failure using in vitro and in vivo model systems. New resources and technologies for studying heart pathophysiology, repair and regeneration are encouraged, including computational, imaging and physiologic approaches. We also welcome advances in the development of new model organisms and systems, such as engineered and patient-derived advanced cellular models.
This ongoing collection will be launched with a special issue scheduled for publication in spring 2023 (although note that our continuous publication model means that DMM will publish your article as soon as it is accepted; you will not have to wait for the rest of the issue to be ready)*.
We invite you to showcase your breakthrough research in this special collection. Submissions should describe original research in the form of a Research Article or Resource Article. Please read the author guidelines for information on preparing a manuscript for DMM, and submit your manuscript via our online submission system. Please highlight that your submission is to be considered for the special issue in your cover letter. Prospective authors are welcome to send presubmission enquiries, or direct any queries, to [email protected].
Key benefits of publishing in DMM include:
- Submissions handled by expert academic Editors
- High visibility and impact
- Format-free submission
- Open Access (CC BY licence)**
- Competitive decision speeds and rapid publication
- Not-for-profit publisher
* Any papers accepted for publication after the deadline for the launch issue will be published in later issues and added to the compiled online subject collection. Contact us for further details.
** Research and Resource Articles are subject to a $3,750 Open Access Article Publication Charge.
Are you eligible for fee-free or discounted publishing in DMM?
From 2022, Disease Models & Mechanisms is included in many of the Read & Publish agreements offered by The Company of Biologists. This enables discounted or fee-free publication of an uncapped number of Research Articles in DMM for corresponding authors at participating institutions (including, among others, the Max Planck Digital Library and University of California). Check if your institute is participating.