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Summary: This Review defines the molecular and cellular hallmarks of progeroid syndromes according to the main cellular and animal models, and discusses the therapeutic strategies developed to date.

Summary: In this Review, the authors explore the advantages of using zebrafish in telomere research and discuss the primary discoveries made in this model that have contributed to expanding our knowledge of how telomere attrition contributes to cellular senescence, organ dysfunction and disease.


Editors' choice: Personalized therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers remain an important unmet clinical need. Genomic profiling of murine Trp53-null tumors identified a number of promising drug targets conserved in humans.

Summary: Two mouse models carrying NF1 patient-specific mutations have distinct effects on embryonic development, neurofibromin function and plexiform neurofibroma formation, with implications for therapeutic studies.

Summary: This work describes the generation of a novel immortalized glucocerebrosidase-deficient neuronal cell model with utility for pathophysiology research and therapeutic development in Gaucher disease.

Summary: We demonstrate for the first time a murine model that consistently produces pulmonary cavitary TB and provides a tractable and economical new tool for better understanding of cavitation.

Summary: Disruption of the IFT-A complex gene, Thm1, in adult mice misregulates response to feeding signals, altering appetite regulation and resulting in obesity through hyperphagia.

Summary: Upregulation of PPARα can ameliorate hepatic injury by inhibiting ER stress-mediated hepatocyte apoptosis in a mouse model of D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver failure.


Summary: We have developed the first long-term drug delivery system in the adult zebrafish using oral gavage, and offer a foundation for future preclinical studies of cancer therapeutics in adult zebrafish.


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