Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: Morphology of Nf1Arg681*/Arg681* mouse embryo at E10.5 revealing effusion into the pericardial space, and embryonic lethality after E9.5 is associated with this nonsense mutation allele that is found in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1. See article by Li et al. on page 759. Cover image by A. N. Turner is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
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Hallmarks of progeroid syndromes: lessons from mice and reprogrammed cells
Summary: This Review defines the molecular and cellular hallmarks of progeroid syndromes according to the main cellular and animal models, and discusses the therapeutic strategies developed to date.
Telomeres in aging and disease: lessons from zebrafish
Summary: In this Review, the authors explore the advantages of using zebrafish in telomere research and discuss the primary discoveries made in this model that have contributed to expanding our knowledge of how telomere attrition contributes to cellular senescence, organ dysfunction and disease.
Genomic profiling of murine mammary tumors identifies potential personalized drug targets for p53-deficient mammary cancers
Editors' choice: Personalized therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers remain an important unmet clinical need. Genomic profiling of murine Trp53-null tumors identified a number of promising drug targets conserved in humans.
Mice with missense and nonsense NF1 mutations display divergent phenotypes compared with human neurofibromatosis type I
Summary: Two mouse models carrying NF1 patient-specific mutations have distinct effects on embryonic development, neurofibromin function and plexiform neurofibroma formation, with implications for therapeutic studies.
A new glucocerebrosidase-deficient neuronal cell model provides a tool to probe pathophysiology and therapeutics for Gaucher disease
Summary: This work describes the generation of a novel immortalized glucocerebrosidase-deficient neuronal cell model with utility for pathophysiology research and therapeutic development in Gaucher disease.
Mouse model of pulmonary cavitary tuberculosis and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9
Summary: We demonstrate for the first time a murine model that consistently produces pulmonary cavitary TB and provides a tractable and economical new tool for better understanding of cavitation.
Dysfunction of intraflagellar transport-A causes hyperphagia-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome
Summary: Disruption of the IFT-A complex gene, Thm1, in adult mice misregulates response to feeding signals, altering appetite regulation and resulting in obesity through hyperphagia.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha acts as a mediator of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced hepatocyte apoptosis in acute liver failure
Summary: Upregulation of PPARα can ameliorate hepatic injury by inhibiting ER stress-mediated hepatocyte apoptosis in a mouse model of D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver failure.
Long-term drug administration in the adult zebrafish using oral gavage for cancer preclinical studies
Summary: We have developed the first long-term drug delivery system in the adult zebrafish using oral gavage, and offer a foundation for future preclinical studies of cancer therapeutics in adult zebrafish.
Call for Papers – Infectious Disease: Evolution, Mechanisms and Global Health
Showcase your latest research on our upcoming Special Issue: Infectious Disease: Evolution, Mechanisms and Global Health. This issue will be coordinated by DMM Editors Sumana Sanyal and David Tobin alongside Guest Editors Judi Allen and Russell Vance. The deadline for submitting articles to this Special Issue has been extended to Monday 24 February 2025.
Biologists @ 100 - join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate a DMM programme on antimicrobial resistance on 26 March 2025. Find out more and register to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. The deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration is 17 January 2025.
It's about time: the heterochronic background for the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
In this Editorial, Bruce Wightman writes about the groundwork laid by investigating the timing of developmental events in nematodes which led to the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Read & Publish Open Access publishing: what authors say
We have had great feedback from authors who have benefitted from our Read & Publish agreement with their institution and have been able to publish Open Access with us without paying an APC. Read what they had to say.