Zotero is a free, open-source research tool that combines classic reference management with now-common organizational functions, such as creating bookmarks, folders and tags. The program is distributed as a Firefox extension and appears as a web browser toolbar. When users view a web page featuring a journal article, book title, or even media such as film or music, Zotero detects the potential source and allows the user to automatically retrieve the file citation information without leaving the browser window. References can be tagged and annotated within Firefox, and PDFs and media files can be virtually paper-clipped onto the reference and saved for off-line browsing. Created by the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, Zotero is available in over 30 languages and is fully integrated with Microsoft Word and Open Office word processors, as well as blogging software such as Wordpress. Citation styles for many biomedical research journals are already available and the list continues to grow. Visit www.zotero.org to read about its additional features.

Screenshot of Zotero being used in Firefox.

Screenshot of Zotero being used in Firefox.