Interconnected mechanisms of ischemia and reperfusion (IR) has increased the interest in IR in vitro experiments using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). We developed a whole-cell computational model of hiPSC-CMs including the electromechanics, a metabolite-sensitive sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and an oxygen dynamics formulation to investigate IR mechanisms. Moreover, we simulated the effect and action mechanism of levosimendan, which recently showed promising anti-arrhythmic effects in hiPSC-CMs in hypoxia. The model was validated using hiPSC-CM and in vitro animal data. The role of SERCA in causing relaxation dysfunction in IR was anticipated to be comparable to its function in sepsis-induced heart failure. Drug simulations showed that levosimendan counteracts the relaxation dysfunction by utilizing a particular Ca2+-sensitizing mechanism involving Ca2+-bound troponin C and Ca2+ flux to the myofilament, rather than inhibiting SERCA phosphorylation. The model demonstrates extensive characterization and promise for drug development, making it suitable for evaluating IR therapy strategies based on the changing levels of cardiac metabolites, oxygen and molecular pathways.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD), resulting from an imbalance in the supply and demand of oxygen and nutrients to the heart, is the leading cause of mortality across the globe (Nowbar et al., 2019). The majority of the experiments on ischemia and ischemia reperfusion (IR) have been done with animal models, whereas human-based investigations are not very common (Dutta et al., 2017; Gaballah et al., 2022). Aside from ethical concerns, the extrapolation of mechanisms and insights from animal data is challenging. Overcoming these hurdles, human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) offer promising opportunities for investigating the pathogenesis and mechanisms of action of pharmaceutical compounds in a human-based model (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2022; Gaballah et al., 2022). Of importance, hiPSC-CMs have been shown to be a dependable approach for identifying the pro-arrhythmic effects of medications (Selli et al., 2023). Furthermore, organ-on-chip approaches offer novel measurement modalities and robust ways to control the measurement conditions, such as precise local regulation of oxygen levels (Gaballah et al., 2022).
The combination of hiPSC-CM-based in vitro experiments and computational models of human adult ventricular cardiomyocytes (hV-CMs) has been introduced as a capable alternative for the hERG-based QT method, which utilizes hERG channel activity to assess the QT interval in the heart, in safety cardiac pharmacology and preclinical assessments (Paci et al., 2015). The updated methodology has been acknowledged by the pharmaceutical industry and, congruently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has supported this, i.e. the comprehensive in vitro proarrhythmia assay (Sager et al., 2014), as the paradigm for the assessment of new molecular entities.
Preserving cardiac functionality and preventing IR-induced arrhythmias are imperative principles in the management of IHD. Levosimendan (LEVO), a known calcium (Ca2+) sensitizer with inotropic effects, is in clinical use for heart failure treatment (Kurt, 2009). Recently, the antiarrhythmic effect of LEVO was reported by Gaballah et al. (2022), who used an hiPSC-CM-based IHD-on-a-chip single cell line model to investigate hypoxia-induced abnormalities of intracellular Ca2+ handling. However, the roles of ischemic action potential (AP) morphology, the subcellular and ionic interactions, and the electro-mechano-energetics in shaping the fate of cardiomyocytes in IR remain to be thoroughly addressed. Similarly, the mechanism of suppressing ventricular tachyarrhythmias by antiarrhythmic compounds is not entirely understood (Franz et al., 2014). Finally, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have quantitatively investigated the electro-mechano-energetic coupling and communications of the myofilament and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) metabolism to IR and IR-induced arrhythmia in cardiomyocytes. Specifically, accounting for the metabolite sensitivity aspect in SERCA and contractile element (CE) calibration can potentially reveal the links between different mechanisms of IR, drug-induced effects and the electro-mechano-energetic crosstalk in IR in response to Ca2+-sensitizing drugs.
The emerging hiPSC-CM in vitro data obtained in oxygen-controlled settings (Gaballah et al., 2022; Häkli et al., 2022) enable computational approaches for investigating IR, thus taking a step toward filling the aforementioned gaps. Therefore, in this work, we present an in silico hiPSC-CM model that includes metabolite sensitivity in the CE and SERCA pump (hereafter hiMCES model), building upon our previous studies (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021b, 2022). We introduce a model of oxygen (O2) dynamics linking the cellular ionic and CE ATPase rate changes to extracellular O2 concentration. The presented computational model was validated against hiPSC-CM and animal experiment data; specifically, the core of ischemic, IR and LEVO effects were validated against in vitro hiPSC-CM data (Gaballah et al., 2022; Häkli et al., 2021, 2022). Firstly, we used this model to investigate the impaired electro-mechano-energetic coupling in IR and portray the subcellular signature unique to IR. Secondly, we elucidated the cardioprotective effect of LEVO on the Ca2+ and AP abnormalities in IR and quantified its influence on the subcellular mechanisms contributing to IR.
Characteristics of the hiMCES model in control conditions
First, AP, Ca2+ transient (CaT) and contractile biomarkers were computed to evaluate the hiMCES model in the control condition regarding the experimental data ranges (Table S1). The increased energetic detail did not significantly alter the model readouts in the control condition, and the hiMCES model successfully recapitulated all the listed biomarkers within the experimental ranges. Of note, the lower maximum upstroke velocity (dV/dtmax) simulated by the hiMCES model in comparison with its predecessors (Table S1) is due to a smaller simulated fast Na+ current (INa) magnitude. In Fig. S17, we have given the factors that contribute to change in INa and ultimately dV/dtmax based on the electrophysiology part that hiMCES inherits from the Paci2020 model (Paci et al., 2020). Briefly, the two new elements in hiMCES model, SERCA pump flux (Iup) and an ATP-sensitive K+ current (IKATP), affect the ionic currents and consequently the membrane potential Vm in the order illustrated by arrows in Fig. S17, in accord with the electrophysiology of the model equations in Paci et al. (2018, 2020). Change in Vm results in change in the fast Na+ current INa and, ultimately, the maximum upstroke velocity dV/dtmax. Correspondingly, Fig. S1 shows the main traces of the hiMCES model in the control condition in comparison to the hiPSC-CM models previously developed in our laboratory and hiPSC-CM experimental data (Pioner et al., 2020; Ruan et al., 2016).
Simulation of ischemic conditions
During IR, the SERCA submodel is subject to metabolite changes that drastically affect the Ca2+ sensitivity and the amplitude of Ca2+ flux to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (Fig. S2). The hiMCES model with the original SERCA submodel failed to develop AP and AP/CaT abnormalities during IR. To find a unique set of parameters for the SERCA-rendering hiMCES model to generate AP and capture AP/CaT abnormalities, we reparametrized the SERCA model (Table S2) based on the sensitivity tests on the amplitude of SERCA pump rate and Ca2+ sensitivity (Figs S3-S10). Additionally, Fig. S11 shows the Ca2+ sensitivity of SERCA pump rates at different pH levels and confirms that the calibrated SERCA pump for ischemic simulations mimics the acidic response in previously reported data (Ji et al., 1999; Tran et al., 2009).
To elaborate, we found the set of parameters through an informed manual tuning process. In brief, we used, e.g. 10, 20 and 50% rises starting with a first guess in a range of 0.1 to 5 times the baseline values. Within the assumed boundaries (0.1 to 5 times the baseline values), the optimization goal was reaching a maximum pump rate while overall keeping the pump rate versus the negative logarithm of the Ca2+ concentration (pCa) curve in the acidic zone (Fig. S11).
We evaluated the model results in two ischemic severities (SEV1 and SEV2) as given in Fig. 1. The AP durations decreased and the depolarization time increased in response to ischemic conditions at two severities (Fig. 1A) consistently with data of hiPSC-CMs subjected to hypoxia in vitro (Häkli et al., 2021, 2022). The predicted reduction in potassium currents (Fig. 1B,G) contributes to increased (less negative) resting membrane voltage consistently with hiPSC-CM data (Deo et al., 2020; Doss et al., 2012). Moreover, the simulated increase in maximum diastolic potential at SEV2 was 11%, which is in the maximum diastolic potential increase range (0-31.5%) reported from in vitro data of hiPSC-CMs in ischemia (Davis et al., 2021). Furthermore, the model identifies a significant reduction in transient outward K+ current (Ito) (Fig. 1D, SEV2) as a major contributor to the repolarization phase of AP in hiPSC-CMs (Koivumäki et al., 2018). Our model also confirms the direct correlation of L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) with AP plateau height (Fig. 1A,E) reported experimentally in ischemia (Rogers et al., 2021). The increased intracellular Na+ concentration (Fig. 1C) in ischemic conditions is in line with reported hiPSC-CM data in hypoxic conditions (Gaballah et al., 2022). At SEV2, our model simulated an elevation of the CaT baseline in accord with the significant increase in the diastolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) reported for isolated rat and rabbit hearts in ischemic conditions (Eberli et al., 2000) (Fig. 1F). At SEV2, the model simulated 17.4% reduction in decay time from 90 to 10% (tDecay90,10) of CaT peak (317 to 262 ms) compared with the control condition, which is quantitatively in agreement with the 15.2-36.3% reduction experimentally reported for hiPSC-CMs after 4 h of hypoxia (Gaballah et al., 2022). Notably, the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) was augmented (∼8%) in ischemia (Fig. S16), which also contributes to CaT elevation, and this is in accord with the data reported for Langendorff-perfused mice hearts (Imahashi et al., 2005) in ischemic conditions.
Response of the hiMCES model to different severities of ischemia. (A) Action potentials (AP or V). (B) Rapid delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr). (C) Intracellular Na+ concentration (Nai). (D) Transient outward K+ current (Ito). (E) L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL). (F) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (G) Slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs). (H) AP duration alterations at 90% of repolarization (ΔAPD90). Listed computational data: TT06 Ledezma (Ledezma et al., 2019), ORd (Ledezma et al., 2019), TT06 Ferrero (Weiss et al., 2009) and BPS2020 (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021a). Listed in vitro data: Sutton2000 (Sutton, 2000), Kodama1984 (Kodama et al., 1984), Penny1983 (Penny and Sheridan, 1983) and Kimura1990 (Kimura et al., 1990).
Response of the hiMCES model to different severities of ischemia. (A) Action potentials (AP or V). (B) Rapid delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr). (C) Intracellular Na+ concentration (Nai). (D) Transient outward K+ current (Ito). (E) L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL). (F) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (G) Slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs). (H) AP duration alterations at 90% of repolarization (ΔAPD90). Listed computational data: TT06 Ledezma (Ledezma et al., 2019), ORd (Ledezma et al., 2019), TT06 Ferrero (Weiss et al., 2009) and BPS2020 (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021a). Listed in vitro data: Sutton2000 (Sutton, 2000), Kodama1984 (Kodama et al., 1984), Penny1983 (Penny and Sheridan, 1983) and Kimura1990 (Kimura et al., 1990).
Finally, we simulated and compared the changes in AP duration alterations at 90% of repolarization (APD90) with in vitro data obtained from human cardiomyocytes (Sutton, 2000) (after 3 min), cat (Kimura et al., 1990) (after 10-15 min) and guinea pig (Penny and Sheridan, 1983) (after 10-15 min) as given in Fig. 1H. The changes in APD90 were also compared against other computational models of ischemia and are summarized in Fig. 1H. For example, the ‘ten Tusscher 2006’ (TT06) hV-CM model (Ten Tusscher and Panfilov, 2006) was used by Weiss et al. (2009) in an ischemic study (5 and 10 min severities), adopting the IKATP formulation from Ferrero et al. (1996). As Fig. 1H details, the APD90 changes simulated by hiMCES qualitatively agree with the observed trend.
We also simulated the effect of different mechanisms of ischemia, i.e. hyperkalemia, acidosis and hypoxia, separately (Fig. S14). The increase in ryanodine receptor (RyR)-sensitive release current (Irel) in ischemia (Fig. S14F) is consistent with a previous computational investigation using the metabolite-sensitive SERCA pump (Tran et al., 2009) integrated into the ORd (O'Hara et al., 2011) hV-CM model (Liu et al., 2019).
Finally, based on the introduced formulation capturing the model oxygen dynamics (Eq. 12), we simulated the effect of ischemia as a whole at SEV1 and SEV2 (Fig. S12A,B), and separately by mechanism (Fig. S12C). The model predicted reductions in the amplitude of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) at SEV1 and SEV2 ischemia at the steady state. Importantly, the simulated increase of OCR, modeled by dO2/dt, at the onset of ischemia (Fig. S12D) is in accord with myocardial oxygen studies on patients with IHD (Deedwania and Carbajal, 1992; Laslett et al., 1985).
LEVO simulations
Using the IC50 values and Hill coefficients of LEVO (Passini et al., 2019) in the channel-blocking method, we calculated the current inhibitions as given in Table S3. Furthermore, LEVO is an inotropic Ca2+ sensitizer; one of its mechanisms of action is increasing troponin C affinity for Ca2+ and stabilizing the conformation of troponin C (Gaballah et al., 2022). Regarding the dose-dependent LEVO-induced contraction data by Haikala (1997), we calculated the values of Kon scaling coefficients corresponding to the simulated developed tensions by the hiMCES model (Fig. 2A); Kon is the parameter regulating the transition between the unbound to the Ca2+-bound troponin state (Rice et al., 2008) (Fig. 6). Finally, the effect of LEVO as an IKATP activator (Gaballah et al., 2022; Parissis et al., 2007; Pathak et al., 2013) was also considered in this study. We found corresponding metabolite-sensitive scaling parameter (fKATP) values, resulting in the increased currents observed (Fig. 2B) for the studied doses of LEVO based on data from Yokoshiki et al. (1997a). We selected 0.3, 2 and 10 µM doses of LEVO in the simulations, to be consistent with the LEVO animal experiment research (Edes et al., 1995; Yokoshiki et al., 1997a) and hiPSC-CM research (Selli et al., 2023). For the fKATP activation, we followed data presented in fig. 3B of Yokoshiki et al. (1997a) and normalized the current increase with respect to the maximal stimulatory effect (Emax)=46.8 A/F. Specifically, the 84% current increase in Table S3 is also consistent and within the range of increased IKATP due to 10 µM LEVO (60.1 to 386.6%) reported in Yokoshiki et al. (1997b) at 0 mV.
The hiMCES model incorporates the role of myofilament Ca2+-binding affinity and the ATP-sensitive K+ channel in modeling the mechanism of action of LEVO. (A) The computed Kon scaling coefficients calculated for different concentrations of levosimendan (LEVO) based on Haikala (1997). (B) Normalized increased IKATP due to different doses of LEVO from Yokoshiki et al. (1997a).
The hiMCES model incorporates the role of myofilament Ca2+-binding affinity and the ATP-sensitive K+ channel in modeling the mechanism of action of LEVO. (A) The computed Kon scaling coefficients calculated for different concentrations of levosimendan (LEVO) based on Haikala (1997). (B) Normalized increased IKATP due to different doses of LEVO from Yokoshiki et al. (1997a).
We evaluated the effect of 0.3 and 2 µM of LEVO on SEV2 ischemia in the hiMCES model (Fig. 3). LEVO had a marginal prolonging effect on the AP repolarization phase (Fig. 3A; Table S4), in accord with a recent in vitro hiPSC-CM experiment (Selli et al., 2023), and reported dose-dependent LEVO association with the prolongation of QT interval in healthy individuals and patients with heart failure (Ng, 2004). At 0.3 and 2 µM concentrations, LEVO did not significantly alter the CaT values (Fig. 3B), yet it resulted in a significant increase in the active tension (Fig. 3F), consistent with the Ca2+-sensitizing and inotropic characteristics of LEVO (Gaballah et al., 2022; Ng, 2004). The model also predicted a significant increase in contractile ATPase rate in response to LEVO (Fig. S15I). As Fig. 3C,D shows, 2 µM LEVO reduced the Ca2+ flux via SERCA pumps and the SR Ca2+ concentration by ∼8.4% and ∼1.9%, respectively, moving them toward more physiological levels. The increase in simulated tensions at SEV1 and SEV2 due to 0.3 µM of LEVO were 25% and 60%, respectively. This is quantitatively comparable with the increase in developed tension range of 14.6 to 54.3% reported experimentally for ischemic human myocardium at 37°C (Soeding et al., 2011). Furthermore, the predicted LEVO-induced decrease in Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current (INCX) (Fig. 3E) in reperfusion is in line with the effect of LEVO on NCX in cultured human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell-derived cardiomyocytes experiencing anoxia reoxygenation (Li et al., 2014). Our model simulated ∼10% reduction in NCX reverse mode due to 2 µM of LEVO. In comparison, Li et al. (2014) reported 44.5 to 85.0% decrease of NCX reverse mode due to 2 µM of LEVO. We discuss the possible responsible factors for this difference in the Discussion. The effect of LEVO on the fractional cell shortening (Fig. S15J) agrees with the in vitro data from rat cardiomyocytes in heart failure (Louhelainen et al., 2007).
The response of the hiMCES model in ischemia reperfusion to different concentrations of LEVO. (A) Action potentials (V). (B) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (C) Ca2+ uptake by SERCA (Iup). (D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentration (CaSR). (E) Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current (INCX). (F) Active tensions.
The response of the hiMCES model in ischemia reperfusion to different concentrations of LEVO. (A) Action potentials (V). (B) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (C) Ca2+ uptake by SERCA (Iup). (D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentration (CaSR). (E) Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current (INCX). (F) Active tensions.
Ischemia reperfusion and LEVO effects
As the results show, the hiMCES IR model could capture ischemic-induced arrhythmia, in early afterdepolarization (EAD) format, and CaT abnormalities (Fig. S13C,D) consistently with the experimental data of hiPSC-CMs in hypoxia (Gaballah et al., 2022). Specifically, the predicted CaT abnormalities in the form of high and low peaks and irregular double peaks in the plateau phase (Fig. S13D) were also observed experimentally in hiPSC-CMs in ischemia (Gaballah et al., 2022). Moreover, the calculated maximum upstroke velocity (dV/dtmax) of AP in the ischemic phase, prior to the development of EADs, was reduced to around a quarter of the value in the control condition (34.9 to 9.6 V/s). The maximum upstroke velocity of APs inversely correlates with the depolarization time, and the simulated change resides within the reported increase in the depolarization time for in vitro hiPSC-CMs in IR (Häkli et al., 2022).
We also studied the effect of augmentation of the slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs) on the model results in IR. As can be seen in Fig. S13E,F, enhanced IKs abolished the AP and CaT abnormalities consistently with the IR model of rabbit cardiomyocytes (Guo et al., 2012). This also resulted in abolishing the ischemic-induced contractile irregularities, in terms of aftercontractions, consequently (Fig. S13G). Aftercontractions in myocardial ischemia is reported to be a result of disturbed cellular diastolic Ca2+ transient and is associated with lethal ventricular arrhythmias (Prunier et al., 2008).
Moreover, to understand the recently reported antiarrhythmic effect of LEVO (Gaballah et al., 2022), we investigated its effect at a 2 µM dose on AP, CaT and simulated active tensions developed in IR. Fig. 4A-D shows that the EADs were abolished and the CaT plateau abnormalities were substantially reduced, in agreement with the use of 2 µM LEVO on hypoxic hiPSC-CMs in an in vitro study (Gaballah et al., 2022). Naturally, this led to a favorable effect on contractility due to abolishment of aftercontractions (Fig. 4E).
Response of the hiMCES model to 2 µM LEVO in ischemia reperfusion simulations. (A,B) Action potential (AP or V) and Ca2+ transients (CaTs, Cai) in ischemia reperfusion (IR). (C,D) APs and CaTs in IR+2 µM LEVO. (E) Active tensions in IR and IR+2 µM LEVO.
Lastly, we show the model response to 2 µM LEVO during and after the reperfusion transition in Fig. 5. The model predicted an upsurge in the active tension (Fig. 5A) and contractile ATPase rate (Fig. 5C) in response to LEVO, despite the general reduction of CaT at late reperfusion phase (Fig. 5B). Correspondingly, an insignificant OCR change due to LEVO was also observed in the reperfusion and postreperfusion phases (Fig. 5G), consistent with the reported Ca2+ sensitization effect in ischemia in human studies (Ng, 2004). Taken together with the changes in active tension and ATPase rate (Fig. 5A,C), an enhancement in the cardiac energy consumption due to LEVO is implied, which is similar to its effect during the ischemic phase (Fig. S15G). This favorable energetic outcome is consistent with the restorative effect of LEVO on the contractility and altered cardiac energetics in human subjects (Ng, 2004), hiPSC-CMs (Gaballah et al., 2022) and Langendorff guinea pig hearts (Haikala, 1997) in ischemia. The IR-LEVO simulation further predicts a biphasic trend in CaT and Ca2+ concentration in the SR (CaSR) starting from the onset of reperfusion (Fig. 5B,D) and a significant reduction period of SERCA phosphorylation (Fig. 5H). Markedly, LEVO did not facilitate the return of CaT and CaSR to physoxia (Fig. 5B,D), nor of the AP profile, which is shown 50 s postreperfusion transition phase (Fig. 5E). Finally, a slight reduction of the impaired SERCA uptake pump due to 2 µM LEVO was predicted in the simulation results (Fig. 5F).
The ischemia reperfusion hiMCES model subjected to 2 µM LEVO. (A) Active tensions (AT). (B) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (C) Contractile ATPase rate. (D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentrations (CaSR). (E) Action potentials shown 50 s postreperfusion transition (Vm). (F) Ca2+ uptake flux of SERCA pump (Iup). (G) Oxygen consumption rate (dO2/dt). (H) Percentage of SERCA phosphorylation (PSP).
The ischemia reperfusion hiMCES model subjected to 2 µM LEVO. (A) Active tensions (AT). (B) Ca2+ transients (Cai). (C) Contractile ATPase rate. (D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentrations (CaSR). (E) Action potentials shown 50 s postreperfusion transition (Vm). (F) Ca2+ uptake flux of SERCA pump (Iup). (G) Oxygen consumption rate (dO2/dt). (H) Percentage of SERCA phosphorylation (PSP).
Model extension and characteristics
Myocardial infarction represents the first cause of mortality worldwide (Nowbar et al., 2019). Optimizing the treatments leading to restoration of physiological cardiomyocyte homeostasis and metabolism post-ischemic insult is of high importance (He et al., 2022). The pathophysiological mechanisms contributing to IR injuries such as disturbed cytosolic Ca2+ transient, oxidative stress, quick pH correction and phosphate overload (He et al., 2022) are intertwined and complex, necessitating in-depth quantitative investigations. To this end, it is crucial to develop computational techniques that match in vitro conditions and in-depth biophysical in silico models of electro-mechano-energetics at the cellular level.
To investigate IR pathophysiological mechanisms and drug effects, our first aim was to extend our previous in silico hiPSC-CM model (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2022) by adding a metabolic model of the SERCA pump and an oxygen dynamics model linking the cellular energetics to extracellular oxygen concentration ([O2]e). Of note, the introduced dynamic oxygen formulation takes the role of contraction ATPase rate into account as we anticipated that the significance of such inclusion would be even higher in studying IR (Bo et al., 2021; Laslett et al., 1985; McDougal and Dewey, 2017). We did not include IKATP in the oxygen dynamic formulation as its impact on myocardial oxygen consumption rate has been reported insignificant in IR (Offstad et al., 1994).
We surpassed the orthodox IC50-based inhibition formalism by considering IKATP and troponin C affinity for the Ca2+-enhancing mechanism of LEVO (Gaballah et al., 2022). In excellent accordance with in vitro hiPSC-CM experiments in hypoxia (Gaballah et al., 2022), our model captured the substantial reduction of ischemia-induced AP and CaT abnormalities due to 2 µM LEVO. This could be associated with the effect of LEVO on the contributors to the repolarization reserve of the hiMCES model (Fig. S15A-C), which is congruent with QT interval prolongation in healthy subjects and patients with heart failure in response to LEVO (Ng, 2004).
Interestingly, our model predicted a change in the NCX profile by simulating a steep forward mode preceding the reverse mode at SEV1 (Fig. S15D). In contrast, for SEV2 ischemia, which corresponds to a more severe and prolonged hypoxic condition, our model simulated a more standard NCX profile (diminishing first steep forward mode) with an activated reverse mode (∼8%) (Fig. S16).
Our model simulated ∼10% reduction in NCX reverse mode in response to 2 µM of LEVO in reperfusion (Fig. 3E). The NCX reverse mode was calculated as the area under the curve (Fig. 3E). In comparison, Li et al. (2014) reported 44.5 to 85.0% decrease of NCX reverse mode due to 2 µM of LEVO in cardiomyocyte progenitor cell-derived cardiomyocytes undergoing reoxygenation. We believe that one of the factors responsible for this difference might be the in vitro protocol in Li et al. (2014), as it does not specifically take into account the role of L-type Ca2+ channel, SERCA and sarcolemmal Ca2+ ATPase pump current (IpCa) in how the NCX reverse mode based on the change in intracellular CaT dynamics is reported. Of note, the role of the aforementioned Ca2+ transporters has been proven to be significant in the developed CaT (Kernik et al., 2019). Furthermore, the model predicted a significant increase in the Ca2+ flux to the myofilament due to LEVO at SEV1 ischemia (Fig. S15F). This indicates the potential of LEVO in mediating the transition of highly elevated CaT in ischemia and the underperformance of CaT due to the quick metabolite restoration in the reperfusion phase. In particular, it can be inferred from the simulations that LEVO can prolong the reperfusion transitions (Fig. 5). That finding has an interesting link to a recent computational study that suggested a two-step reperfusion protocol could minimize the cell damage in comparison to a rapid return to physoxia (Grass et al., 2022). Adding to this, our findings suggest that LEVO is a distinct inotrope that apparently does not augment the contractility at the expense of increased myocardial oxygen demand (Fig. 5G; Fig. S15G), which is consistent with previous analyses (Ng, 2004). Whether LEVO corrects the impaired contractile relaxation due to SERCA phosphorylation augmentation or other mechanisms was a question of research hypotheses before (Ng, 2004). Our model predictions suggest that the favorable effect of LEVO on correcting the impaired contractile and energetic relaxation is likely due to its Ca2+-binding, troponin C affinity-enhancing mechanism and intensifying Ca2+ flux to the myofilament rather than inhibition of SERCA phosphorylation that boosts removal of cytosolic Ca2+.
Ischemia reperfusion and SERCA
As given in Tran et al. (2009) and simulated in Fig. S2, decreasing pH reduces the Ca2+ sensitivity of SERCA. We hypothesized that the reported increase in acidic residues and metabolic proton in IR (Grass et al., 2022) might affect SERCA function through a pathologic competitive proton binding. According to Tran et al. (2009), acidic residues impact proton and Ca2+ binding, and metabolic protons exhibit a higher affinity for Ca2+-binding sites in the SERCA luminal orientation and a lower affinity for SERCA-cytosol-facing Ca2+-binding sites. The ischemic acidic environment increases the influence of the reduction in the affinity of H+ binding to the luminal Ca2+-binding sites (Kd,Hsr) in the reparameterization (Table S2). Therefore, increasing the gap between the affinity of H+ binding to the cytosol-facing Ca2+-binding sites (Kd,Hi) and Kd,Hsr suggests that ischemia might intensify the competitive proton binding to the luminal-oriented Ca2+-binding sites of SERCA, thus elevating [Ca2+] in the SR as simulated in Figs 3D and 5D. Markedly, it further suggests that the upsurge in proton leak not only disrupts the cell metabolism, leading to elevation of oxidative stress in IR (Grass et al., 2022), but it also might worsen the disturbed pattern in proton binding, which results in a pathologic shift in SERCA Ca2+ sensitivity and pump function. Specifically, the calibration of the SERCA pump implied the inhibition of SERCA luminal Ca2+-binding sites as a potential therapeutic target that may facilitate attenuation of disordered competitive proton binding and thus prevent elevation of oxidative stress and elevated level of phosphates as the major mechanisms of IR injuries (He et al., 2022).
Of importance, our model predicts diastolic and relaxation dysfunction in CaT (Fig. 1F), contractile machinery (Fig. 3F; Fig. S15J) and energetics of the CE (Fig. S15I) in the ischemic condition. Previously, this contractile relaxation dysfunction was reported in heart-failure sepsis-induced mouse hearts, and it was suggested that this diastolic impairment is due to the inhibited SERCA phosphorylation (Joulin et al., 2009). Interestingly, our model also predicts a SERCA phosphorylation activity inhibition in the reperfusion phase (Fig. 5H). Markedly, in IR, this inhibition implies a mechanism contributing to the elevation of phosphate groups or amplification of the elevated phosphate groups that result in IR injuries (Ng, 2004).
Notably, the simulated increase in the OCR at the onset of ischemia (Fig. S12D) was caused by the higher rate of contraction ATPase in reaction to the shift in the CE metabolite concentrations from normal to low oxygen levels (Table 1). Regarding the treatment of IR, this further highlights the significance of using troponin C-associated Ca2+-sensitizing inotropes such as LEVO to restore heart contractile function without directly involving the oxygen consumption (Ng, 2004).
Limitations and future works
As a limitation, it should be noted that our model naturally inherits the mean-field approximation technique used to estimate the kinetics of cardiac crossbridge cycling in the CE from Rice et al. (2008) and Tran et al. (2010). Additionally, due to the very limited data availability on hiPSC-CM mitochondrial dynamics, our model also lacks this energetic component. Furthermore, the hiMCES model does not include an ATP-sensitive Na+-K+ pump current (INaK) formulation; therefore, the reflection of INaK in OCR formulation is a simplification. Future works could also largely benefit from increasing crossbridge cycling details of the CE model toward deep-phenotyping the IR relaxation dysfunction and the mechanism of action of LEVO.
In this work, decoding the SERCA functionality in IR meets an in-depth in silico investigation of the effect of LEVO on hiPSC-CM electro-mechano-energetic coupling. Our findings suggest that there is a close mechanistic relationship between IR and sepsis-induced heart failure in terms of the role of SERCA role in diastolic dysfunction during mechanical relaxation and energetic function. This connection could be important for future drug development strategies. Furthermore, as a step toward identifying the link between the elevation of oxidative stress and Ca2+ overload as the two major mechanisms of IR injuries, our model suggests that the upsurge of proton leak in IR, which leads to elevated oxidative stress, also contributes to the ischemic Ca2+ overload through disrupted proton-binding kinetics in SERCA. LEVO simulations concluded that the drug-induced improvement on contractile relaxation dysfunction is due to its particular Ca2+-sensitizing mechanism, acting through Ca2+-bound troponin C and Ca2+ flux to the myofilament, rather than a secondary mechanism of SERCA phosphorylation inhibition. In conclusion, this study presented an innovative and strong computational framework for electro-mechano-energetic coupling in hiPSC-CMs, utilizing current advancements in obtaining human-based in vitro data. We demonstrated its potential in deep-phenotyping and pharmacological investigations in the context of ischemia and reperfusion.
Integrating a metabolite-sensitive SERCA model
We previously developed an hiPSC-CM whole-cell model comprising a metabolite-sensitive CE, called hiMCE, to investigate mutation-specific hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2022). The hiMCE model consisted of a reparametrized model of metabolite-sensitive CE by Tran et al. (2017) integrated into the Paci2020 model of hiPSC-CM electrophysiology (Paci et al., 2020). To refine the cellular electro-mechano-energetic coupling in the model, here, we integrated a thermodynamic two-state model of the SERCA pump (Tran et al., 2009) to the hiMCE model and used this model, named hiMCES, to study the pathophysiology of IR, arrhythmia and the effect of LEVO (Simdax®, Orion Corporation). The choice of the two-state SERCA pump over the three-state pump was based on data in Tran et al. (2009) showing that the two models behave identical in the micromolar range of MgATP, which entails the working range of this study as well (Table 1).
Fig. 6 shows schematics of the hiMCES model including the key state transitions of the CE and SERCA. The SERCA pump is a P-type ATPase functioning in skeletal (SERCA1a) and cardiac (SERCA2a) muscles (Tran et al., 2009). The details of equations describing ionic and contractile components of hiMCES have been discussed in depth previously (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021b, 2022; Paci et al., 2018). Here, we detail the mathematical model of the SERCA pump adopted in the hiMCES model as follows.
Schematic of the hiMCES model. Left: a two-state SERCA model capturing the binding/unbinding of ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi). The apparent rate constants ap1, ap2, am1 and am2 depend on cytosolic and SR Ca2+ concentrations, protons and SERCA dissociation constants. Center: schematic of hiMCES main cell compartments, ionic currents and the model extracellular O2 dynamics. The middle panel was created with BioRender.com. Right: schematic of the myofilament crossbridge (XB) cycling of hiMCES model. [O2]e, extracellular oxygen concentration; AM1 and AM2, two closely related substates that contribute equally to the creation of tension (Tran et al., 2010); ATPase, contractile ATPase rate; CaSR, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentrations; cnt, control; DRX, disordered relaxed myosin state; IbCa, background Ca2+ current; IbNa, background Na+ current; ICaL, L-type Ca2+ current; If, funny current; IK1, inward rectifier current; IKr, rapid delayed rectifier K+ current; IKs, slow delayed rectifier K+ current; Ileak, leakage current; INa, fast Na+ current; INaK, Na+-K+ pump current; INaL, late Na+ current; INCX, late Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current; IpCa, sarcolemmal Ca2+ ATPase pump current; Irel, RyR-sensitive release current; Ito, transient outward K+ current; Iup, SERCA pump flux; N, the off state barring XB formation; nH+, stoichiometry parameter for H+ binding involved in Ca2+/H+ counter transport; P, permissive state for XB formation; Pcyt, lumped states of MgATP, H+ and Ca2+ binding in the cytosol; PSR lumen, lumped states of MgADP, H+ and Ca2+ binding in the SR (Tran et al., 2009); SRX, super relaxed myosin state; T, troponin; TCa, Ca2+-bound troponin; XBA, strongly bound XBs prior to myosin rotation; XBB, XBs in strongly bound state post myosin rotation.
Schematic of the hiMCES model. Left: a two-state SERCA model capturing the binding/unbinding of ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi). The apparent rate constants ap1, ap2, am1 and am2 depend on cytosolic and SR Ca2+ concentrations, protons and SERCA dissociation constants. Center: schematic of hiMCES main cell compartments, ionic currents and the model extracellular O2 dynamics. The middle panel was created with BioRender.com. Right: schematic of the myofilament crossbridge (XB) cycling of hiMCES model. [O2]e, extracellular oxygen concentration; AM1 and AM2, two closely related substates that contribute equally to the creation of tension (Tran et al., 2010); ATPase, contractile ATPase rate; CaSR, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentrations; cnt, control; DRX, disordered relaxed myosin state; IbCa, background Ca2+ current; IbNa, background Na+ current; ICaL, L-type Ca2+ current; If, funny current; IK1, inward rectifier current; IKr, rapid delayed rectifier K+ current; IKs, slow delayed rectifier K+ current; Ileak, leakage current; INa, fast Na+ current; INaK, Na+-K+ pump current; INaL, late Na+ current; INCX, late Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current; IpCa, sarcolemmal Ca2+ ATPase pump current; Irel, RyR-sensitive release current; Ito, transient outward K+ current; Iup, SERCA pump flux; N, the off state barring XB formation; nH+, stoichiometry parameter for H+ binding involved in Ca2+/H+ counter transport; P, permissive state for XB formation; Pcyt, lumped states of MgATP, H+ and Ca2+ binding in the cytosol; PSR lumen, lumped states of MgADP, H+ and Ca2+ binding in the SR (Tran et al., 2009); SRX, super relaxed myosin state; T, troponin; TCa, Ca2+-bound troponin; XBA, strongly bound XBs prior to myosin rotation; XBB, XBs in strongly bound state post myosin rotation.
Considering rapid equilibrium assumptions applicable to physiological and ischemic conditions, Tran et al. (2009) developed a lumped two-state thermodynamic model of SERCA based on the E1-E2 model of Ca2+ transport in SERCA (Makinose, 1973; Meis and Vianna, 1979), adding proton (H+)-binding kinetics to capture pH-dependence phenomena.

The model of ischemia
The oxygen dynamics model links the capillary level [O2]s to extracellular [O2]e concentration, contractile ATPase and ionic blockades in ischemia. (A) ρ function maps the INaK and IpCa inhibition to oxygen deprivation and vice versa consistent with ouabain-induced inhibition on INaK activity. (B) The temporal change in [O2]s for different severities of ischemia SEV1 and SEV2 is shown. ρ denotes normalized INaK activity.
The oxygen dynamics model links the capillary level [O2]s to extracellular [O2]e concentration, contractile ATPase and ionic blockades in ischemia. (A) ρ function maps the INaK and IpCa inhibition to oxygen deprivation and vice versa consistent with ouabain-induced inhibition on INaK activity. (B) The temporal change in [O2]s for different severities of ischemia SEV1 and SEV2 is shown. ρ denotes normalized INaK activity.
The model of ischemia reperfusion
As a step toward capturing IR-induced arrhythmia in the IR simulations, first, we took the approach taken previously to simulate EADs (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021b). We tuned the maximum conductances of the hiMCES model with a coefficient SET that had generated EADs in the Paci2020 electrophysiology model (Paci et al., 2021). The Paci2020 (Paci et al., 2020) and the hiPSC-CM-CE (Forouzandehmehr et al., 2021b) models had predicted EADs in response to 95% of rapid delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr) inhibition. Here, for the IR simulations only, during the ischemic phase, at 350-850 s (Fig. 7B), we inhibited two major contributors to the repolarization reserve, IKr and slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs), by 85% consistently with IR experimental (Chen et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2017) and ischemic computational (Dutta et al., 2017) reports. For the IR simulations, we used SEV1 values of ischemia (Table 1). All parameters transitions from the physoxia (0-350 s) to the ischemic (350-850 s) phase and returning to physoxia (in vivo O2 level of blood vessels calculated in McDougal and Dewey, 2017) (850-1100 s) were simulated by an ouabain-like behavior of inhibition (Fig. 7A) to obtain more realistic results specifically at the onset of ischemia and reperfusion phases. For example, instead of instantly switching Ko from 5 to 6.25 mM, it took a transition like [O2]s at SEV1 (Fig. 7B).
Model implementation and standard simulation protocol
The hiMCES model consists of 33 ordinary differential equations, and we used MATLAB ode15s as the integrator. To obtain the steady state, the results were reported after 800 s of simulation run time. In Fig. 7B, the model is run with the solution of the last second of an 800-s run, i.e. the control results are already in steady state. Also, as seen in Fig. 7B, the 500 s of model running in ischemic conditions is to ensure a steady state after transition to SEV1/SEV2. In fact, the SEV1 and SEV2 parameters represent the two severities of acute ischemia. Thus, in computational simulations, the run time (shown in Fig. 7B) is to ensure a steady state and does not have to match the time protocols of ischemic in vitro experiments. Furthermore, instead of an instantaneous switch from normal to ischemic conditions and vice versa, toward a more realistic modeling, we simulated the shift from normal to ischemic phase and vice versa as an ouabain-like transition to achieve more realistic findings, especially during the onset of the ischemia and reperfusion phases. All the results are in spontaneous beating condition unless mentioned otherwise. Starting from a steady-state solution in the control condition, the model was run for 250 s, and the parameters were adopted to the ischemic mode in the switch phase from 250 to 350 s. Next, the full ischemic phase was run for 500 s (from 350 to 850 s), the transition (onset of reperfusion) starts from 850 to 950 s, and finally, the model was run for 200 s following the last transition (Fig. 7B). The IR results (Fig. S13, Figs 4 and 5) were obtained by the hiMCES version with tuned maximum conductances and currents (coefficient SET).
The authors wish to thank Mahmoud Gaballah and Prof. Aalto-Setälä at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology of Tampere University for the helpful discussions that assisted this research.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: M.F., M.P., J.H., J.T.K.; Methodology: M.F.; Software: M.F.; Validation: M.F.; Formal analysis: M.F., J.T.K.; Investigation: M.F.; Resources: M.F.; Data curation: M.F.; Writing - original draft: M.F.; Writing - review & editing: M.F., M.P., J.H., J.T.K.; Visualization: M.F.; Supervision: M.P., J.H., J.T.K.; Project administration: J.H., J.T.K.; Funding acquisition: M.F., J.H., J.T.K.
M.F. was supported by the graduate school of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University (Tampereen Yliopisto), and Pirkanmaa regional fund (Pirkanmaan Rahasto) of the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto, grant number 50221556). J.K. was supported by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Body-on-Chip Research, Pirkanmaa regional fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto, grant number 50201322), and the Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research (Sydäntutkimussäätiö, grant number 200101). Open Access funding provided by Tampere University. Deposited in PMC for immediate release.
Data availability
All relevant data can be found within the article and its supplementary information. The MATLAB codes of the model are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing or financial interests.