CXCR3-expressing metastasis-initiating cells induce and exploit a fibroblast niche in the lungs to fuel metastatic colonizationby Pein et al.

A new place to call home: disseminated cancer cells fleece lung fibroblasts to fuel a metastatic niche.

Selected by Julija Hmeljak. Read the guest preLight here

Myc instructs and maintains pancreatic adenocarcinoma phenotypeby Sodir et al.

Flipping on and off Myc can turn on or off pancreatic cancer.

Selected by William Hill. Read the preLight here

Thyroid hormone regulates distinct paths to maturation in pigment cell lineagesby Saunders et al.

Thyroid hormone regulation of zebrafish pigment cells – not a black and white (or yellow) issue.

Selected by Hannah Brunsdon. Read the preLight here

Mitochondrial biogenesis is transcriptionally repressed in lysosomal lipid storage diseasesby Yambire et al.

Putting the brakes on mitochondrial biogenesis: how lysosomal dysfunction can influence mitochondrial dynamics.

Selected by Sandra Franco Iborra. Read the preLight here

Hepatocyte-specific deletion of Pparα promotes NASH in the context of obesityby Regnier et al.

Fatty liver and PPARα: Is it all in the liver? Regnier et al. study the role of hepatic and extrahepatic PPARα in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity.

Selected by Pablo Ranea. Read the preLight here

MicroRNA-mediated control of developmental lymphangiogenesisby Jung et al.

microRNA, macro responsibilities: miRNA-204-mediated regulation of Nfatc1 is important for development of proper lymphatic vessels.

Selected by Rudra Nayan Das. Read the preLight here

Human Handedness: Genetics, Microtubules, Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Brain Language Areasby Wiberg et al.

Have you ever thought about the factors that make you a right- or a left-hander? This preprint looks into the genetics of human handedness, the first genome-wide study of its kind.

Selected by Jose Guerrero. Read the preLight here

A DNA-based voltmeter for organellesby Saminathan et al.

Electrically excitable organelles? Measuring subcellular membrane potentials with a DNA-based voltmeter.

Selected byRobert Mahen. Read the preLighthere

Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cellsby Moudgil et al.

Making a mark on gene regulatory networks: A method using transposon insertions directed by a transcription factor allows simultaneous mapping of transcription factor binding sites and gene expression in single cells.

Selected by James Briscoe. Read the guest preLight here

Conditional Guide RNAs: Programmable Conditional Regulation of CRISPR/Cas Function in Bacteria via Dynamic RNA Nanotechnologyby Hanewich-Hollatz et al.

gRNAs for Cas9 are engineered such that they only get activated upon specific RNA triggers. This could one day open the door to linking signaling pathways with Cas9 function.

Selected by Pavithran Ravindran. Read the preLight here

Prospective, brain-wide labeling of neuronal subclasses with enhancer-driven AAVsby Graybuck et al.

Towards precise targeting of single cell types: enhancer-driven gene expression and engineered viral vectors to improve specificity.

Selected by Jesus Victorino. Read the preLight here