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Keywords: limb buds
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (1993) 117 (4): 1445–1455.
Published: 1 April 1993
... by germline transmission of a disrupted allele in ES cells, developed normally to day 10.5, indicating dispensability of N -myc expression in the earlier period, but later accumulated organogenic abnormalities and died around day 11.5. The most notable abnormalities were found in the limb bud, visceral organs...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (1987) 101 (4): 673–684.
Published: 1 December 1987
... or hormone dependent, limb buds with and without neural tube were cultured as grafts on the chorioallantoic membrane of chick hosts. Although differentiated muscle develops in both aneural and innervated grafts, innervated grafts contain approximately three times as much myosin as aneural grafts. More...