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Keywords: forebrain patterning
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2014) 141 (21): 4127–4138.
Published: 1 November 2014
... financial interests. 30 12 2013 25 8 2014 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd 2014 Embryo Forebrain patterning Signalling centre Telencephalon Apoptosis Vertebrates Mouse Chick Experimental embryology and genetics have advanced our understanding...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2012) 139 (1): 151–164.
Published: 1 January 2012
... Forebrain patterning Telencephalon Transcriptional regulation Medaka Vertebrate fate mapping studies have established that the telencephalon, the retinal anlage and the ventral hypothalamus derive from adjacent domains in the anterior neural plate (ANP) ( Sanchez-Arrones et al., 2009...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2007) 134 (17): 3167–3176.
Published: 1 September 2007
... UMRS587, Unité de Génétique des Déficits Sensoriels, Collège de France, Institut Pasteur,75015 Paris, France 13 6 2007 © 2007. 2007 Forebrain patterning Thalamus development Zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) Hedgehog Zebrafish The regionalisation and refinement...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2003) 130 (7): 1367–1379.
Published: 1 April 2003
...Wei Chen; Yuqiong Liang; Wenjie Deng; Ken Shimizu; Amir M. Ashique; En Li; Yi-Ping Li Mouse mutants have allowed us to gain significant insight into axis development. However, much remains to be learned about the cellular and molecular basis of early forebrain patterning. We describe a lethal...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2001) 128 (18): 3497–3509.
Published: 15 September 2001
... of hypothalamic cells and for maintenance of medial floor plate and hypothalamic cells. Dorsoventral forebrain patterning is disrupted in smu mutants. Our analysis suggests that diencephalon and telencephalon lose ventral character. Hh signaling leads to induction of genes expressed ventrally, such as nkx...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2001) 128 (3): 309–320.
Published: 1 February 2001
... at the normal positions in brain structure. Reduction in forebrain pattern is evident by the 12-somite stage, with most neuraxes lacking telencephalon and eyes, while forebrain expressions of the transcription factor genes GANF and BF1 , and of FGF8 , are absent or severely reduced. When the foregut endoderm...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2000) 127 (12): 2549–2561.
Published: 15 June 2000
.... Finally, we show that ace expression co-localises with anterior neural plate cells that have previously been shown to have forebrain patterning activity. Removal of these cells leads to a failure in induction of ace expression indicating that loss of Ace activity may contribute to the phenotypes observed...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles