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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2009) 136 (24): 4083–4088.
Published: 15 December 2009
...Yusuke Mii; Masanori Taira Secreted Frizzled-related proteins (sFRPs) are thought to negatively modulate Wnt signalling. Although Wnt proteins are thought to diffuse extracellularly and act as morphogens, little is known about the diffusibility of either Wnts or sFRPs. Here we show that Frzb...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2009) 136 (7): 1071–1081.
Published: 1 April 2009
.... In an unbiased microarray screen, we defined genes encoding the sFRPs Frzb-1 and Crescent as transiently and locally expressed in the primary mouth anlage. Using antisense oligonucleotides and `face transplants', we show that frzb-1 and crescent expression is specifically required in the primary mouth region...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2006) 133 (16): 3191–3200.
Published: 15 August 2006
.... Lhx5 regulates the expression of two secreted Frizzled-related Wnt antagonists, Sfrp1a and Sfrp5. These Sfrps can reduce the ectopic activation of Wnt signaling and rescue the forebrain deficiencies caused by inhibition of Lhx5 function. Our results demonstrate that Lhx5 is a required factor...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2006) 133 (15): 2835–2844.
Published: 1 August 2006
...-regulatory elements were: sFRP-proximal-for,5′-TGTATGCCGTACATATGCCAG-3′; sFRP-proximal-rev,5′-TTCGGGGCTCTGAAAAAACATAG-3′; sFRP-1067 distal-for,5′-TTACGCTCGATGGCGCAACG-3′; sFRP-1067 distal-rev,5′-AACTAAACCGCAACTATAGTATG-3′; sFRP-640-for,5′-CGCTGTATATACAACTTTGC-3′; sFRP-640-rev,5′-TGTCACTATCAAAGCATGTG-3′; sFRP...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2003) 130 (4): 805–816.
Published: 15 February 2003
... © 2003. 2003 Sizzled Wnt signaling Ventral blood islands sFRP Embryonic patterning Xenopus The concept of the Spemann organizer has dominated our understanding of early vertebrate development. In amphibians, the organizer corresponds to a small dorsal sector of the gastrula...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2000) 127 (1): 109–118.
Published: 1 January 2000
... these explant cultures, we provide evidence that SHH-N competes with WNT1, not only by upregulating its own receptor Ptc1 , but also by upregulating Sfrp2 ( Secreted frizzled-related protein 2 ), which encodes a potential WNT antagonist. Among the four known Sfrp s, Sfrp2 is the only member expressed...