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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2020) 147 (20): dev196055.
Published: 29 October 2020
... , A. A. ( 2019 ). Structure and function of roundabout receptors . Subcell. Biochem.   93 , 291 - 319 . 10.1007/978-3-030-28151-9_9 Bland , K. ( 2001 ). Characterization of the Midline Axon Guidance Cue Slit and its Interaction with Robo Receptors in Drosophila melanogaster . PhD thesis , UC...
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Journal Articles
In collection:
Neural development
Journal: Development
Development (2018) 145 (2): dev150375.
Published: 17 January 2018
... of Biologists Ltd 2018 Highlighted Article: The conditional ablation of Slit proteins and Robo receptors in precerebellar neurons and floor plate reveals that, in the mouse, the migration of hindbrain precerebellar neurons is independent of Slit and Robo signaling. Robo Slit Cerebellum Floor...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2016) 143 (17): 3037–3044.
Published: 1 September 2016
...Heike Blockus; Alain Chédotal Slits are secreted proteins that bind to Roundabout (Robo) receptors. Slit-Robo signaling is best known for mediating axon repulsion in the developing nervous system. However, in recent years the functional repertoire of Slits and Robo has expanded tremendously...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2015) 142 (20): 3512–3518.
Published: 15 October 2015
...Elly Ordan; Talila Volk Coordinated locomotion of an organism relies on the development of proper musculoskeletal connections. In Drosophila , the Slit-Robo signaling pathway guides muscles to tendons. Here, we show that the Slit receptor Roundabout 2 (Robo2) plays a non-cell-autonomous role...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2012) 139 (24): 4633–4643.
Published: 15 December 2012
... defects of Gbx2 -deficient TCAs are associated with abnormal expression of guidance receptors Robo1 and Robo2. Finally, we demonstrate that Gbx2 controls Robo expression by regulating LIM-domain transcription factors through three different mechanisms: Gbx2 and Lhx2 compete for binding to the Lmo3...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2012) 139 (8): 1435–1446.
Published: 15 April 2012
..., Robo2-expressing SACMN axons normally navigate through LEP-associated Slits as they emerge from the spinal cord, and fail to exit in Slit-deficient mice. Our studies support the view that Nkx2.9 controls SACMN axon exit from the mammalian spinal cord by regulating Robo-Slit signaling. * Author...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2010) 137 (14): 2417–2426.
Published: 15 July 2010
...Hope A. Coleman; Juan-Pablo Labrador; Rebecca K. Chance; Greg J. Bashaw Slits and their Roundabout (Robo) receptors mediate repulsive axon guidance at the Drosophila ventral midline and in the vertebrate spinal cord. Slit is cleaved to produce fragments with distinct signaling properties...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2009) 136 (21): 3607–3615.
Published: 1 November 2009
... failure of muscles to target their correct tendon cells. In addition,overexpression of LRT in tendon cells often stalled muscles located close to the tendon cells. LRT formed a protein complex with Robo, and we detected a functional genetic interaction between Robo and LRT at the level of muscle migration...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2009) 136 (7): 1201–1210.
Published: 1 April 2009
... regulates these migrations by inhibiting the Rac GEF activity of UNC-73, a homolog of the Rac and Rho GEF Trio. The antagonistic effects of CRML-1 and UNC-73 can control the direction of growth cone migration by regulating the levels of the SAX-3(a Robo homolog) guidance receptor. Consistent...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2008) 135 (22): 3643–3653.
Published: 15 November 2008
... trajectories parallel to the floor plate. To identify longitudinal guidance mechanisms in vivo, the overall role of floor plate tissue and the specific roles of Slit/Robo signals were tested. Ectopic induction or genetic deletion of the floor plate diverted longitudinal axons into abnormal trajectories...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2007) 134 (21): 3795–3804.
Published: 1 November 2007
...Marie-Pierre Furrer; Irina Vasenkova; Daichi Kamiyama; Yaira Rosado; Akira Chiba The molecular mechanisms that generate dendrites in the CNS are poorly understood. The diffusible signal molecule Slit and the neuronally expressed receptor Robo mediate growth cone collapse in vivo. However...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2007) 134 (5): 833–837.
Published: 1 March 2007
... in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea . RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown of a planarian ortholog of the axon-guidance receptor roundabout ( robo ) leads to unexpected phenotypes during anterior regeneration, including the development of a supernumerary pharynx (the feeding organ of the animal...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2006) 133 (5): 823–832.
Published: 1 March 2006
... 21 12 2005 © 2006. 2006 Slit Robo Netrin Neogenin Mammary Mouse The study conformed to guidelines set by the UCSC animal care committee(CARC). Mouse Ntn1 severe hypomorphs, and Slit1, Slit2, Slit3,Robo1 and Robo2 nulls were generated and genotyped...
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2005) 132 (20): 4483–4495.
Published: 15 October 2005
... which molecules mediate this effect in vivo. We show that Slit and Robo proteins are candidate motor axon guidance molecules, as Robo proteins are expressed by cranial motoneurons, and Slit proteins are expressed by the tissues that delimit motor axon trajectories, i.e. the floor plate and the rhombic...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2004) 131 (5): 997–1006.
Published: 1 March 2004
... of Science Policy and Planning, NINDS, NIH,Bethesda, MD 20892, USA 3 11 2003 © 2004. 2004 Serotonin Axon guidance Midline Eagle Robo Transporter Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is a neurotransmitter that modulates virtually every neural circuit in the brain...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2003) 130 (21): 5073–5082.
Published: 1 November 2003
... of the brain such as the amygdala. The VNO-AOB projection is topographically organised such that axons from apical and basal parts of the VNO terminate in the anterior and posterior AOB respectively. We provide evidence that the Slit family of axon guidance molecules and their Robo receptors contribute...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2002) 129 (21): 4941–4951.
Published: 1 November 2002
... unicellular branches towards their target tissues is controlled by complex local interactions with target cells. Slit, a phylogenetically conserved axonal guidance signal, is expressed in several tracheal targets and is required both for attraction and repulsion of tracheal branches. Robo and Robo2...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2002) 129 (20): 4719–4728.
Published: 15 October 2002
...-mail: [email protected] ) 12 6 2002 Chick netrin slit Robo GFP Time-lapse confocal microscopy Examination of GFP-chimaeras at E6 revealed rhombic lip derivatives that have migrated into ventral rhombomere 1 ( Fig. 1 C). The leading processes of cells turn either rostrally or caudally...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2002) 129 (6): 1317–1325.
Published: 15 March 2002
..., Robo. Lola is thus the examplar of a class of axon guidance molecules that control axon patterning by coordinating the regulation of multiple, independent guidance genes, ensuring that they are co-expressed at the correct time, place and relative level. These observations add a new level...