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Keywords: Olig1
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2006) 133 (17): 3389–3398.
Published: 1 September 2006
...-specific zinc-finger transcription regulator, by screening for genes downregulated in the optic nerves of Olig1 -null mice. The predicted primary structure of Zfp488 is evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates. In the developing CNS, Zfp488 is specifically expressed in oligodendrocytes...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2001) 128 (4): 527–540.
Published: 15 February 2001
... 2001 Mouse Shh Oligodendrocytes Telencephalon Olig1 Olig2 PDGFRα Plp Oligodendrocytes, through their ability to myelinate axon fascicles, play an essential role in the mature nervous system. Although the function of oligodendrocytes is well understood in the adult nervous...