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Keywords: Handedness
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Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2019) 146 (9): dev175976.
Published: 14 May 2019
... that the gene sets the chirality at the one-cell stage, the earliest observed symmetry-breaking event linked directly to body handedness in the animal kingdom. The early intracellular chirality is superseded by the inter-cellular chirality during the 3rd cleavage, leading to asymmetric nodal and Pitx expression...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
In collection:
Plant development
Journal: Development
Development (2016) 143 (18): 3272–3282.
Published: 15 September 2016
... and protoderm . Protoplasma   192 , 178 - 188 . 10.1007/BF01273890 Bergmann , D. C. , Crew , J. R. , Kramer , J. M. and Wood , W. B. ( 1998 ). Cuticle chirality and body handedness in Caenorhabditis elegans . Dev. Genet.   23 , 164 - 174 . http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1520...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2001) 128 (24): 4935–4948.
Published: 15 December 2001
... LR symmetric. At later stages, however, the larva undergoes differential LR development to form the adult rudiment on the left side of the body ( Czihak, 1965 ; Okazaki, 1975 ). Sea urchin Adult rudiment Left-right asymmetry Half embryo Handedness © 2001. 2001 28 9 2001...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (1990) 110 (3): 949–954.
Published: 1 November 1990
... of iv/iv cells to both the heart and the visceral yolk-sac. * Author for correspondence 21 08 1990 © 1990 by Company of Biologists 1990 asymmetry handedness chimeras situs inversus Handed asymmetry is the consistent difference between left and right sides...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (1990) 109 (1): 1–9.
Published: 1 May 1990
.... We propose a model for the development of handedness in bilateral animals, comprising three components. (I) A process termed conversion , in which a molecular handedness is converted into handedness at the cellular level. A specific model for this process is put forward, based on cell polarity...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (1989) 105 (3): 457–471.
Published: 1 March 1989
... direction for the intercalation of new positional values. © 1989 by Company of Biologists 1989 Tetrahymena thermophila mirror image ciliary rows handedness doublet positional information References Allen , R. D. ( 1967 ). Fine structure, reconstruction, and possible...
Journal Articles