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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2002) 129 (24): 5621–5634.
Published: 15 December 2002
... thalamic nuclei establish highly ordered projections with specific neocortical domains and the mechanisms controlling the initial topography of these projections remain to be characterized. To address this issue, we examined Ebf1 -/- embryos in which a subset of thalamic axons does not reach the neocortex...
Journal Articles
Journal: Development
Development (2000) 127 (24): 5297–5307.
Published: 15 December 2000
.... Specific combinations of these markers are associated with each migratory phase in r4, r5 and r6. In Krox20 and kreisler mutant mouse embryos, both of which lack r5, fbm neurones migrate dorsally into the anteriorly positioned r6 and adopt an r6-specific expression pattern. In embryos deficient for Ebf1...