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Development's Pathway to Independence programme

Visual to show transition from postdoc to PIDevelopment is excited to announce our call for our Pathway to Independence programme, aimed at supporting researchers transitioning to independence. On this page, you will find further details about what this programme hopes to achieve and how to apply. Please also read our Editorial to find out more about why we initiated this programme. You can also find out more about our 2023 and 2024 cohorts of PI fellows, and read about some of the elements of the programme in this post on the Node

To apply, please visit The Company of Biologists' grants portal, but please read the questions and answers below first to find out more and check your eligibility. 

If you have any questions about this new initiative, please contact us on [email protected]


What is the Pathway to Independence (PI) programme?

Development's PI programme aims to support researchers in the developmental biology and stem cell field as they transition from postdoc to principal investigator. This competitive scheme will provide mentorship and networking opportunities, and will help to raise the profile of those individuals selected to be part of the programme.

Why is Development offering this programme?

Development is published by a not-for-profit publishing organisation, The Company of Biologists, whose mission is to support the biological community. We already offer a number of grants to the research community, including meeting grants to help offset the cost of running conferences and travelling fellowships to support early career researchers make collaborative visits to other laboratories. The PI programme extends the range of support we offer to the community, and targets a group of people who can sometimes struggle to receive the advice they need to navigate the job market successfully. 

What exactly does the programme offer?

Selected 'PI fellows' will receive the following:

  • A tailored mentorship session with one of our editors (which could, for example, involve a mock job interview, or help the fellow refine their research proposal).
  • An in-person meeting in Cambridge involving professional leadership training and scientific discussion - including the opportunity to get feedback on our research vision for your future lab. 
  • The opportunity to be featured in the journal and/or on the Node to help raise their profile.
  • Networking opportunities with other PI fellows and alumni of the scheme.

This programme has been developed in consultation with our previous cohorts of PI fellows, and will evolve further moving forwards, to ensure we provide the most useful support we can. 

Who is eligible and how do I apply? 

The programme is open to any researcher active in a field relevant to Development (animal and plant developmental biology, stem cells or regeneration) who is planning to go on the job market in 2025. To apply, you will need to fill in a short application form via our grants portal (first create an account, then select 'Development PI programme' from the menu on the left hand side). You will need to provide information about your research career to date and your future research plans, and will also need to upload a CV, publication list and letter of support from your current supervisor. You will also have the opportunity to select which of our editors you would most like to meet with.
This document provides full details of the application form. 

I applied previously but was unsuccessful: can I apply again?
Yes. Given the small number of individuals we can support each year, we recognise that we had to decline many excellent applications and are happy to consider these candidates again – assuming you have not yet secured an independent position. We will assess these in the same way we do new applications; a prior negative experience will not count against you.

Why should I bother applying? 

Our 2023 cohort of PI Fellows report that the programme has been hugely beneficial as they navigate their path to independence. The feedback we have received from them includes:

"This programme made me feel part of a community of talented future group leaders and provided me with great opportunities to promote my applications. Sharing is caring!"

"Through their multiple networking and training opportunities, the PI program empowered me with tools to help launch my independent group and connect with peers at the same career stage, creating a supportive environment."

"This programme has been a game changer for me as I search for an independent position, giving me unprecedented visibility in the community as well as amazing training that will help me in my transition to being a PI."

We hope that future PI fellows will find the programme equally rewarding, and that - as the programme develops - we will build a supportive network of young PIs across the developmental and stem cell biology field.

What's the deadline for applications and when will I find out if I have been successful?

Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2025. We aim to announce the successful candidates in March 2025.

How will you select the successful candidates?

Given our limited resources, we will only be able to support a small number of candidates (the first two cohorts comprised eight Fellows each year). All applications will be reviewed by our team of academic and professional editors, and the successful applicants will be selected based on their research record and future plans, as well as on the extent to which they are likely to benefit from such a scheme. We hope to receive applications from across the world and aim to support researchers from a  diverse range of backgrounds. The selection procedure will involve an initial triage, an in-depth review by one or more Academic Editors to shortlist candidates, and a final selection by a committee comprising our Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor and a small number of Academic Editors. 

How does this programme link to Development presents...?

Development presents... is the journal's webinar series. In 2025, we aim to showcase researchers who have applied to the PI programme - not just those who have been selected as PI fellows. We will be hosting monthly webinars, each featuring 2-3 talks from people who have applied to the PI programme and indicated on the application form that they would like to give a talk. Unfortunately, we may not be able to feature all those who wish to present their work, but we hope this gives more people the opportunity to showcase their work than we can through the PI programme. 


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